Well... you must admit that even for a westener its pretty difficult to discern between the two. KEK
I simply do not like articles like this, no source but a Christian newspaper. Geee... maybe they are biased? And its an older article, updated in august 2024... I guess they are hunting cristians right now over there.
At the age of 10 yrs in 1967, I begged my mother to take me out of the Catholic church, because I caught them lying. At the age of 12 my best friends father had a monthly newspaper delivered called UFO Nachrichten... (News) in German. From then on I used the central library and read ALL SF books I could find... probably more than 700 of them, I found out early, that only SF could show me information I was after. Since then, I was waking up bit by bit, and noone around to share my new reality. As I heard of Q in Steve Quayle´s Site, I found many people that where waking up as well... I´m now 67Y/O and still trying to wake ppl up, but now with much more confidence.
Whatever... I think this guy missed his real calling... being an complete unknown Jewish stand up comedian... he reminds me Larry Fine from the Three Stooges, Larry at least having some talent.
THXalot I was there to see if I could recall my nickname, but alas... nope
these families are changing their names for centuries... it all started as they where known as the name thieves, impersonators, thats why they are so good as actors, comedians... you have to be a good liar to have suckesss.
So this thing did fly... so add this story to the mass sighting of strange drones around New Jersey and you get a pretty close picture of what is REALLY happening
ooops... Civilized? now thats RACIS! JK
The planet is BIG, man... I know of at least two Amazone tribes with no contact at all... and the Millions of Chinese and Indian people that live inland, some even with no electricity nowadays...
welll... she is the Greta of days bygone
Yes you are right. My bad! Thank you for digging deeper! But anyways, the title of the OP is misleading, as this is not the Foundations logo, but you see it only on this page, of one report.
I could not find this logo on the site. Here is the link to the annual report depicted with the Pedo logo > https://www.fondationtrudeau.ca/sites/default/files/trudeau_rapport_16-17_en-vf-web-low.pdf and here is the logo of the foundation > https://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/themes/custom/petf_glider/PETF-logo-dark.png
NATO umbrella? Not happening!
China, who has control of Lula, demanded that this subject (Janja) was not to be present in any meetings between China and Brazil. I would say its a step in the right direction. This poor ignoramus does not even speak her own language properly.
nice thought... but its not the way Trump holds his hands while sitting. I do something similar in the Toilet.
Leftists just figured out how to save the World! They stopped to reproduce! Magnificent news!
You mean after the Rods of God?
yes, you see, it worked so well with me I couldnt remember his name at all! KEK
Oh yes! thank you! I was starting to think I was nutz! LOL
I´ll go and ask the Amish if they want fluor in their water instead of drinking and cooking only from their Well via handpump in the kitchen... I still remember the fresh taste of my grandpa´s well water taste, and I was 10 Y/old last time I had it... Now I´m 67. The walls of the Well where completely covered with wild growing garden Cress, I loved the smell coming out of the well while sipping on a soup laddle of water out of the wooden Bucket I got up via the wooden well whinch... this was 1967 in Southern Brazil, and Grandpa was Mennonite.
its based on Chopin´s " Funeral March" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-9wXQpzESo
If one also considers who took the pic (annie leibovitz, 75 yrs old) it makes me go hmmmm... https://loeildelaphotographie.com/en/annie-leibovitz-descendants-of-light-american-photographers-of-jewish-ancestry-by-penny-wolin/
The two Rings one can see on the side are to carry the Ark. they are way too fragile for the Ark being made of pure Gold. Now the "Replica" aspect of this post, of course its a replica, but not of the one mentioned in the Bible, but the one from Hollywoods Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark