TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to find a bunch of gun-less morons you needn't look further than the rainbow haired crowds in all these liberal cities.

Couldn't have happened in my town because the truck would have gotten shot to pieces before it got 10 feet and the attacker wouldn't even resemble a human being by the time the cops arrived

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Project Paperclip cannot be likened to H1B but nice try

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +3 / -1

You don't fucking get it.

The entire strength of America is that we intelligently steal the cream of the crop from the entire world. All the smartest most skilled people from the planet.

We want those. I have a friend whose ticket into the country was being a master machinist of fine engine components.

The abuse bit, and the part we need to STOP, is people coming in and saying "oh yeah I'm a doctor in my country oh yeah I'm an engineer of advanced robotics" but when they come in that's not fucking true at all and the employer fucking lied to get a basic fucking nurse into the country, and the 'advanced robotics' guy doesn't know shit either and they call him advanced robotics in all his paperwork when in reality it's a complete moron who they moved into IT because after getting stateside it became extremely apparent they're not capable of the shit put on the application.

H1B abuse affects me personally. But getting rid of H1B is not the answer; the answer is to start cracking down hard as SHIT on H1B abuse, I'm thinking charges of treason.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +2 / -1

Absolutely did not ask for more immigration.

Getting rid of H1B would break America overnight.

Not knowing this means you're too far-disconnected to be making any real decisions.

TDanonDJTJR2024 0 points ago +4 / -4

Very alarming that a mod is pushing the anti-Elon agenda.

I had generally assumed all the mods were savvy.

So are you simply not knowing the truth, that Elon is part of The Plan and that it's no small coincidence that we have the Trump/Kennedy/Tesla gang back together after all these years, or


TDanonDJTJR2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those helicopters are intentionally made to fucking crash if anyone other than a Blackhawk pilot attempts to fly it.

The exact sequences of everything to do to fly it successfully is classified and there are many built-in troll switches to completely fuck up your day.

Get rekt 3rd world useful idiots

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

My organization is literally trying to do this to me but the girl is completely the fuck retarded

Context: IT

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

The NSA is our guys. Complete and total control.

The NSA freakout by the left in 2013 was because they do not control the NSA.

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can someone please assist me in locating a resource which identifies all the craziest shit in the Talmud? Thanks

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still haven't called Pennsylvania on Google as of 1:19am even tho they've called it on TV... weird

TDanonDJTJR2024 5 points ago +5 / -0

God has a grand sense of humor with me and I wouldn't dare ask something like this because I would 100% get attacked by the bald eagle 😁

But then again I have no reason to ask.

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, Jesus committed suicide and He went to Heaven.

But one of the Chosen recognizes the importance and holiness of the body and would only lay down their life for the sake of others.

It is not a sin to lay down your life so long as you're doing it for the correct reasons.

Suicide is a funny word.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very deep lyrics. "Fuck this fakeass war" comms

TDanonDJTJR2024 4 points ago +4 / -0

81 is used to represent (H)ell's (A)ngels by the way.

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were watching the rally from the outside. They were not in a gun-free zone—WHERE were their guns‽

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