Has the jury on this trial reached a verdict yet?
Hmmm.... yes, plausible.
Every time I see one of these psy-op videos it makes me wonder, WHY are they advertising their presence, or even their very existence?
It seems to me that a true psy-op outfit that "works in the shadows" would strive to deny its very existence, not plaster it all over the internet.
It means you ain't nothin' but a hound dog.
Thanks for posting this, it's going to be a lot to dig into. Saving it for future reference.
Thank you, you are too kind.
I had neurogenic bladder after cancer treatments 11 years ago. All I can say is that it got better in time, but I had to make a conscious effort to always know where the bathroom was at any given location I went to. At first there were "surprise" episodes of urgency as my bladder was not sending messages to the brain in time, just a sudden need to go and so I WENT!! Over time such episodes stopped, and I hope your son has the same experience. It's frustrating, but for me time was the healer.
Yup, apparently. I live in a semi-rural area, so maybe I'll pick up some road kill this morning to serve to them.
Yeah, I didn't offer that link as "proof" of anything. I too have kept an eye on that site and have seen the numerous countdowns and ominous-sounding predictions, and then nada.... nothing. I don't know what their game is, but I keep watching for entertainment, as long as it doesn't cost me anything.
I stopped reading after this: "A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people. "
Also predicted here: https://qofficial.net/password
Criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I got so used to carrying my Browning Hi-Power 9mm that once I almost went through airport security getting to a plane...realized it at the last minute, did a 180, went back to my car (it was a small regional airport, so it wasn't that much of an inconvenience), placed the pistol under the driver's seat, and then returned to the airport. Close call!
"Rules for thee, but not for me."
Exactly! I wonder how many will get that Patton reference?
...whose name will forever have an asterisk (*) in the list of presidents.
The one enduring trait of the tyrannical Left is that they never learn from their mistakes. To them, when things go wrong it is NEVER their policies to blame, but they will blame a dozen other causes -- "the people are stupid," (they) didn't push hard enough, it was those evil right-wingers who diluted our message... yada yada yada.
And they will then double down on their losing efforts until they grow old and die, or go extinct, or until (they) are voted out of power and become vile and bitter dissidents.
I knew that an acid post would follow Biden's pardon of Hunter, but I did NOT know that it would be this glorious!! Trump, you mad genius, I love you!!
I react negatively to such ads, and I consider myself to be an educated, fairly cultured American. The bombar is so constant that I just tune out the commercials and whatever they spent on them is lost on me. In fact I am LESS likely to buy their products than if they had never advertised at all.
Heh, I live in order to be able to piss on the grave of the Deep State. Make it so!
Entirely different concept, has nothing to do with "The Fourth Turning." TFT is a historical work designed to understand and explain generational differences and how those differences guide history through inescapable cycles. Check it out, you might be intrigued by the theory.
As for Klaus Schwab, I don't care about anything he wrote, it's probably a lie or very wishful thinking.
Memo to "climate alarmists" everywhere: Your time is up. You've had almost 50 years to make your case, to PROVE your case, and you've failed. So just go away, and take that moron John Kerry with you. You are not wanted or needed in America now.
Slowly introduce the idea of "culture"... great literature, great music, great art. Once exposed to Joseph Conrad, Beethoven, Mozart, Ralph Vaughn Williams, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and other icons of Western civilization, it's hard to go back to the cotton candy of Disney et al.
A couple of observations. The gunman had to repeatedly manually cycle his automatic, probably because the suppressor was heavy and homemade, which does not allow the pistol to cycle normally. Second, he was pretty clinical about it, placing his shots carefully and not wildly doing the gangsta "spray 'n pray" technique. Third, apparently the gunman knew the mark would be at that spot and was laying in ambush for him. Finally, the video ends as the gunman steps off the sidewalk toward the street, so I wonder if a getaway car was waiting for him?
My first point (about the suppressor being too heavy), that will certainly cause an semi-auto pistol to not cycle properly. If it's too big or made out of steel outer casing, that can happen.