Forsooth, merry jester, we give ye thanks for news from the Nakatomi Plaza.
So will this be the match that ignites the final insurrection? Federal agents pitted against city police, or perhaps STATE police? Hmmm, I need some more popcorn to watch this play out.
If Trump and Holman are smart (and they ARE), they will find a way to negate this jackass and do their roundups in Chicago in the public spotlight, sending a clear message that the old ways are now over.
The "1984" Ministry of Truth will have to wait a few more generations, until a new set of totalitarians gain a foothold. We have only stopped it FOR NOW.
What was the comment that got you banned?
Is that where Monty Python got the idea for that scene in "Monty Python and The Holy Grail"?
Wow, that's a lot to wrap my head around, so early in the morning. Interesting thesis, though.
Heh, the LAST time Colombia "threatened" America, Teddy Roosevelt invaded the isthmus of Panama (which was part of Colombia then) and turned Panama into an independent country.... and then built a canal there.
Maybe "feral pig" would have been better, but the die is cast.
This makes me proud to be an old, former Jarhead. Not as lean, but just as mean as I ever was.
Do it as the halftime show at the Super Bowl.
Well if the ACLU loses its tax-deduction status, fewer and fewer people will want to donate to it.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Well, a little more information than that one-sentence tease would certainly be in order.
Why not take the next logical step and quit the UN entirely?
I too am 87% fat and very salty, thus I must be bacon. -- Francis Bacon
From Google: Who funds the ACLU?
"The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is funded by a variety of sources, including:
Donations and grants
The ACLU receives millions of dollars in donations from individuals and grants from private foundations each year.
Member dues The ACLU is a membership organization, and members pay dues to support the organization's work.
Tax-deductible donations The ACLU Foundation is the tax-deductible arm of the ACLU, and donations to the foundation can be used to support the ACLU's work.
So it sounds like Trump's first order of business when dealing with the ACLU would be to remove its tax-deductible status.
Heh... or jail.
If true, and it's a big "IF", then this would be most likely the biggest shock to the nation and the world ever. To suddenly discover that everyone's most intimate and "secret" communications is stored somewhere by a single agency. Knowledge of this could topple governments and individual lives around the world.
Yeah... to work up public fever against cars, Steven King could write a book about an out-of-control car with a mission to kill... oh wait...
That must be some crazy Hippocratic Oath those Muslim doctors take.
When have you EVER seen a crowd running TOWARD an explosion and fire?
I bet it Meant More to them when they lived in it.