Or you could just keep bananas slices in the freezer and pulse a handful in a blender/ food processor with some coconut or almond milk and honey for instant soft serve.
Dark chocolate melted with some coconut oil makes a heart healthy magic shell too.
Where do these people work? I have no problem calling ICE on your friends.
Terribly naive. Learn about Marek's disease and how vaccines can make viruses more deadly for the unvaccinated. This is all so much more sinister.
That makes sense
Anyone else remember this video? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRq0Sj6fOM
I wasn't expecting all of that. I'm showing everybody this interview.
I like your granite.
When you live in the information age, ignorance is a choice.
Smithfield ham enters the chat
This guy tropics!
Never gets old
You have to accept that there are people who hate you and want you dead, some by their own hands, and will continue to no matter how bleeding heart Democrst nicey nice you are, or whether there's a cabal or not. Some crave money, some power, some want blood no matter who runs the world and will do whatever they have to, to you, and not even flinch. Might even get a chuckle out of it. They are organized, they are against you, and you will be at war with them as long as they decide to keep trying to kill you. They should not be among us but they are. The enemy is with the gates. You are in mortal danger. This is one reason you will not be allowed a homogeneous society, it is safe there. It's nice you seem to have lived a life where you've never encounteed true evil, but that is not how the real world operates.
The wallpaper around Bidens head during his green-leaves-in-the-window speech swims with his movements. Both vids are suspect.
I needed this.
Probably just some guys in Kentucky having fun.
They need an easy to sell explanation for the continued odd military state od DC.
There needs to be at least some of that. When your child puts a penny in the outlet after you told him not to, you remind them they were instructed not to do that. Then you reinforce how important it is to listen and heed. It shiuld be done. Just maybe not in the gloating "I told you so" way.
With some of my closer friends I've red pilled, the "I told you so" sounds more like, "Uh huh. Mhm. Now imagine what other crazy atuff I've said that I'm gonna be right about. Terrified yet? Lets talk about it..."
Def gonna say I told you so.
Yeah, share it!
Watch the water?
lin - A pool or collection of water, particularly one above or below a waterfall. n.A waterfall.
That's,pretty clever. Reminds me of when the Cape Canaveral area of fla changed its area code to 3...2...1.
The zombie craze of recent years was our predictive programming. I think it's gonna be pharma that does the zombification too.. I mean, already happening wirh the numbed up non-feeling people walking around on antidepressants.
Worth it to get rid of your job stealing criminal alien friends. Worth it to pay a livable wage to an American family.