TechnoSpazz 1 point ago +1 / -0

where and which? The "irregularities" of the videos where people seemingly dissappear is just camera angles. Pretty easily disproven as anything irregular. I commented it on another post.So which ones are you referring to?

TechnoSpazz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why and how are people entertaining this lol. It's obvious it's a different angle. I don't see ANY of the people behind in the first angle in the second angle. You don't see the staircase either. Did that disappear too? It's obvious from the way he's holding his hand or the position of the Bible. If you panned the second angle to the right you'd see the ladies and the staircase...

TechnoSpazz 0 points ago +1 / -1

source? I only watched the inauguration through newsmax stream didn't see anything odd with it and don't see how it could possibly be pre-recorded. Would also mean that everyone betrayed us (hawley, Scalise, McCarthy, Cruz,etc) all attended the inauguration. The thousands of troops were there. Would not a single one come out and say that it was staged..

TechnoSpazz 1 point ago +2 / -1

how does it starting before noon mean anything? I watched it on newsmax and yea they started the ceremony early and Kamala was sworn in around 11:50 am but why or how would that mean pre-recorded rather than them just going live a bit early?

TechnoSpazz 3 points ago +3 / -0

While I agree with the sentiment some have shared below that this might lead to censorship or not make this a board of free speech. It already isn't. You can only say things that support the Q narrative and research around it. That's fine and that's why I'm here but a lot of info recently has been proven false. It's one thing to come up with a possible scenario or talk about what someone thinks is happening. Planewatching, date/time connections, numerology etc. But we've seen things like people pushing that Kamala didn't swear on the Bible but some other book yet within a few searches it was shown that the black book was a Bible..

People theorized that Biden had a ccp handler and kept pushing it and it got upvoted a lot but within a few searches people found out it was a Korean American Secret Service Agent that has provided service for many years.

The fake set of the oval office, posting tweets without sources, etc...

It doesn't have to be 100% based on sources and facts all the time but a lot of posts can be proven demonstrably false and really doesn't help us. A little bit of research and effort into posts isn't a bad thing.

TechnoSpazz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay so.. u/Wayshuba What's the original source on this lol. Did you take it from x22 or did x22 take it from you. I've seen it go full circle now

TechnoSpazz 2 points ago +2 / -0

sounds like canadian news stations on youtube like global and city or ctv and others that keep covering US events and orange man bad or now all about Biden. Ratio'd hard and not all have comments disabled. Comment section is hilarious.

TechnoSpazz 1 point ago +1 / -0

where? Looks like a 'G' to me

TechnoSpazz 0 points ago +1 / -1

so what will you say when Biden is flying in AF1 and using the military that he now controls as POTUS? No dooming just geniounly curious what the thought then would be. The military is still in on it and waiting to make their move? why?

TechnoSpazz 2 points ago +2 / -0

why the 22nd? seems like an arbitrary push of goalposts. Also, why has Q been silent for over a month? Don't want to give up hope but...

TechnoSpazz 1 point ago +1 / -0

the watch? it had a date of the 19th not 20th on it..

TechnoSpazz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Disclose.tv said whitehouse sources say president trump will give a farewell speech today around 4pm?

TechnoSpazz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Defending the republic is indeed her website though. It was listed as a defendant in the Dominion defamation suit with many news outlets saying it was a company she created to gather donations for her law suits during election fraud hearings etc. That same site was posted many times on TDW and by herself on twitter prior to suspension if memory serves right so i don't see that as the proof the site makes it out to be. Whether the telegram is real or fake idk.