Texastornado 12 points ago +12 / -0

Please continue the updates...many of us are following daily for progress reports, in order to better understand the progress you're going through, and hopefully find THE CURE to be used with our pups, if needed...God bless you and your furkids

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

definitely agree that it's "gitmo" time...like git'mo rope...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, around here, it's "useless as tits on a canary... lmao

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

she's got the "cheney smirk" ...must be hereditary...i keep thinking about the old "honeymooner's" show with Jackie Gleason..."one of these days, Alice, one of these days...to the moon, Alice..."

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

just wanted to post a comment kinda close to the topic...after much research about raw/unfiltered honey, i started giving it to my old bull mastiff when i thought he was in his last days, and vet couldn't find anything other than "old age"...my dog got immediately better, so i kept it up twice a day, and he loved it...turns out honey has lotta antibiotic/anti inflammatory/anti-fungal properties...i believe it extended his "good" life for a year...neighbor was advised to EU his old lab mix, so last-ditch effort, he started honey as well, and two years later Charlie-girl is still doing well, slowed down a bit, but neighbor believes it's a miracle...this is just kind of a PSA, and not dispensing vet/med advice...must be RAW and UNFILTERED... God bless y'all and your dogs!

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

i just had to LOL at your suggestion of "take a hammer to them"...just remembering Paul Pelosi in his panties with a pink hammer...LMAOOOO

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, i'm sure i'm gonna get gully-washed for saying this, but all of this discussion about "timbre" vs "timber" being said by most of us here who would consider President Trump a brilliant gamesman, sounds to me like a lotta "pickin' fly shit outta pepper"...have a pleasant evening, everyone!

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

"come to pass" will be in God's timing, not on our schedule...i still have faith that the movie we are watching will be coming to an end, and everything will be revealed to us, all in God's good timing...God bless, friend...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q drops keep telling us we are watching a movie, right? and many things are happening behind the scenes, which will all be revealed to us when God decides that the time has come...nothing will be hidden...i believe that we all have the ability to be a prophet, maybe not to thousands on-air broadcasts, but perhaps just to a friend who needs to hear God's promises...and don't we all prophesy when we say "the best is yet to come"?

Texastornado 6 points ago +6 / -0

wow...such composure for her mother's beautiful eulogy...just lovely and loving tribute from an amazing and accomplished daughter to her beloved mother...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

condolences for your personal experiences, but i don't think we can just blame all women for making the mess that was obviously started way before 19th was ratified...and women are still a vast minority in business as well as congress, so I don't think that's the issue there either...perhaps a different measure should be used to qualify voters?

Texastornado 7 points ago +7 / -0

ya know, at first i thought the term "retard" was kinda harsh...but thinking about it, you were absolutely correct in your diagnosis...these "kids" have come through 12+ levels of indoctrination, that took away all of their reasoning abilities, filled them with big words that they can neither understand or explain...so, actually, they are functionally and intellectually retarded in their thinking capabilities...amazing insight you have there!

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

agree completely...interviewed a young woman for a job in customer service, she did ok, so i hired her...first day, she showed up wearing a huge thing through her tongue with large metal balls on both ends, slurring her words and sounded drunk...told her can't wear that while on the job so she said it wasn't mentioned in the interview...didn't wear it in the interview! short walk to the unemployment commission...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

just HAD to ask "where's PETA??" about the treatment of these poor goats, even if they aren't "on this earth"...does PETA only care about abuse of animals on earth?/sarc (couldn't help myself...)

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

"JFK REVISITED" an Oliver Stone movie i just watched on prime video...Dulles was a shitbag, and got an airport named after him...was worth a watch, knowing now so much more, and redactions removed...i also re-watched the orig "JFK" Oliver Stone movie starring Kevin Costner...pieces falling into place, imo...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just from the intensity of her eyes, she's scared shitless...being an actress, she may be "playing" scared, but i don't think that's the answer...maybe there's more to this story about co-star Perry's recent death...maybe she rolled and being hunted/protected...interesting, though...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

THIS is the best presentation I have ever seen about what's happened, and how, and when it all began, and what's to come...have already sent it to everyone i know, for them to really understand in a concise and accurate format...THANK YOU for posting this!

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fifth generation Native Texan grandma here...my beloved TEXAS ain't goin' nowhere! i can't aim as well as i used to, but i can load magazines for those who are dead-eye marksmen/women...i do have red or green lasers on all of my house appliances..."come and take it" isn't just a slogan, it's an invitation...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

betcha she already mailed in her vote for 2024!

Texastornado 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is SenatorLisa Murkowski dead? I must have missed that one...

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