Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

agree completely...interviewed a young woman for a job in customer service, she did ok, so i hired her...first day, she showed up wearing a huge thing through her tongue with large metal balls on both ends, slurring her words and sounded drunk...told her can't wear that while on the job so she said it wasn't mentioned in the interview...didn't wear it in the interview! short walk to the unemployment commission...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

just HAD to ask "where's PETA??" about the treatment of these poor goats, even if they aren't "on this earth"...does PETA only care about abuse of animals on earth?/sarc (couldn't help myself...)

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

"JFK REVISITED" an Oliver Stone movie i just watched on prime video...Dulles was a shitbag, and got an airport named after him...was worth a watch, knowing now so much more, and redactions removed...i also re-watched the orig "JFK" Oliver Stone movie starring Kevin Costner...pieces falling into place, imo...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just from the intensity of her eyes, she's scared shitless...being an actress, she may be "playing" scared, but i don't think that's the answer...maybe there's more to this story about co-star Perry's recent death...maybe she rolled and being hunted/protected...interesting, though...

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

THIS is the best presentation I have ever seen about what's happened, and how, and when it all began, and what's to come...have already sent it to everyone i know, for them to really understand in a concise and accurate format...THANK YOU for posting this!

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fifth generation Native Texan grandma here...my beloved TEXAS ain't goin' nowhere! i can't aim as well as i used to, but i can load magazines for those who are dead-eye marksmen/women...i do have red or green lasers on all of my house appliances..."come and take it" isn't just a slogan, it's an invitation...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

betcha she already mailed in her vote for 2024!

Texastornado 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is SenatorLisa Murkowski dead? I must have missed that one...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

agree, and won't be long 'till the official Christmas "shoplifting" season is here...well, jingle my bells!!!

Texastornado 29 points ago +29 / -0

just got off the phone with an 83 year old former lifelong DEM who has awakened, thanks to everyone at this site... and i did say that this GAW site is undoubtedly the most intelligent, dedicated and patriotic group of people that i have ever had the honor of associating with...i do not post many comments, mostly because somebody has already addressed them way more eloquently, but i am an avid daily reader and share info frequently...even the most resistant in my circle are leaving the dark side and turning into the light...thanks, everybody!

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

agree about 99% might be overestimating a bit...but to me, and for what i've already seen, dug around and found out, the whole truth/scope about CHILDREN missing, sexual and other torture, adrenochrome, organ harvesting, spirit cooking, etc, would indeed be what would affect huge numbers of people...too horrific to even think about, much less witness the truth exposure by video, audio, other means...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

well, those went FAST! i cruise jbm site and posted last week about them having two wwg1wga types of coins in stock at that time...next day, this particular coin was long gone, but they did still have the punisher one in stock, sold out now also...jmb calls them qanon, and the upcharge is kinda pricey, but i did grab a few before sold out...already received my pkg, so i think paying a little extra for accelerated shipping was worth it...fwiw, i think jmb is best company to work with, never been any issue...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

commies name-calling, and counting: "basket of deplorables", "bitter clingers to our guns and Bibles", (i forget what we were called last week), and now "cesspool"...sounds like some fifth-grade bullying going on...bless their hearts/sarc

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

your last point is the sticker...if/when shtf starts, we will have no idea how long and how deep the situation will be, so quantifying what your family needs will be, there's just no way to assess...better safe than sorry, and i'm thinking communities will come together, where there actually are communities, with "soup kitchens" where you may contribute something to help, without depleting your own family reserves...if people are hungry, the formerly-rich and poor alike will need to stand in the soup line together, just my opinion...

Texastornado 3 points ago +3 / -0

interesting your point "forgive those who repent" and i agree completely...but what i would expect is that their arrogance in this lead-up to shtf, will fully continue, without repentance and with demanding...thinking about the prodigal son, the son returned to the father fully repentant, and deserving of forgiveness...i guess the critical question will be what to do for the arrogant/demanding situation, and i do not have an answer for that one...

Texastornado 4 points ago +4 / -0

well, i find i agree with both sides of the comments here...the tale of the grasshopper and the ant comes to mind, most often...i expect a deep dive into the bible would find support for both sides, also...and from experience in other matters similar to this, the ones most prideful and ignorant at this point, will be the ones demanding the biggest "share"...hoping all of this preparation will never come to the point where we hafta find out what our answers will be at that time...i suspect the attitudes of the ones asking/demanding our help will dictate how we respond...God bless, and He will lead each of us to our next right thing to do...

Texastornado 1 point ago +1 / -0

holding on to a probably false hope that Judge Scalia is still alive and working behind the scenes, with the Trump team...the circumstances of his "death" just seem too odd, in a location where he never should have been, cremated immediately (iirc) and family refused autopsy...never set right with me...

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

hmmm "exited the tail end"...why am i thinking that refers to entirely sumpin else??? lol

Texastornado 2 points ago +2 / -0

not trying to promote a company, but if anybody is interested in silver bullion, 1oz coin, Q wwg1wga, I just happened to see that JM Bullion has stock on two diff styles, upcharge is a little high, but might come in handy sometime...these typically sell out quick, so i ordered a few just now...

Texastornado 3 points ago +4 / -1

omigosh, i just said exactly THIS!!!

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

anybody else think that this is the body double? looks like kinda short as compared to his security detail, to me, and would be really risky for Pres Trump to walk through the crowds like that?

Texastornado 5 points ago +5 / -0

fifth generation Native Texan here, and i concur with your comment! the Republic of Texas still stands!

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