TheHumanPrimer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lindsey is going through withdrawals from not enough wars. We despise him in South Carolina. He can't eat in a restaurant here any more without being boo-ed. We use to think he was part gay but now we think he is more likely a Diddler.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got me there... but... you can't eat an airborne laser system. Just for giggles, I did submit a proposal to redesign the United Nations into a newer, more efficient, less corruptible organization. Does that count for anything?

TheHumanPrimer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Must just be communications problem... right? Obviously you are too racist to see the problem... they would say.

We need more sane people

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great quote! But I must correct you on something, "You have to keep your teeth for old age!" lol

Two of my favorite "live by" quotes.

"Everything works out in the end. If things aren't working out... you are at the end yet."


"The wise man, though all laws were abolished, would lead the same life!"

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed, I have only learned from "other people" but consistently delved into both sides of any ideas. As I grew older, many nagging questions lingered that nobody had answers to. It was those questions that drove me out of the mainstream and into sources that at least weighed-in on the subject matter... right or wrong, they at least provided answers. Of course, for the most part, unverifiable. I know, the opposite of your approach. Even so, what I noticed was that most of these disparate sources begin to have dots that connected. That dot-connecting (though accidentally realized) begin to tell a story suggesting there could be something there. So the quest begin.

I spent over 30 years of travel trying to answer the question of which religion was right... even wrote a book about my findings and conclusions. As it turned out, science had the answers I sought. Science untraveled the mystery as to which religion was right and which was wrong. Curious? The answer science provided was the "how" part. How did they work. Turns out, they all used the exact same formula and they were all right... yet, they were all wrong at the same time. Worthy of discussion but too much to write here.

And also, okay you got me beat on the age scale.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well said. You keep mentioning your age. Care to share your age? I was born in 1959. No military background... other than my father, born in 1919, died at age of 98, was also a General in the Air Force so I have thousands of hours in intellectual discussions with him under my belt. He was a great teacher.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well no, I haven't petered out. I enjoy most exchanges I have online. I wasn't feeling the joy in this conversation. Equally relevant, you lost my attention when you appeared quite adamant about the existence of realities in higher dimensional.

We likely share some skepticism regarding esoteric materials... thus I very spiritual but not religions. Standing in contrast however, there are very limited resources for researching anything outside of 3D and even outside Earth civilizations and thus this forces research into esoteric sources to consider. It is from these collective of colliding sources I have formed opinions. Some of these would be controversial to classical teaching and disciplines like yours.

Even so, I am not blaming you nor attacking your position. A polite exchange is welcomed but I am not here to argue nor to convert you. Fair?

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct. I was under the impression this shot came from someone other than him... thus accounting for two people with the capability. If so, how odd.

TheHumanPrimer 50 points ago +50 / -0

If this is a fake story, and I think it is... they are measuring how vulnerable we are to such manipulation. 35%? 05%?

Logically, nobody's carrying a camera that is that high speed. Validity dead right there. I don't think such a cell phone camera even exists... anyone know of one? Who just happened to be there and take this shot with such an expensive and rare camera.

.... riiiight. Just sit this one out until some verifiable evidence surfaces... and it should.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

OOPS! So yea, let's put him in charge so he can control the CYA. Insane but predictable. "When you know the playbook!"

TheHumanPrimer 5 points ago +5 / -0

No worries mate. Once you are awake you can't go back to sleep. There is a great awakening to the hidden corruption worldwide and we are the antiseptic for it.

If it is of any help to you, All the esoteric sources have predicted a ascension of the human race beyond our world currently designed around fear and anger. We have all experienced this model. The only question is when and how long does this take.

Don't know that answer but I am sure we are in this transition. I further believe that that timeline is up to us... collectively worldwide.

So yea, it might take something BIG to shock us into taking action and really defining who we are as a human race. And for that, I think we might all applaud. Let us imagine that something BIG isn't from some mass death event.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what happens to your soul when you body quits? Where does it go? Could it possibly ascend into a high vibrational world... unseen and undetected by you now?

Is earth all there is to it? What exactly is the "God particle?" anyway? Have you ever had an out of body experience? Ever met an alien? If there is another side of life do you think maybe they have ever communicated with us here?

I hate to say it Sir, but I am not the one that sounds crazy here. I am the one asking the right questions. Unlike you, I never proclaimed to know the answers. The one thing I have learned about science is there is no such thing as science fiction. Most of the so-called science fiction I saw as a child has already come to pass.

Be reminded this conversation started from a post where a man with extensive credentials, exposure and experience gave us a glimpse into what he knows. I agreed with him. Do you think he is also crazy and in la la land too?

Seriously man, chill out.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I plan to research more on the Casimir force. I really don't know enough to comment on it. You can't offend me pal... but seriously, you seem to have some desire to do so. Nice try.

I don't share much of my personal experiences nor do I claim to know it all because of the people in my orbit. Obviously, your path, your present bubble does not includes the same experiences. Are you going to now start demanding I use the right pronouns too in alignment with your thinking?

Lighten up pal. This isn't an attack on you personally.

I will say this, if you knew what your anger did to your physical body chemistry, your biology, your DNA and the electromagnetic field you generate... you would never employ such an angry demeanor... all mainstream science. So obviously you are naive in such matters... thus proof that you still have some learning to do.

Good luck in your journey and chill out man.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your confidence is inspiring. Maybe one day I can be as smart as you. But until then, I will continue my exploration. Thanks for the beat down.

Just curious, do you know how to artificially inseminate a cow? Didn't think so.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

You certainly are entitled to your opinion. I know many people that feel identical to you... you certainly aren't alone.

Yet, there are a growing number of scientists in the world that disagree with your assertions. Fiction and magic. Reminds me of a quote, "Once you label me, I can never be anything more to you."

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pardon my inability to explain such... it is conceptual in many ways and you will need to expand your thinking beyond classical understanding. Some are better than others in achieving such a perspective. Nothing right or wrong with that... just a fact. Even so, it doesn't make fiction nor magic.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Curves in a 2D world can only be on one flat plane since there is no such thing as up and down does not exist. A round ball could pass through the 2D world but the 2D inhabitants would only perceive the ball one slice at a time (as a flat plane) as it passed through their world.

Similarly, something akin to this happens as 5D passes through our 3D world... in that, some aspect of the 5D existence could be detected but no enough to explain exactly what it is.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

20 years in prison can change a man... for the better (sometimes). Could be the case here too... or not. Evidence vetted out from their whistle will discern the answer.

TheHumanPrimer 6 points ago +6 / -0

One new protocol... if we convict any Intelligence Service member for treason we shoot them from 140 yards away!

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL... yes indeed. I have learned that most of what I hear never culminates into a real happening. Yet, sometimes it does. Tough discernment to tell which is which.

In this case, I penned a bit of humor... suggesting the country is about to hang Marduro and so Elon may never have a chance to fight him.

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