I'm sorry but that makes you a right-wing wacko republican these days.
The number of people I know and actors who I liked in the past, has severely diminished during this election cycle.
No trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood. As all the houses are more than 1/4 mile apart.
More than likely it's 3rd time Trump voters here.
Both of the cities are democrat controlled. So just hurting themselves
I would have a monster drinking problem if Cankles was my mother wouldn't you?
Corporal Klinger style. From the old MASH TV show.
Here in the peoples republik of Washington. It is all mail in voting which is total B.S. no republican stands a chance here anymore.
No I have been here for a couple of years. I don't know where the 23 days came from
It gives the cheating A-Holes more time to get a handle on how bigly they need to ramp up the cheat machine.
I think the phrase " I see Russian people." Is appropriate, as Keith has the 6th sense.
They could put "the hill dawg" in there and promote it as cankles & cackles.
How can they possibly change now. People all over the country have already voted.
This is my 11th presidential vote. And I will never vote for a demon- crap.
Is that Amy Schumer?
They are the same people who've had 12 Vax shots, wear a mask and drive some sort of hybrid.
Didn't Taylor Swift take in the shorts after her endorsement of heels up Harris?
But chatty Cathy had a purpose. To entertain young children. Not traffic them
Isn't a sign of mental illness trying the same thing over and over and hoping for different results.
Howard Stern has become the liberal personification of a mangina.
This is from several years ago
I do a weave also. It's a bacon weave. I weave 6 pieces of bacon together and cook them. Them I make a BLT with the weave. It's awsome.2 pieces of bacon in each bite. And the bacon stays together in the sandwich.
She reminds me of one of the hyenas from the lion King. Has no purpose but to try and usurp power from the rightful ruler.
I think it has a kick-starter. Like a 1940's Harley.
Election day will be be my personal 7 year delta. As I stumbled on to "Q" on 11-5-2017.