ThiticalCrinking 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not so sure this is fantasy.

When Trump had to pay a $25 million dollar fine he did not just write a check. He took a loan from ladder capital to cover it.

This is more than 10 times that fine.

Most of Trump's wealth is properties so he is not very liquid.

Let's say Trump sells a building. He has to

Pay off any loans on that building.

Pay off any partners. For example, Trump owns a building in SF with Vornado Realty.

(He could just sell his share of the building, but it's obviously not 100%)

Pay taxes on any gains.

So it's not easy to cash out.

ThiticalCrinking 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure if you are joking.

The $30 is merely the filing fee.

It doesn't prevent the money from being paid.

If you sued me in NY and were awarded a million dollars you would be entitled to that right away.

Unless the judgement was stayed. To do that I have to either write a million dollar check. Or convince someone to put up my bond. Like a bail bond.

How Much Does an Appeal Bond Cost? The premiums on appeal bonds vary but are typically 1-4% of the bond amount. In addition, most applicants must post collateral worth the full bond amount to qualify for approval.

So to delay paying you the 1 million. I need to put up collateral and pay up to 40 grand per year depending on how good my collateral is.

So more than $30.

ThiticalCrinking 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um, who exactly was Gonzalo Lira. What did he do.

Navalny was a person of consequence. He was involved in Russia politics for 20 years. And an international figure for probably 10 years.

These are not equivalent figures.

I mean my uncle's death wasn't on the news either

ThiticalCrinking 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is correct.

An appeal does not stay (stop) the execution of a judgment. To stay the enforcement of a money judgment either an "Undertaking" by bond or certified check or an Order from the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court is required.


ThiticalCrinking 1 point ago +2 / -1

The State brought the action and money will go to the state.

I know SEC disgorgement judgements go to the US Treasury.

In NY it may go to a fund for the victims of crime.

ThiticalCrinking 2 points ago +2 / -0

You actually need to put up the money to launch an appeal.

An appeal does not stay (stop) the execution of a judgment. To stay the enforcement of a money judgment either an "Undertaking" by bond or certified check or an Order from the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court is required.


ThiticalCrinking 4 points ago +5 / -1

Why would NYC cops want this?

It would surely affect them wouldn't it?

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