Someone that is NOT you determining who you are after a few conversations....
What could go wrong...................................
It works if you are your own 'therapist' and don't lie to yourself, unfortunately denial and self-deceit seems to be the cornerstone of human psychology.
People don't need therapists, they need to be taught how to be honest with themselves and how to do effective self and action/consequence analysis on them selves.....
It is part of it but not the put 99% in hospital part, the happy-go-lucky part of it that won't put people in hospital.....
Start digging into Elohim.......
Any primate and up level brain tends to see what fits/is expected and ignore what doesn't....
As to motivation, It's about souls and getting more on their side.....
The reeee-bit.............
Original blend Tucker......
Current Tucker 2.0 less so....................
White Hats control the the Kamal double, not sure about Mike 2.0......
Need at least one more layer added to that, there is more than this and whats above it makes the rest seem infinitesimally(hint) trivial....
Nato and Eu tried to start ww3 by trying to get at Russian oil/gas-fields and using Ukraine as the door through which to do that.
Putin didn't start anything then and he won't start anything now.
The Show Must Go on.......
They went from the entire world to focusing on only 20 countries...........
How does an enemy behave when they are loosing(some strong parallels to draw with nazi behavior towards end of ww2....), they are starting to prioritize....................
Something is certainly up.....
You find people, personalities and psychologies across the entire spectrum in ALL religions, their religion is no different.................
You have raging psychopaths in christianity, you have meek and mild people that would never hurt anyone, both can be strong and even fanatical adherents to religious doctrine including following all the rules and rituals.
Their religion have people in it that has done and continue to do a lot of good and people that genuinely care about others, these same people have murdered and eaten infants......
Human psychology is a massive set of contradictions for the vast majority and people appear to be perfectly functional and 'normal' living with the contradictions in them.
All religions have Hunter S Thompson types in them, and every other psychology stereo/archetype...............
A bit of carbs to fix this problem is somewhat akin to advising 'just a little bit of heroin' to a junkie going through withdrawal.
For some people adaptation is rough and aspirin is good alternative to over the counter painkillers that might literally kill you, until your body adapts and figures out how to regulate blood-sugar without carbs headache can be one of the symptoms.
Your extreme symptoms does however make me ask you if you have ever been tested for diabetes.........
They took the original number(616) and replaced it with their number(666) because the feared it and the rewrote the story to fit their agenda, the original story is more akin to Prometheus than it is Lucifer.................
Think about it, most religions have common denominators but somehow where Nordic religion has Loki and Greek mythology has Prometheus, christian religion has lucifer....
Common origin, one retelling of the story doesn't fit....
Dude loves his money$$$$$.........
This will get downvoted but I don't really care as people need to realize that the 'took a deal, legacy intact' applies more to the people the majority think are white hats and not the ones everyone thinks are bad..........
Good luck making a reasoned argument against any of this without resorting to the reee.....
Doing what White Hat show-runners holding his leash tells him to......
This will get downvoted but I don't really care as people need to realize that the 'took a deal, legacy intact' applies more to the people the majority think are white hats and not the ones everyone thinks are bad..........
Good luck making a reasoned argument against any of this without resorting to the reee.....
Has been dead for quite a while now(since before they defrosted the Queen), this is just them(WhiteHats) phasing out doubles.........
If people think this is amazing, the quantum tech will freak people the fuck out(like hair on fire freak-out)........
Can confirm...
source:am oddball....
Fart Of War would have been a better headline....
and more accurate...
Facial expressions, personality traits, body-language and use of muscles/movement and facial muscles tend to stick with a soul.
Patton/Trump, both workaholics, Patton was dead less than a year before Trump was born(about all he could take not doing anything...), similar personalities, attitudes and body-language, same facial expressions...........
Patton/Trump: Same Soul...
Patton, same soul....
That said, this is likely to be 'the king will return' reference....
Not that I'm not open to the prospect of Elvis not being dead(Diana isn't so...), but then again I'm open to anything being possible including smurfs being real until I see something that firmly indicates the contrary, only accepting a reality once you see proof is a mindset that will make the next few years VERY traumatic and hard to swallow for rather a LOT of people......
25 years in the army...
Good odds on the sentence 'not this fuck again..' being frequently uttered among GroPo's when he wasn't within ear-shot....
Long term they may have plans to kill him but ge is marginalized enough to have anything happen to him too close to the making of this video would only serve to lend more credence to it.
That and the simple reality that he keeps quoting the bible and the very people he is speaking put against have edited and tweaked the bible over the centuries to a point where not much of it has any resemblance to the originating text
If you find older versions of the old testament genesis mentions gods(plural) rather than a single god, if you get really old like into the middle ages old the bible includes stuff about incarnation/many lives(back then church=state and they needed people to fear both, which the notion of 'If not in this life I'll get back at them in the next' made kinda, tenuous...., and those are just 2 examples...
There is still some actual truth in there but the best lies are told with truths and they have had a big hand in wording may 'truths'....
People believe too hard in too many things that they know too little about and anything that challenges that makes them cling to it harder rather than apply some discernment to their view of everything...
Likely been a while since anyone not directly connected to him have even seen the real Trump....
Know he has at least a couple of doubles(that difficulty breathing dude when he supposedly got cov19 is one...), chances are none of us have seen the real Trump for at least a year, probably more like 2......