ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

The gay mafia...

look into it........

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

With biden they actively want people to notice, Musk is an asset so they're doing a better job, there are however instances where the mask edge is showing(football match was one such instance if memory serves)

ThomasMaker 7 points ago +7 / -0

Whatever else can be said about them, accepting 5400$ to shoot and kill people in the middle of a high-end capital in a location likely replete with CCTV and a city with one of the more effective urban police-forces on the planet, intelligent, they are not......

ThomasMaker 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why would you NOT?

Aside from it making them very aware of the public getting this same info...... It would also make them even more frantic and desperate, and frantic desperate scared people tend to make mistakes....

Not everything will be clean

ThomasMaker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Last I checked the Iraqi dinar thing is ongoing and so far some of it has happened, the schedules are however a variable dependent upon many factors and subject to change and he has stated as much on numerous occasions.

As to the people, so far every light he has shone into the dark in regard to a person, has hit something, not always immediately apparent but given some time and the pieces have fallen into place(there is a very small and select grouping that manages this, Q, Trump, and a few others with Ariel being one of them)

ThomasMaker -1 points ago +1 / -2

Dude never give concrete dates, voice his opinion and state it as such when he does, and has been consistently spot-on for a few years now in regards to events, people and the general way of things...

"Everyone wants everything to be black & white so they do not have to think for themselves."

You sound like you didn't even read it and just went straight for the ad hominem.....

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +2 / -1

Used the second part to make this post as it gets to the meat of it but the first part above it will fill in the blanks...

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0


A month ago the number given was 30 000(which is obviously ridiculous) so even by just adding a couple of zeros to bring it up to 3 million it means that pretty much every male from 20 to 40 is gone........

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't some people high in French command say that their soldiers were like cheerleaders compared to Russian soldiers...

BTW Ukraine just lost their 59th brigade to the Russians, remainder that haven't fled have defected to Russia.....

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keeping up appearances(for now), notice how very little of the quality level of the past H-wood coming out of there in the last few years...

Are still a few good people in H-Wood and still lots of people out there with talent but in the past the criteria set by those running H-Wood if you wanted to actually get a chance to make something out of that talent, was doing the very things that saw most of H-Wood's talent arrested and carted of to Gitmo.

Will take time for new people with talent entering the industry to work themselves up to a position where they can make A-level movies and shows, at which point AI may have made that superfluous and too late......

ThomasMaker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now, assuming the AI media blitz started around 9/11, imagine what they can do with AI that they won't admit to................

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not referring to anything in a figurative way, he is being literal.

See it in the light of him also saying 'some migrants are not human'

Watch this


Then imagine more than one, weaponized.....................

ThomasMaker 7 points ago +7 / -0

2 points:

  1. Look at club names, who are in the same club and what they have in common.

  2. Look at surnames you recognize but don't recognize their full names and check who they are the parents(or other older close relative) of...

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only way this could be improved is with a d.u.m.b.s and missing people/children overlay............

ThomasMaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

From a educating the public standpoint, having cannibalism become a real and current thing in the news is much more credible and hard to dismiss if it starts in a country like Haiti....

If they tried to convince people in the west of \it existing on a large scale in their midst people would dismiss it out of hand.....

First establish reality in a way that is believable, then expand that reality to include more.

Next step ought to be, interesting............

ThomasMaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the heads up, deleted and reposted...

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