Only Hunter is free-balling it in vid and that is pixelated.
Dom Lucre have never posted anything that would give anyone an easy excuse to nuke him, and with some of the stuff he has they(DS) definitively want to...
OK what synaptic retrograde downvoted this, its an actual vid posted by Dom Lucre showing exactly what my headline says...
So they are censoring it in some locations or all of US, I'm not in the US and can see it fine.
Epic Privacy Browser is a browser with free built in VPN's sorted by geo-location, I use it to get around 'not in your area' stuff.
If you use firefox then open link in private window might also work.
Usurping Nations(UN)
Just think how much happier and more content she would be if she had just embraced the bimbo and gone with that instead...
Funny number.............................
Trauma come in many forms...
Not always molestation that is behind it, bullying can be a factor, a horrible example of a parent growing up can seriously fuck up someones interest in and view of that gender as well(both in favor/seeking approval as well as against)
Human psychology is a shit-show at the best of times in the majority of people, humans have made a sport out of denial and avoiding self insight, and compensation as a result is invariably how they deal....
That IS actually a very likely outcome if you have a loan with a non Basel/ISO compliant bank, if you also have money in that bank then things are likely to be a lot less cheerful....
Unfortunately big or small doesn't matter, the make or break is Basel3/ISO 20022 compliance.
(among other things it's a chain of custody like system that makes money laundering impossible)
Any bank or credit union that isn't compliant won't be able to exchange money(any money) with compliant banks(not compliant with the new system? well that's tough shit sonny but we can't risk trading with you), chances are you wouldn't even be able to make a private fund transfer or pay a bill between the two.......
Kinda hard to stay afloat when no one will take your 'money' and no one can/will transfer you any of theirs(bank executives literally being lynched in streets/beaten to death by mob and banks burned to the ground because they don't have physical means(gold or similar) to give their customers their money or to transfer to a complaint bank and taking what there is to cover will be , ugly..)
Not all banks though.
Only the ones that aren't Basel 3/ISO 20022 compliant, the compliant ones are likely fine barring too close financial ties to a bank that isn't compliant...
The weight of the vehicle determines the wear on the road, but also the amount of road-surface that winds up as airborne dust.........
Elon isn't brilliant, he dead.....
However Mask 2.0 and whitehat military running him is certainly getting the job done...
Rather a lot of technology that is several decades(even centuries...) old that never made it into the world, what better way to let is slowly seep out into public use and knowledge, but of course that necessitates keeping up the Musk ruse(duds and all...), for now at least...
African Royal families will see them arrested on the spot then swiftly trialed and sentenced.....................
It's worse....
It's also fantastical and awesome but on a level that is so far outside of peoples 'accepted' reality that genuine shock in the clinical medical sense will be the norm rather than the exception....(see my other comments)
Dario Argento(Asia Argento's father)made lots of cheap crap horror movies in 70's and 80's, in them there is often a death scene in the beginning featuring a young attractive woman.
Try looking up any of those women...... there is literally no trace of them, no papers, no press, nothing, 'where are they now' is a non thing with them because they aren't....
Also ep 6 season 1 of the Lethal Weapon TV-series has a scene in the beginning where a woman is chased by a car and crashed into against a palm-tree.
Try slowing down that scene(the continuous impact scene) and playing it, you will NOT have a good feeling inside you afterwards....
It is on-going.........
Everywhere you look in history....E V E R Y W H E R E in the world we ALL go dark when 'rome falls' in the first millennium catastrophe and we go into the [deep voice] Dark-Ages™
YET when you LOOK at the stratigraphy, you see the lies.
~Rome: never builds on top of rome and builds nothing, no coliseums, apartments, aqueducts, storefronts, bath houses.. nothing for 800+- years
~Arab's: sack Jerusalem, forget how to make everything from coins to language to glass etc. for 800+- years
~Anglo-Saxon, leave fallen 'rome' yet take NOTHING with them, no wagons, tech, equipment, nothing. They just walk into the wilderness to have 'Great' Kings and Queens yet NO castles, homes, farms, equipment, Zero Cultural layers for 800+- years
~Europe goes dark, [deep voice] Dark-Ages™... complete illiteracy, cannibal-marauders living in the churches, pestilence, death diseases, no ANYTHING, no sciences, tech, paintings, philosophies and forget EVERYTHING for 800+- years.
Then we ALL POP into the 1500s and EVERYONE starts where they left off.
Same glass, architecture, coins, pottery, math, and Everyone remembers their old and now "ancient" Dead languages, to include the illiterate kings and queens and paupers, priests, and adventurers in Europe, who remembered the "DEAD" language of Latin.
Then the usurpers re-write the old manuscripts, books, maps, and scrolls, and head out to RE-discover EVERYTHING... for the first time.
Read a ways back
Shouldn't so much put you in the ball-park as it should at least make you aware of there being one and give you some notion of some of the things in it....
The actual truth is some Isekai level stuff combined with other anime, sci-fi and fantasy movies and tv-series.
There is much more and way more to it but at least that simple summary gets a cohesive picture across.
edit: Monsters? Proper Horror and Fantasy ones(national parks aren't created to protect nature as much as they are created to protect people, lots of unprotected nature that isn't a national park..............................territory...)
Best advice going forward is to say that once you're genuinely open & ready to accept anything as real(like literally our smurf overlords ANYTHING) you stop coloring your judgement of what IS real with your preconceived notions of what you think it SHOULD be.
Which allows you to actually see what you are actually seeing....
(people should also know the difference between critical thinking and emotional thinking in themselves(majority of people get those confused and are usually in complete denial about it))
Paper dragon, any law 'passed' after the return to the constitutional republic and dissolution of the US Corporation is as invalid as Bidens presidency...
Republican Obama.
Very much a product and promotion of it from a formula, and not a WH one....
"I did not have financial relations with that father"
I did say lining up and I know, this is all about priming the NPC's and normies for what is about to come...
Strictly speaking it fits but straight up carnivore is a better way to define it, if it doesn't come from something that can move of it's own volition I don't eat it (short of condiments and meds)...
Was veg/borderline vegan from 19 to 27 and carnivory has fixed things in me that vegetarian never did...
I only eat meat, but I also have a steak(warm side of blu, with proper home-made lemon-based peppered Hollaindaise) dinner at my mothers once a week..
Still visible to me
And Dom just posted a recording of a phone voice message Hunter left her..