Tigerman88 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am still learning all of this but I keep reading that many here believe that President Trump is Commander in Chief through a series of executive orders regarding continuity of government and/or devolution. Is that is case, why didn’t he send in troops ? Or does this prove the CIC theory is false ?

Tigerman88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can someone explain the “It’s going to be biblical” post that keeps getting repeated?

In most bible prophecy, doesn’t the Antichrist rule the earth until the Mesiah comes again? Surely Trump is not “trumpeted” as a messiah? Explain for a newbie how Trump returning fits into bible prophecy?

Tigerman88 2 points ago +2 / -0

He should file suit against Harris challenging her ability to be on the ballot in any state. He was prevented from running in the primaries and effectively run out of the party. Now after stopping him from challenging potato head, they install a new nominee without a vote.