by gamepwn
TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

My husband is active duty and has been counseled again today after having to see virtually everyone in the chain of command and he’s sticking to his guns.

Do not submit to tyranny under any circumstances. Of coarse that’s your choice but we won’t, even if we have to move into a smaller home and have less. We will not.

by gamepwn
TinFoil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fake! 🤨 I have seen several videos pop up like this periodically. It’s easy for me to tell that they are fake!

These bastards are trying to make soldiers give in and get the darn shot. Bastards! 😡🔥

The only thing is that it won’t work! A soldier can spot this fraud a mile away!

His name tape is on the wrong side and there is no way he could have a freakin’ beard like that on duty unless he was SF or something.😂

He needs to square that beard away real quick! 😂 What soldier can have a beard on duty like that? They get in trouble for a 5 o’clock shadow. 😂

by Quelle
TinFoil 9 points ago +9 / -0

President Trump just took the stage.

TinFoil 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. Believe me, this is upsetting and I couldn’t believe it‼️

I wondered how I developed Lymes disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and epilepsy. I developed this after two vaccines in 2006. I have never fully recovered. I am able to control the symptoms but now understand way more.

It’s a long but worth watching video…on

Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Judy Mikovitz discussed vaccines, the ingredients, and the effects on the immune system.

Dr. Tenpenny offers courses for more in-depth research and education.

Dr. Mikovitz worked as a biologist and created vaccines. She knows this first hand. She’s been testifying against Fauchi and Bill Gates. She was also in Plandemic.

TinFoil 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know. It is a huge betrayal‼️

My husband just finished his Doctorate about four years ago and feels confused. Was it worth it? What was the truth? He’s probably going to do more homeopathy when he gets out of the Army. His specialty was ICU.

The good thing is that I mostly did labor and delivery and ❤️❤️‘ed every minute of it!

I helped with deliveries and brought lots of babies into the world. It’s usually a very positive experience. After the babies are born, I then handed them off to the nursery. I didn’t do much with them other than teach mom to breast feed and recover mom and the baby. It’s an amazing job!

I avoided the nursery like the plague unless it was to love on the babies or they were really short staffed. ❤️❤️

Oh, well. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge.

TinFoil 3 points ago +3 / -0

What just happened with the audio? I was watching RSBN and it skipped some stuff?

TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly? I've asked that question many times..It has to do with getting the infection through other people. It passes through infected poo. lol! They also get Vitamin K, and erythromycin in the eyes at birth.

TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is very hard. I'm so sorry. I know some people cannot afford private school or homeschooling. This is extremely unfair to those parents.

I believe that you can get the money to homeschool if you are able to. There is an option for that now. If this is something that you're interested in, let me know. it depends on the state that you're in.. Also, some states are giving grants for parents to homeschool.

Also, you can apply for religious exemption.

I was a school nurse in Colorado. When I stopped homeschooling for a short period of time, I became a school nurse.

My kids went to school at the same school that I worked at. I did the paperwork so that they didn't have to get more vaccines.

They state tells you that you have no choice, but it's not true. The forms are right in the computer at the school. They are in the nurses office. The nurse prints them out, you fill it out, and that's it.

No one even has to approve it. The nurse maybe signs it, but that was it.

TinFoil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! That is amazing! I regret doing that with our boys..They both supposedly have ADHD, as does my husband. One of them may have a bit of autism. He doesn't seem like it to others, but to those who understand autism, he has some traits. He's highly intelligent, currently in a Physics program, loves mathematics, science, cannot handle much noise, avoids certain situations, and is extremely regimented.

Even though my husband and I are military and health care providers, we have always had a bit of a rebellious streak!

We had kids in our 20's (1999, 2002), but I don't recall anything about vaccines being toxic! I did try to do the completely natural birth.

My husband was a surgical technician in the Army, so his colleagues recommended circumcision. They said they had to do it on men in the Army sometimes. Who knows??? Since my husband wanted the boys to have a circumcision I caved. I remember walking my son to the room to get it done, demanded to see where they were doing it, and what they would be doing. lol!! They asked me to leave and reassured me everything would be!! They told me it would be over in like two minutes and it was..They were probably so!

One thing about nurses.. we are trained to be the patient advocate. I'm not saying that doctors are not. I can only speak for our training.

Whatever intervention we give or do, we are held liable for. Dr's don't give medications. They only write orders. There's a big difference between writing something down and actually doing it to someone...

It is who actually gives/does an intervention that is at the greatest risk of loosing their license, causing harm, killing someone, and being sued.

Your mother and brother are probably over worked and underpaid. Many times they don't educate themselves on their own time unless they get continuing education units for it. They are required to do continuing education hours, pay for it (most of the time), and the classes are expensive! Nurses are exhausted and then on their off time attending required classes that are government mandated or hospital mandated. Every bit of their time is basically filled with what the board wants them to know.

It's so sad. They won't wake up unless they begin to see a pattern of patients with the same reactions/objective symptoms. I would think by now they have.

TinFoil 25 points ago +27 / -2

As an RN who has given Hep B, Vit K, and erythromycin to newborns, I can never give another vaccine in good conscience. EVER again‼️

I have researched vaccines, their harmful effects, and learned a lot from Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Madej, and so many others.

I am angry that the nursing board does not require continuing education on vaccines ingredients and their harmful effects. Why not? Wow‼️

As a young mother, I always felt like something wasn’t right with vaccines. Primarily because my grandparents didn’t get them and didn’t have all of these diseases. I was especially bothered with circumcision‼️I was talked into getting my boys vaccinated and circumcised. I still remember the sick feeling that I had as they took them out of my arms. I’m not being dramatic, either. It’s was just my maternal instinct.

When I worked in the nursery, I used to prepare the supplies for the Dr.’s to do circumcision but could never watch or assist. I had to strap the babies legs and arms down, apply lidocaine (that doesn’t work) for a few minutes, and then the Dr. begins to try and numb with a needle. After that circumcision begins.

The babies screen bloody murder throughout the entire process. You can tell it hurts them so bad‼️ I rarely worked in the nursery because I just couldn’t deal with it.

In fact, I began working in a birthing center a few months before this crap hit and parents already were taking their babies home without any shots or circumcision.

They were looking for pediatricians that would do a visit without demanding vaccines and couldn’t find one.

It was refreshing to see parents have autonomy with their children. I wasn’t sure how I felt about them not having any vaccines though. I hadn’t learned what I know now. If you can, watch Dr. Tenpenny’s videos.

The increase in autoimmune diseases in the past 20 years has to do with vaccines.

They have lymes disease in them from dog kidney cells. That’s just the beginning!

I was always told that the aluminum and mercury was needed to preserve the vaccine. Lies! I was also told that the liver would detoxify the aluminum and mercury. Lies!

I was concerned about what I was giving the babies. I have repented and asked for forgiveness. God has forgiven me.

TinFoil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amazing find!! Great information! Thanks for sharing!

by Quelle
TinFoil 1 point ago +2 / -1 I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but what do you guys make of this? I have no idea who this is?

TinFoil 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can offer services as a nurse 😂. I also can offer a unique perspective on the whole COVID situation. I was injured by vaccines in 2006 so I know first hand how vaccines can cause harm.

My spouse is a family nurse practitioner. He “may be” out of work soon. He’s been counseled to get the vaccine.

I can also help in other ways. I have great interpersonal communication skills and really love helping people.

I just want to help. Let me know if I can help organize with you, for you, make calls, or whatever. Message me back if you need my number…

TinFoil 6 points ago +6 / -0

Texans have several channels on Telegram @TX4MF, AFLDS Citizen Corps Texas, @LoriJeanNurseAdvocate,

TinFoil 1 point ago +1 / -0

This one freakin' pissed me off! How dare these idiots want to come after supposed low IQ and minority people! He's a sick bastard!

TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome! I’m thankful for our airman that are good.

It’s hard for people to be happy when it comes to our armed services right now, but we have to remember those that have fought, died, and are hurt because of the betrayal they are experiencing.

🇺🇸🇺🇸 Thank you to those who have served and are currently serving. God bless and having and awesome Sunday!

TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

It only has the potential to cause Reye’s Syndrome if a child has a fever and a viral illness.

I believe I took asprin all of the time too.

Our parents didn’t know any better. Maybe explains a lot. 😂

TinFoil 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope they know not to give the asprin to children. They need to make sure and tell the people not to give the asprin to children.

It can prevent clots but it has to be taken as preventative. The only thing that I am wondering is where vaccinated people fit in to this equation? Does asprin help for them in the same way? I’m sure no one knows.😣🤨🤨

I hope people aren’t going to think that asprin is going to help when they suspect a clot. A clot is serious. They shouldn’t be trying to self diagnose a clot.

I’m thinking it’s just preventing while being sick. Just random thoughts…🤪

TinFoil 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's the title of the video. They just admitted their fault in this. Terrible.

TinFoil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just feelings of betrayal and life.

The military truly is the only way, if leaders will actually stand up! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥

I believe in my heart they will. 🎯

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