The retards are stuck on repeat.
Wearing matching commie-attire and chanting like commie-tards never works, such a retarded act is never convincing, but SOMEONE keeps paying these retards to be retarded, and I wonder who pays them.
Moreover, it’s such a waste of tee-shirts. They wear the tee-shirts once and probably throw them away, then they wear a different retarded tee-shirt during a different protest on another day. It’s such a waste of fabric, dye, effort to create and transport the shirts — waste of money — very dumb.
Millions of people witnessed the same deception and became pissed-off about it, Calling all the witnesses “doomers”and threatening them —that’s one the worst ideas ever.
Denying reality should never be an option, and — pushing posters into Free Speech Zones — THAT is something liberals/RINOs would do.
Also Bolton was flat wrong…
Trump jumped down Zelenskyy’s throat, because Zelenskyy tried to initiate a manipulative tactic.
Zelenskyy tried to seed emotional blackmail into Americans’ minds via asserted fears about war escalating toward America’s shores — as if Americans must re-calibrate their “feelings”, adopt Ukraine’s nightmares, and support Zelenskyy’s war.
Zelenskyy wanted Americans to dwell on an artificial fear, and Zelenskyy wanted fear to dictate America’s actions.
Trump was quick to shut that shit down.
Trump should allow Zelenskyy to conscript Bolton’s mustache to the frontlines, just to see how fast it flees from battle.
Nobody said anything about Trump or Trump’s victory, that’s gaslighting and an attempt to change the subject.
Here is an example of the so-called shit show:
Passing-off old information as new PLUS redacting the old information — that’s a pure sign of stalling, deception and/or incompetence, thus it’s absolute bullshit, and it’s definitely not what was asked for.
The provided cake was not truth, so far, although I’m confident Kash will sort it, because he has responded to his underlings with a lions roar.
Apparently, there’s nothing except some high school binder with the words “Phase One” on it.
Yep — there wasn’t a full report, wasn’t a full file — no full professional investigation, no full professional conclusions — no professionalism — no responsibility to taxpayers whatsoever.
Nothing but more blame games and more waiting games existed. Write some more fairy tales about it — BOOM this, DELTA that — your patience won’t slow down all this unjustifiable nonsense, only prolong it.
Btw, this is one of the most ridiculous things about acquiring information from crooked government officials: they rarely provide what is requested, then they gaslight the fuck out of you for demanding that they do their fucking job.
There are no excuses to be made, here, the naive “It’s only Phase I!” argument is absolute bullshit. That information should have been released two terms ago. The JFK/MLK files — were still waiting on those, too, but it’s not like taxpayers deserve to know which crimes their government has committed in their name, right?
Elon builds and launches skyscrapers into space quicker than government retards release [already-existing] Epstein Files, but — some people would have us believe — we need to wait longer for more phases of cherry-picked information?
Where has the professionalism gone? Why are they CHERRY-PICKING information from what should be a full report? Why are they cherry-picking anything at all?
Stop cherry-picking! Quit showing cherries, show the whole damn cherry tree, its roots and all!
If the pendulum swings back into the dems favor, somehow, the dems will not only re-arm the IRS but make the IRS more powerful than ever. The dems will start taxing unrealized gains, then it will be GAME OVER for all Americans.
If you close your eyes and imagine a screeching and cackling retard is talking — Baldy becomes Kamala.
Kamala sounded just like this Baldy + Schumer + Biden + Obama + all the retarded celebs.
Kamala seems to plagiarize everyone, or she was their puppet and they all had a hand up Kamala’s ass.
They would love to stall anything/everything until midterms., then steal everything once again.
When Solana works, it’s perfect — fast & cheap, just the way a working blockchain should be.
The problem is, Solana breaks and will always break, and there is no way around it, because Solana breaks when there are too many transactions taking place, so it’s just not scalable, so it isn’t future-proof.
Hedera Hashgraph [HBAR]: The only blockchain capable of NOT bottlenecking under extreme traffic. Future-proof & infinitely scalable, so it could handle the traffic between an overpopulated Earth + Moon + Mars + Titan + Galaxy, etc.. The transaction fees will always remain low and predictable, less than a penny. It’s open source and transparent, plus it’s backed by some of the world’s largest corporations. There are others who’ve copied the Hashgraph tech and added their own spin to it, but Hedera Hashgraph is the original.
Jasmy [Jasmy]: Japan’s Bitcoin, it will be on every smart device you can imagine, for any and all users who want complete control over their very personal information. Think of it as Japan’s My Number Card, because it is, but it’s about to go global, and you’ll be able to market your information If the creators of JASMY were to launch on Hedera Hashgraph, it would become future-proof and go intergalactic, but I don’t know whether they’ve considered this or not. The problem is, Jasmy is built on Etherium, a slow and expensive tech, so it will not hold up under pressure, but they’ve created and launched the Janction Blockchain, to try and escape from Etherium’s limitations, but — at this time — I’m unknowing of its progress.
Algorand [ALGO]: Future-proof, fast, low fees, can’t be hacked, so it just has staying power. The guy who created it is an absolute math wizard, a genius, so he made it immortal. I just expect Algo to keep growing, slowly but surely.
One thing that was very clear from the 14ths’ authors’ discussions and intentions: SPLIT ALLEGIANCE WAS NOT A THING.
Furthermore, later naturalization laws confirmed how allegiance to the United States must be all that remains once a new citizen swears his/her allegiance to the United States.
“Dual Citizenship” — America’s founders would have laughed-off that idea.
It’s not simply one man’s thinking on it — it’s the authors of the 14th Amendment themselves, in action, and they’re discussing the meanings of the words they’re utilizing, double-checking what’s common between their individual understandings of their words.
The transcript is direct testimony from THEIR own lips. Further, here are additional pertinent points and quotes gathered directly from their relevant discussion:
Notice, that link comes from The Wayback Machine, but if you tap on the links beneath Bingham’s quotes, Howard’s quotes, etc. — the links lead directly to the Congressional Archives.
Many of Anti-Americanisms’ links were lost to due to censorship and broken links, but the site’s creator had the wherewithal to archive the original site via the Wayback Machine.
In other words, at one time, those links worked and John Bingham’s words regarding the 14th were easier to find, but the Congressional Archives made it much more difficult to find these discussions and broke the links featured on Anti-Americanisms, but the creator of Anti-Americanisms saved the transcripts via The Wayback Machine.
Rubio will show up to work wearing John Bolton’s mustache, that’s what’s going to happen.
It’s always Civil and/or Criminal, but the distinctions between the two worlds shouldn’t ever negate an individual’s inalienable right to remain silent.
However, to elaborate upon your point: say an individual worked under a specific contract, and it was the individual’s duty to manage specified information or a specified inventory or a specific task — that individual could be COMPELLED, by his own contract, to speak upon what should be substantive details, except, that doesn’t mean the individual MUST speak, and if the individual doesn’t speak, the civil matter may escalate into a criminal matter.
Any individual may choose to stay silent and accept the consequences which come their way. Perhaps, it’s not always wise to stay silent, but that doesn’t mean an individual doesn’t have the right to remain silent.
That’s a misunderstanding.
Acknowledging how rights are inalienable — rights cannot be stripped from an American unless said American is a convicted criminal, so nobody should lose their 5th since nobody has been convicted.
While going through a judicial proceeding, rights are supposed to be acknowledged and respected, but, these days, the judicial system is a giant messy swamp, so it is easy to misunderstand what is what.
Long story short, Americans are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, so losing the 5th is unrealistic.
A judge could threaten a person all a judge wants, but nobody loses their right to stay silent, because where a person is coerced into speaking, a person’s testimony becomes compromised.
Your post was not as coherent as you may have believed. I read it numerous times, and I couldn’t grasp which side of the fence you were on, hence the questions and “If” condition.
Anyhow, that said, if you’re NOT a groomer with tyrannical tendencies, that’s all good. If you’re not such a coward, that’s all good, too.
Are you a groomer with tyrannical tendencies or what?
It’s wrong to FORCE people to wear a mask, and it’s wrong to FORCE people not to wear a mask.
The principle of the matter is extremely simple: PERSONAL PRIVACY is what it is — PERSONAL and PRIVATE.
Only a sociopathic mind and/or invasive government would go out of its way to trespass upon a person’s privacy, contort it, distort it, violate it, whatever.
In my opinion, minimizing a person’s PERSONAL PRIVACY is gross, and it equates to aiding a sick man’s desire use the women’s restroom.
If a person wants to create privacy for themselves, who the fuck is anyone to question that person, especially in America?
If you’re such a fucking coward that you fear people who wear face panties, you’re in the wrong country, this is the land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE — very, very, very simple.
…and the most precious:
Kayleigh McEnany: The Best White House Press Secretary of ALL Time
Why would anyone expect an UNDERGROUND room to have windows?