TrumpTrainNonstop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see 'FF incoming March 4', I think, "There's a new Final Fantasy coming out March 4th?" ? ?

TrumpTrainNonstop 2 points ago +2 / -0

What most pedes either don't know or have forgotten is that the CCP is owned and controlled by the Red Shield family, a.k.a. Rothschild.

Just like Abe is the puppet for Japan, Xi is the puppet for Chyna. If Xi being a white hat is true, it would make sense given this info. Perhaps Xi wants to throw his masters off of his back, too. It would seem that there is only one baddie in this movie and it isn't a country, but rather a Satanic/Luciferian way of life.

TrumpTrainNonstop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't surprise me that the words "illegal" and "naked" keep showing up when learning about these "people".

Fabulous post, BTW. REALLY helped explain it to me.

TrumpTrainNonstop 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what came to my mind. Not sure though.

TrumpTrainNonstop -1 points ago +0 / -1

He was fired because he refused the insurrection act in May, which calls in the military, not just Nat'l Guard. He was replaced with the head of counter terrorism (not Jack Bower). What does that tell you?

Who needs Pedowood, when you have our GEOTUS. Time to get your popcorn.

TrumpTrainNonstop 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q is there when we need him. Right now, we are BZ with all of this Intel on fraud, so we don't need updates. When there is a need to connect the dots of the intel, our letter friend will speak.

Also, it's 79 days from Nov 3rd to Jan 20th, election to inauguration.

TrumpTrainNonstop 4 points ago +4 / -0

Killary lost bc the [DS] didn't cheat enough. Didn't expect a reality TV star to whoop dat ass like it's rented. =8-p

TrumpTrainNonstop 7 points ago +7 / -0

Back then, the GOP were globalists, too, and the green movement was not the expedient way to push the agenda. On top of that, it was the Bush family that were the "royalty" family running (Clintons are for DNC), and therefore had the "seniority" to be given the win.

TrumpTrainNonstop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow...just a wow...

We really are in the endgame now. Trump 2020 Yeeeeeaaaaahhh.