I get this too. I did work experience in a school and the pure innocence of children really made me choke up. The evils in this world that want to corrupt them are overwhelming so when you have a moment where you see they're safe you have a wave of relief rush over you. It's not sadness it's overwhelming relief and happiness.
Eh, some high powered rich groomer will pull the strings and grooming and pedophilia will become the new trans and we'll have pedo toilet attendants supervising our children and if we don't comply we'll be racist homophobic nazi Trump supporters.
And we still don't care. We can watch shows with gay characters or actors and it doesn't register unless it's clearly shoved there to meet some woke quota or to stick it to the straight white males, then we have a problem.
I started keto a couple months ago wanting to lose some weight. It's the best thing I've ever done. I'm 35 and I feel like I did at 16. It has made my insomnia less severe, I wake up rested. My brain doesn't feel foggy. I can concentrate more. I don't get hungry at night. My gerd has gone. I don't feel bloated. I lost 6kg in the first week. I'm eating foods I normally didn't like such as cheese, creams, bacon, eggs. If you love bread there's alternatives like keto wraps and pizza bases, there's even no sugar ice cream if you must. I don't get cravings for doritos and coke anymore, I used to eat 3 packets of doritos with dip a week. They are really trying to kill us through food.
A former friend just got COVID. He spent the last 2 years calling me a conspiracy theorist and tried to get mutual friends to cut me off. He's triple or quadruple jabbed and has stayed home for 2 years. My wife is a nurse with "COVID" patients and none of us have got it