UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Folks "just waking up" need the context & background many of us have learned over the years/decades. It's important to provide background & recognized patterns being repeated for them to see for themselves.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +2 / -1

And yes, there's some "mandela effect" lengthy discussion items here to consider. Get going on the research here if you want:


UberLightBringer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll try and do a post on this sometime, but some questions to consider:

Do you believe in God? (Most here and another 1.2B worldwide would probably answer "yes")

Do you believe in aliens? (Some here would answer "yes", but the majority of the public would say "no", and then add in a look of you being a little cray-cray)

So, you don't believe that over the millions of years the earth has been around, man has only been here 8k-120k (depending on who you ask), but you believe ONE being made the entire universe and there couldn't be other beings on any of the other planets--ever?

(These are three serious questions to think about while you listen to people tell their kids that a guy in a red suit will deliver presents to everyone in the world in 1 long evening.)

Merry Christmas, all!

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure Fauci helped develop AIDS so he could make money and carnage off of AZT. According to RFK Jr., over 300k died from AZT, and this all helped Fauci set up a bureaucracy making it all but impossible to stop what he was doing. Add in that his wife was head of the NIH Bio Ethics that approves drugs for the FDA and you can see he was anything BUT working in our best interests.

And this is without getting into all the viruses that have magically been patented (you can't get a patent on something naturally occuring).

Feel free to see some of these articles: https://search.mercola.com/results.aspx?q=AZT#stq=AZT

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

From an engineering standpoint, the amount of extra heat generated from making everything "green" goes against all engineering principles when you look at the overall effect. Locomotives for example have to work harder and at higher temperatures, this inherently often causing more warming. Some have been know to help set brush on fire when it is too close to the tracks.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, when you own the printing press, big money is easy to come by.unfortunately.

UberLightBringer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, but this year will have a twist. Santa's elves contracted out some Iranian drones to help deliver packages. With the performance update from the additional tech, Santa hopes to be home by midnight.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

And it's not just the federal government. Dig on your state reps, and local politicians, sheriffs and especially library and school boards.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please everyone cut & paste this link every time there's a school shooting. Once you see it, you can't un-see it. I'm pretty sure at least three school shootings had ZERO actual deaths, yet there's a LOT of lawsuit money changing hands afterwards.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/lpU6vjKP4Jc3/ We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook video – lengthy, but goes through in great detail how the local government was involved in the school shooting (planned in advance) and there may have been nobody that lost their lives.

UberLightBringer 15 points ago +15 / -0

"All gave some; some gave all." Hat tip and prayers up to all the military, intelligence and JAG types that have had to deal with this at a level we'll probably never know.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The military plane routes have gotten REALLY wonky the past week or two, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was a drop. But at the same time, I can't help but think a pilot required to get some fly time in decided to do some route art, knowing there's a LOT of folks watching the flight patterns right now.

But the Gitmo trips keep flying down there from Florida and disappear south of the base. "Strange".

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Banana Nazis decided to say "NO BANANAS FOR YOU! NEXT!!"

UberLightBringer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been so buckled up for so long, I need to get out of my seat and hit the bathroom. Can I get a bag of peanuts for the family & I to split before "real bumpy" happens??

Oh, the incessant whining that's inbound from folks that just kind of ignored it when their country was voted out from under them in 2020.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The last time we fought a war with you, we burned your White House down."

He's got a point. We may need to bring in someone with outside experience for a proper exorcism ritual there.

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

No worries, and it's a good point. Whether people realize it or not, Trump/Musk appear to be for the most part managing the reins of a one world government at the moment, but for the betterment of everyone. Using "whitemail" instead of "blackmail" to get non-conforming leaders into being part of the good plan. Scarry point we're at for sure.

When you think about it, individual states in the US allowed people to "vote with their feet" and move to another state if they didn't like how their state was run. Rough to do, but this theoretically took power away from the state not managing their government properly, reducing their power. Obviously we've gotten to the point where there was so much corruption, there were few "clean" states you could move to, but at least you were still a US citizen going this route.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around "okay, what do we do different NOW that didn't work before?". It's clear that the early concept of the US model for government really shook the established monarchies/dictatorships for a loop. Even with secret society types apparently scattered within the original US leadership, it took the global cabal 3 worldwide meetings and almost 100 years of manipulation to regain a foothold in the US via the Organic Act of 1871 after bankrupting us with a Civil War. Now we appear to have much of the worldwide cabal outed and facing justice. If we tweak our original US model correctly, other countries could potentially copy and tweak it as well for their own independent model. Just thinking out loud here.

UberLightBringer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Flynn's putting it out there pretty succinctly. I have many local folk letting their blood pressure go to bad levels as the state cabal members are churning out multiple bad laws. I have to remind them that that it doesn't matter what laws they pass at this point, the 2020 election was illegitimate and none of what they did will matter. We're soon going clean slate after erasing all the crap they threw against the wall to try and distract us.

UberLightBringer 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're "over the hump" of this chain reaction starting. HYUGE things will happen by June, as most of the US population begrudgingly admits outwardly to what many have only been thinking to themselves so far. It will be very important for individual countries to be "self-cleaning", but when people have had the weight of the oppression we've been under removed, it'll be like pressing the nitrous button on a hot rod.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given what the globe is going through right now, in this case I think it would work geographically and culturally (that last word I even write with a twinge as it's been so twisted over the years!). Huge lengthy border with them, we have Alaska at the other end but still have to do international travel to get there. If they're good with it, I would be.

Not sure how we'd come up with a new flag design though. Same star pattern, just add a slightly larger one above the top in the shape of a maple leaf?? :D

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. After "Clean-up on Aisle 17" happens, every country is going to have to re-evaluate themselves and where they want to go in the future. Present time treachery excluded, Canada has always had some pretty great people from my experiences with them in the Windsor/Ontario area.

UberLightBringer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get digging, Anons. For example at the Oxford shooting, the street address of the nearby local paper was "666". One of the sheriff's involved had on his bio that his team is responsible for covering all 666 sq. miles of his county. Funny, his county is recorded at 647 square miles.

Oh, and it "just happened" to occur on the 3rd anniversary of GHW Bush dying. Along with mass COVID lockdown demonstrations in Australia, and DEI being defeated in Missouri (a shooting takes headline reporting from these). These are the things to look for, get shovelin'!

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