Everything has been designed to keep us chronically sick and dependent on pharmaceuticals, ESPECIALLY food. We need this so bad
This is exactly how I feel, seems too good to be true… DS definitely have something planned just gotta hope the good guys are one step ahead. I really want everything exposed
There are many herbs that are similar in effect (olive leaf, nettle, cats claw etc.) that unfortunately are completely suppressed from mainstream by pharmaceutical companies. I urge anyone with any illness to completely eliminate any unnatural foods and take herbals (tea or tinctures) consistently. You will actually heal without any long term side effects unlike prescriptions that harm the body.
The bulk of cancers are caused by the aggressive strains of herpetic viruses. These viruses attack the immune system when it is weak. They feed of toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, petrochemicals, synthetic scents. When the virus feeds on these, they release stronger neurotoxins that destroy healthy cells.
Tips: -Stay away from pesticides and chemicals, as well as toxic beauty and home products that are not natural.
-Avoid foods that feed and contribute to cancer growth such as eggs, dairy, corn, Gluten, canola, GMO. No coffee or bad sugar. Pretty much anything that’s not natural.
-Reduce protein and animal protein completely if you have cancer.
-Lower fat
Beneficial cancer supplements:
melatonin (stops almost literally every cancer)
vitamin C - high amounts
lemon balm
nettle leaf
ALA (to help immune systems)
vitamins B
iodine (critical cancer preventative, helping to stave off cancers of the thyroid, breast, brain, lung, liver, stomach, pancreas, and those of the mouth and jaw, among others)
cat’s claw (have powerful anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties)
chaga mushroom (excellent source of betulinic acid which kills cancer cells on contact)
ginseng (prevents)
milk thistle (potent detoxifying herb with anti-cancer properties)
reishi (excellent preventative food as it contains compounds such as canthaxanthin and beta-1,3-D glucan, which can slow down the growth of tumors and help immune cells bind to tumor cells and remove them from the body)
Pau D’Arco (used to treat; contains antitumor compounds that help shrink and eliminate tumors from the body)
artichoke leaf extract (kills off cancer cells)
astragalus (fights cancer)
barley grass (beneficial)
spirulina (helps heal)
Helpful Anti Cancer and cancer healing foods: Important (all of these are amazing for helping with cancer)
Celery Juice (work to 32oz) ,avocados, Artichokes, grapes, lemons & limes, pomegranates, asparagus, broccoli, melons ,apples, bananas, papayas, mangoes, tomatoes, kiwis ,wild blueberries, red and orange bell peppers, turmeric, HMDS ,wheat grass, amla, blackberries, coconut water, crimini mushrooms, dill, fennel, mustard seeds, oranges, pecans, pomegranates, pumpkin, raspberries, sage, sunflower seeds, burdock root, cashews, chia seeds, chives, cleavers, currants, hibiscus tea, leafy greens, lychees, onions, potatoes, purslane, raw honey, red cabbage, sapodilla, spinach, shiitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, wild cherry bark, Microgreen/Sprouts.
We were told to. “Patriots are in control” so fix this shit and let the world see what actually happened on Nov 3 we’ve been teased for months. So sick of it
Seriously something has to happen soon about that BS election
Then why would Q always say “patriots in control” or other things that would deter us from doing anything?
Great point. And I look back to when I first learned about all of this. It was more just like a “wow”, “holy shit” moment.. not a “I’m going to jump off a bridge”. Not to mention it’s a hopeful feeling that better things are to come.
Will investment banks fail and will this lead to debt forgiveness?
Can someone explain to me why silver will go up when all is said and done? I’m not sure I completely understand.
Meanwhile I lost my bet on Trump to win the election. Life isn’t fair lol
That’s a good point about AF1. How soon did Trump travel after his election?
Seriously peoples livelihoods are at stake and declining by the day.
Q did say that’s what will unite everyone. The pedo shit. If that’s the case who knows when that could even be.
I think you have to if they are also destroying lives of Americans
I agree. Something has to happen soon and I would think the white hats realize this. The disastrous policies would just reverse all Trump has worked for the past 4 years
I feel like they can’t let it go too long though otherwise patriots who don’t follow Q will take matters into their own hands. Wouldn’t they be risking civil war?
I mean if the cabal money can cover all debt idk. But yes that’s rewarding those who are not responsible. Will see what the Q team has planned I guess
I agree my point is if there’s a plan we will see it revealed sooner rather than later
I’m not buying this theory. If that’s what was planned I highly doubt they would have just completely decided just to not go through with it.
Wow that has to be the reference. Q was saying this part is Red 6... that would make sense to me.
While I agree somewhat, it does matter if it was a psyop because nothing will change with rigged elections and nothing will change as long as they are in power. What’s the purpose of having forums of awake people if they can shut those forums down. What the point unless the plan was civil war.
I still think there is more to the plan but it definitely does “matter” If it’s a psyop or not.
Psyop leads to civil war in my opinion
I still have faith but look like an idiot to friends and family right now lol
What are you thinking? Something going to happen to Chris Miller?
So how does that transition happen then? Everyone is paid in fiat, stocks in fiat, no more cash? I thought the goal was not to go digital and removing cash allows more control