UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

We monitor solar activity around the clock and have remedial plans in place to prevent widespread permanent damage.

But something like that event I’d still expect fairly substantial outages. I always recommend at least 6 week plan in the event of a blackout but have 60days+ myself on-hand

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not too sure how well planes would fare in an EMP detonation or massive solar flare. They have proofing installed but I’m not sure what it’s rated to withstand

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s equally fascinating and terrifying. According to that document, a 300mi detonation could take out most of North America. I will say many utilities have been implementing “hardening” techniques that supposedly safeguard against EMPs.

Something going off like that article mentions is essentially one big ass lightning strike that covers an entire continent. Same with solar flares an EMP would overload most non-protected electrical circuits

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m not sure on satellites, sorry! I’ve read they’re protected but a powerful/concentrated enough burst of energy would knock some offline

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would love to see that technology revealed! In all the rabbit holes I’ve gone down, the subject of Tesla is most fascinating to me, especially Wardenclyffe tower. Who knows what’s been kept hidden from us

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lol I buy more stock in Tesla! But in all seriousness I don’t think we have the capacity for a full scale EV cutover yet, not with the push against fossil fuels. The precious green energy, ie solar and wind, combined with the Obama era war on coal, almost put Texas in the dark this past winter.

I do think Q was giving us a heads up of what’s to come on this subject. It’ll surely affect comms too, but I believe there will still be pockets of both up and running even in one of the worse case scenarios. Honestly now that these questions are being asked, major comms blackout seems most likely to happen along with targeted electricity blackouts. Of course I have no knowledge of any plan, just a deep understanding of electric grid operations

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

IMO, yes being rural will help. Generation and transmission are the ones to watch. If a blackout is on a major scale, almost everyone will be effected. The grid relies on the spinning inertia of generators on the grid, once the grid takes a hit and a big generator goes offline suddenly, and then another and another, you lose that inertia and that particular interconnect is subject to blackout. There are protective relays that can help but idk exactly what kind of capabilities the DS and other enemies have

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven’t read that yet but I saw it mentioned on a post here yesterday and was wanting to check it out! Glad you mentioned that

If you have a quick synopsis maybe I could provide a more specific answer

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes it takes a ton (actually TONS) of copper and steel to build a single substation transformer. If there’s a wide scale attack that fries their internal components, it definitely will take years to rebuild the grid.

Being black hats and enemies within would be the ones to do it, they’ll probably have a good idea of the grid layout. I don’t think we’ll see worst case scenario if it does happen, but certain areas would see extended outages. Our family is prepped for at least 60 days, that’s what I believe the average outage time would be whether natural or made made black out

UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

If an EMP were to detonate over the US, yes I believe that’s possible - wide scale damage in a well coordinated attack and you’re talking upwards of 10 years worst case. They’d have to know precisely where to hit though, and that information is usually safeguarded.

History Channel had a good documentary a few years ago on this topic that was fairly accurate. I think it was called “Life without people” or something to that effect

UncontrollableQueef 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, I believe it will 100%. It actually happened a few years ago in Cali. Fyi…There are 3 main grids in the US: Eastern interconnect, Western interconnect and the Texas grid. There are redundancies and contingencies in place. We also monitor solar activity 24/7 and have a plan in place for that.

What we haven’t planned for entirely is an EMP. Some utilities are safe guarded, some are not. The lead time on a substation transformer is 12-18 months.

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +5 / -1

Unfortunately that gets you reported too. There’s a regulation that if you pull out close to the reportable limit and the bank thinks you’re trying to circumvent the process they're required to report.

Can’t wait for the FED to fall, right after the pedos would be fine with me.

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is the norm for the dirty old pedo every single day vs a one-off for trump. Apples and oranges, proves no double standard. “I’m not going to talk about Afghanistan”. turns back, exits to applause Please find one instance where trump did anything close to that and we can discuss a double standards.

UncontrollableQueef 9 points ago +10 / -1

Trump caught nothing but shit all 4 yrs as GEOTUS and a year during the primaries. Answered anything and everything. This clown ducks and dodges after every presser that’s non ice cream related. Not even close my guy.

by BQnita
UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully it’s not a Windows PC.

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

And shitty beer at that. Tastes like a diabetic horse’s piss.

by Quelle
UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0




UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. I think resident biden is gone soon, probably around the time AZ audit publicly drops attempting to prevent large scale audits. Maybe Military acting as placeholder until Trump is “officially” reinstated

UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big family, lots of kids. Only thing we’ve had in the last year is RSV when one of our kids’ vaccinated friends stayed the week with us. All of us got it but it was extremely minor (slight chest congestion, runny nose, low grade fever for 2-4 days)

UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

Based on the amount of votes accounted for solely via algorithm fuckery, 74M biden votes were accounted for. It is my belief several million more were “found”, forged, etc. at least in the swing states once they ran out of made up voters. I’d estimate the real amount to be <70M, likely 68M ish. But even that seems too high. That pedo bastard couldn’t fill a hula hoop at his “rallies”.

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine was earlier and I had to refresh the page, that cleared it up

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is how it’s done!!

UncontrollableQueef 30 points ago +30 / -0

Whew! Made it 1:06 in. Reminds me of the propaganda arm of the Capitol in the Hunger Games movies. Over the top eccentric acting and reeks of desperation.

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