UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

What are these dumb cunts on about? They think anti baby murderers are tracking their ovulation cycle via phone apps, which presumably are used to either avoid pregnancy in a responsible manner or to promote pregnancy?

We’ve admittedly got some out-there theories, but at least 89% of ours come to fruition.

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Move along. Today I celebrate. Never thought I’d see this in my lifetime.

UncontrollableQueef 7 points ago +7 / -0

I thought high gas prices were muh bad Russia man’s doing? Please tell me people don’t think this is how prices are set. Right? Right?!

UncontrollableQueef 8 points ago +8 / -0

Definitely makes sense given most metrics were just recategorized, i.e. flu->Covid pneumonia->Covid cold->Covid. Maybe the DS said holy shit we gotta make hay while the sun shines and sent their propaganda arm into overdrive. Gives operation warp speed more meaning thinking about it in u/lilsparrow context

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lmao dead serious that was it verbatim! Tone changed a lot when he found out why

UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have a close cousin that’s gay in a VERY conservative family. We love him but don’t condone the lifestyle. You’re right on

UncontrollableQueef 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great memory, allow me to tap into it? Do you remember on faux Inauguration Day, just before the event almost dead-nuts at the start, there was a fire or smoke coming from a building nearby? Was it the SCOTUS building? I rarely see that mentioned as of late. Seems potentially significant combined with all the other weirdness that day

by GGRockz
UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +1 / -0

To clear up any confusion. Yes it was on purpose. No probably not for nefarious reasons. I watch this subject particularly closely. It’s SOP. Temperature is always the main driver. “Green” energy is screwing us.

by GGRockz
UncontrollableQueef 10 points ago +10 / -0

No worries fren this place teaches me so much. That’s a good question and tough one to answer. Essentially the more connections (generators and transmission capacity) there are, the more stable a grid is. You could (and we sometimes do) isolate sections to prevent cascading failures but there’s a lot of variables at play, such as power flow and system frequency, that could affect something downstream. It really comes down to not having enough generators and not enough infrastructure to transmit power.

We spend billions on upgrades annually on our state’s grid and that’s just to barely keep up. The so called green energy stuff is handcuffing grids all over the nation. Between muh green energy and muh supply chain, things are going to get interesting.

by GGRockz
UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

Storms took out lines, this is critical infrastructure during heavily loaded times of extreme cold and heat. You lose transmission lines, you lose capacity and create cascading grid congestion. What I explained is why power is preemptively shut off and why restoration could take longer if this step isn’t taken when needed.

by GGRockz
UncontrollableQueef 12 points ago +12 / -0

Load increased and frequency dipped. If system frequency dips too much the generator trips, then another and another. Lengthy restoration times follow bc firing up a plant isn’t like starting a car. That’s if the stators or other equipment wasn’t damaged during the shutdown. Then you have to rebuild it via small islands or networks at a time. So the remedy to prevent this is shedding firm load aka drop customers. We need more nuke plants

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have nothing to add to this, just wanted to say your style and sauce is much like that of u/NORMAN_F_DIXON

If one and the same, Hi fren! If not I want to say thanks for the in depth and thought provoking content you post.

UncontrollableQueef 8 points ago +8 / -0

No idea it’s been in the news lately, probably fertilizer related if I had to guess. Here’s my take FWIW:

DEF is part of Diesel engine emissions requirements that ruins the engine and makes it less economical, basically the opposite of what they claim to want to accomplish. Started with egr in 2005 then ultra low sulfur diesel in 2007. DEF fluid came shortly after. DEF is basically horse piss that is injected into the exhaust. The engine cycles at a high rpm for upwards of an hour or more (bad fuel economy) while injecting said horse piss into the exhaust. The ultra low sulfur doesn’t have lubricating properties that the old “red diesel” had and has been known to shred fuel pumps. Run out of fluid, guess what? Vehicle goes into “limp mode” and won’t run over 35mph, or shutdown entirely in some cases.

Deletion (highly illegal) of emissions equipment is not only possible, but actually yields an increase of mpg upwards of 30%. It’s entirely possible, and more cost effective, to do this at the factory but they don’t. Proper tuning will get you more mpg, horsepower, and torque. I’ve done this myself and seen the increases stated.

Item number 117 on my wish list after the dust settles is to do away with this idiotic requirement.

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for confirming. I’m not that familiar with flight and radar systems, it seems like a safety issue though if commercial flights can’t see them. I could understand somewhat if this was a known military training route.

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0


2 different fly overs this morning, 4 each time in pairs of 2. North to South trajectory over north central Texas. Not squawking on adsb. We’ve never heard jets here, ever. Could be Memorial Day activities. We live along a common commercial flight path / approach into DFW, finding it weird to see these w/ transponders off.

Edit: as I was typing this - make that the third time this morning

UncontrollableQueef 22 points ago +22 / -0

Those of us who watch over the grid take the responsibility with the utmost seriousness and pride. We understand people can, and have, died during extended outages. Brandon would be playing in my sandbox under this scenario and it just so happens I don’t play well with others. Without giving away too much on a public board, I’d just like to say rest assured there are eyes on 24/7/365 and personnel placed strategically throughout the system.

Reject dirty unreliable “green” energy and advocate for nuclear.

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