I'm only bringing this up as a concern. Heard my mother comment this morning after I asked "Did they pull any survivors from the crash?" Mom responds: "No, they're still looking for bodies. BUT OF COURSE Trump blames it on DEI!" While I'd love to get to the truth of the matter, I dunno how the messaging can be changed to reach people like my mother and father. Even though CNN was quick to blame Trump last night by pulling funding... which I don't even know how that affects the FAA, or at least I haven't been able to dig on how all these threads connect.
So that's my concern.
... Is this a "Follow the Pen" moment?
10 days before Inauguration. ... 10 days.... darnkess.
Oh,.. interesting link... Pam > Zimmerman > Travon > Obama.... Could be one reason, but I guess we'll see. I trust that Trump has learned or has surrounded himself with better people to help with nominations. Regardless, my faith is in God in this, so we shall see.
Oh my god, I didn't even think about that, 12 days between Dec 25th and Jan 6th. It could be something for sure. Interesting,.. I'll have to keep an eye open then around that time, given that the majority of the people in the dream couldn't get past day 3 of the song, and rare that some got to 4.
Oh... thinking about it now...... Christmas is on a Wednesday... 3 days is Saturday, 4 days is Sun.... Q suicide weekend?
As evil as the people are, I do not wish anyone to take their life. Of course it would be a spectacle if they were to do this just after Christmas,.. I guess as a way to desecrate the holidays?
I'd rather see them brought before trial, their lies exposed to the world, and justice served and faith in the people restore that Good triumphs.
But you are right, the timing is interesting. I will think and pray on this.
Huh. I usually only visit GAW every other day to see what might be going on or said, and I don't really catch the General Chats,.. but FI's comment starting with "After 7(+) years of..." is... interesting.
It's very possible my dreams are a combination of these things, of my feelings and such in a way to process or make sense of. But again I have had experiences in my life where my dreams have had personal prophetic messages.
Noted: I do believe some of the dreams I have are external messages. I have believed for a long time that some of the dreams I have give me insight on things to come. In my younger years, it was more personal, my grandmothers death, certain people I was interested having relationships with ended up being liars and cheaters,... little things.
I've had a few prominent dreams relating to Trump and politics over the last 4 years,.. 2 of them with Trump specifically, and one involving members of congress during the independent investigations to the 2020 voter fraud, two keep figures in that one was Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz. Romney refused to answer any of my questions, and Cruz was outside talking to regular civilians, left wing and right wing, advocating for upholding our constitutional rights.
Cruz in that dream I felt very comfortable with standing around and talking to, very open to discussion even with people who disagreed with him, or even disagreed with my values. Romney was very closed off. But I guess we could have guessed that, I'm just noting how I felt in THAT dream.
The dreams with Trump were interesting: 1st Dream wtih Trump, this was right after the 2020 election, Trump was standing on a dark red stage, while members of congress, including Schumer and Pelosi up front, just YELLING and barking at him, being nasty like a violent crowd. And Trump was just standing there in the spotlight, composed and unmoved. Over the years, remembering this dream has what's given me hope.
2nd Dream with Trump was the fast food burger dream I make a post a while back on this site, and a follow up one regarding Trump going to a private NY bar to serve burgers.... which was even funnier when he did the McDonalds thing before this election.
I find it really fascinating. I don't always know what they mean, but I do hold onto the feelings and emotions they invoke in the dreams and carry those into the waking world. So ... if I consider that with this dream,.. perhaps it's a warning or preparation of some of the things I might feel in the up coming months or years,.. that if and when justice is carried out, it won't be nice and won't be pretty, will be like a horror movie, ... but you can't help but watch, and can't look away.
As best as I could, I described what I saw from this portion of the dream without trying to add my personal emotions to it.
Recalling how I felt in watching it, (I don't personally watch may horror shows or movies, only very specific suspense or thriller films),... in the dream I was... hmm... captivated by a curious grotesque awe... like it's so disturbing, but you can't help but watch, wanting to but can't look away.
The singing of 12 Days of Christmas felt ... semi ritualistic, but also, like it was a countdown, or count up? (because they started with 1st day of christmas, getting up to 3 or 4 until they couldn't sing anymore and stopped, frozen in time.) A weird gauge of time passing, but gauging what, I don't know, at least not off the top of my head, besides time. If someone else was happening, it wasn't apparent to me.
The people inside sitting inside the water tank, like I said, there was enough room in there to fit 2-3 rows of 10-15 chairs each row,.. so approximately 20-30 (45) people at a time. While they were sitting, they were already frozen with those smiles be the time the unrecognized man came to start filling up tank with water with the people inside.
Again, same curious awe, but knowing that with the people frozen as the water filled, they were going to drown and die if they weren't already dead and just petrified by still conscious. My conscious brain trying to rationalizing conscious brain wondering if it's because the man in the movie thought there was no other way, no way of taking a chance that these people could be faking or that they could find a way to free themselves, or someone else free them, so this was an execution method that by drowning them while they were frozen was the only way to ensure they were, infact, dead.
The 'watching a movie' part,.. me and my brother is interesting. I don't have a bad relationship with my brother. We don't talk much, but he comes over whenever we have family dinner together, and we chit chat. So for use to sit down to watch something, and it's a horror movie named "Scream" (again, not the one we know of with the ghost faced serial killer) ... I remember reading the description of the movie in the dream.. but only remember the first few words... "After 7 years of ..." and that's all I recall.
None. I rarely use melatonin. Maybe had ... 4 gummies in the last 8 months. lol. But as far as last night goes, did not have any.
I think this is an older video, but it is still beautiful nonetheless. The acoustics and the harmony between the singers is simply ... divine.
I LOVE posts like this. :) God Bless America and God Bless Donald Trump!
Many thanks Fwen!
I cry for my childhood, lots of fond memories,.. now tainted knowing what I know now, and I'm sure that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
No, I'm not going to cry if Disney has a financial loss. I'm not going to cry if the predators are swept away. I will cry for the innocents if they are, but praying to God they are spared.
Made a post about this like a week ago, asking if Helene could have been "THE STORM" ("What Storm Mr. President?")
Metaphorical and Literal,.. First Helene, and now Milton (yet to make land fall as of this post, but still posing a severe threat to Florida.)
I wonder.. if it remain a Cat 5, on it's current trajectory, it'll pass over Orlando as well.
NOW! I'm not wishing for any death or destruction. Florida is my original home state, and I still have family in Central FL. I hope, as frequent as hurricanes are for the state, that minimal damage and loss of life, that those who can and are able to evacuate do so safely.
But.... I'm not gonna cry if Disney suffers a significant loss from the storm.
I never suggested the White Hats did this... but it is possible that Trump KNEW that the DS would use weather modification to attack it's own people, short of using nukes.
But there is the silver lining that in knowing that the DS would expend their resources would also bring to light the corruption.
Though maybe not related to this, Q also said "4-6% lost forever"... could mean that 4-6% will never change their minds,... or it could mean 4-6% life lost. That's approximately 14M-21M people just in the US alone. That's the size of the populations of Florida, or New York, or Pennsylvania. ... What would cause that kind of destruction? ... A Nuke,.. Many Nukes?
Again, this is on the premise that if Q knows lives will be lost at the DS hands, they are attempting to mitigate as much as possible while getting to the root of the evil, all while the DS plays their hands until they run out of ammo.
Thanks fren. :)
Oh I believe it, basically nailed it. Hopeful but anxious.
I guess in dreams, we associate actions more with the feelings they bring on rather than their literal meaning. It could be what we'd want him to fix, but I thought it more of... what is he actually doing. He's listening to me/us. He's 'serving' me/us. Fast Food is for the common man, which Trump himself regularly eats, and... what he himself has given. Remember all those hamburgers and such he shared when... what was it, the HS football players went to the whitehouse and the press made fun of him for it? (Of course now that I think about it, there might have been another meaning behind that too, almost like he was throwing it back in Obama's face for those 'pizza and hotdog' parties, really the child sex trafficking?)
All that to say I agree with you. Hopeful but anxious. We will see.
I had looked up the dream interpretation as well, so I know what you're saying.
Honestly, I couldn't tell you what discussion Trump and I would have had. It's as if we had talked before in a different timeline of the dream, but of what I could not tell you, because I never dreamed of any conversation with Trump.
But the manner in which we stood there at the counter as he took me order suggested that we did speak previously, and without us really touching on it, it was more like he remembered me, and we both were smiling and knowingly looking at each other of what the discussion was about, but we only really discussed my order, and I thanked him, at least more than twice in the dream.
And like I said, I myself had the calm giddy feeling like when you walk up to a table at a convention to just causally meet and speak with your favorite fandom celebrity. It was exciting, energetic, but also peaceful.
Honestly, I don't know what I could every say to Trump if I ever met him in real life, other than to Thank him, for being so strong in the face of adversity, and rekindling of patriotism and faith in our world, and to say I believe in him, and that God has protected him and that he is here, now, for a purpose, and that purpose is infectious and spreading with love and hope.
I guess I would just want to Thank him for giving ME hope, whether he knows it or not.
Look to Twitter....."My Fellow Americans"?
... What's another name for "marshland"...?
112th Anniversay Titanic Honor & Glory In-Real Time Sinking Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6ZpkNbwscA
Faith in God. The Military is the only way.
Yeah, I know, but I'm not someone who is good at explaining on the fly. All she hears from MSM is the continued bs. I caught her yesterday watching .. I dunno if it was CNN or ABC breaking down the Democrat questions of Kennedy, but not 1 republican question.