Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

4:43 - talking about he Bill Clinton "side eye" photo from the 2016 debates... Omg my sides. That photo.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0


Here is Nigel talking like Israels October-whenever psyop is real. Before that he is keen to get Army recruitment up with "young men and women"

Tone deaf. Yes we probably should have a strong military - but I am not keen on it while there is widespread knowingly accepting blatant false-flags and whitewashing Israel.

Farage is 100% never going to go the whole way and rejecting all the lies, but he is a stepping stone, and gets you a little closer, if I am being positive about it.

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im sure the environmental movement will stop harping on Climate Change for a minute and question mining lithium only to atomise it while you literally kill one person on the spot into the deal... drone warfare in more ways than one.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

BBC trying to hatchet Farage with the usual guff. All the stuffed shirts are coming out and saying the usual "vile comments" "Putin's lies echoed by shameful Farage"

Truth is Farage doesn't even go far enough, keeps it tame for the normies. I really hate the BBC.

Vapourface 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yeah it is a real shame when that happens. I've saved some great threads for good info - some super high effort valuable resources - and I go back to them and the whole post is gutted of all the good info. Such a tragedy really. Please just abandon the account and let it be. Who knows, one day it will be a super nostalgic bit of history, assuming the entire operation goes full circle (the Q clock is complete) and we get the resolution we all believe in, whatever that ends up looking like.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

911 was a turning point - sure - but it was not an intelligence failure, rather an intelligence operation. If they want to hang their PR on 911 then you are lying to my face, everything is fruit of the poisoned tree, so go to hell.

Apart from anything else, the CIA FAILED to meet its mission. It should have taken action against the real perps behind 911 and that would have ensured US moral leadership of the world forever. But the whole operation was false flag and that DESTROYED the US moral leadership.

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assume that is the Aurus Senat car (lower pic). I cannot help but notice the GAME CHANGING feature - the cup holder has also a pack-of-cigarettes holder. Based AF.

Rolls Royce on suicide watch.

Vapourface 11 points ago +11 / -0

Could it be possible that those passing over will learn the truth from the other side, and wage a war there in that realm? I don't know, but the thought occurred reading the comments for some reason. If our struggle is not against flesh and blood, maybe they are the reinforcements we need on that side? in that place maybe they can handle the truth, and might choose to stay close enough to help this place...

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the survivors are mutually hostile the apocalyptic scene will be more deadly. When the food runs out people will stratify racially and there will be more serious disorder. We are less likely to collectively wake up before then, as we are distracted by migration based issues, and if we did wake up, being splintered culturally we are much less likely to mount a unified defence.

If we all pulled together to depose the corrupt elite now, the migrants fearing deportation or ending of their free money, will fight FOR the elites against us. They are a fifth column.

It also very simply demoralises us, and destroys social trust, making resistance less likely generally. It is DELIBERATE SABOTAGE.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember someone talking about a car ride, and someone telling them whole towns were CIA run (pointing one out on the journey), agents married with children, living mundane lives. Presumably to have a pool of nobodies for covert operations. Is that the deal with Racine? Using these fake towns for weird social experiments and suchlike... maybe I suppose to do mass-school-shooter operations where all police and courts, local reporters etc are all CIA controlled so they can manage the entire thing....

Sort of like a model for the USA as a whole, how they intend to eventually run it as a totally fake reality...

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

So next time you see a Franklin on the street, leave it there. I will pickup & dispose for you saving you precious salt.

Vapourface 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now maybe people understand the "I don't want to hurt her" comment after the 16 election. Optics. He was ostensibly willing to forgive (but not really) which makes their persecution of him all the more heinous in the public mind.

Vapourface 1 point ago +1 / -0

They WERE going to start WW3 by Ukraine advancing prior to Putin finding out ahead of time and launching HIS advance into Ukraine, totally ruining ANY hope of damaging Russia. Now Russia is sitting-pretty dug into positions in Ukraine just waiting them out, having neutered everything Ukraine and Europe had laid-up in preparation.

The US has no teeth, as we know, any everything in Europe is now depleted. Their plans for WW3 are neutered fully. Many Euro elites have only suicide weekend to make their escapes... it's kinda funny. This is just bluster, it would never work, and anyway the US army is not available/under their command.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

The entire narrative changes, real reasons forgotten and new ones invented. It makes sense - if there is a war there are two competing ideas behind that. As the "winner" you will use your power to change the history as written to remove the legitimate-enough-for-war complaint, and replace it with something everyone agrees is bad (but didn't happen). Nobody wants you to think Hitler was "fighting for a saner system" which might happen if his reasons and situation were understood and you saw the same problems happening now. One of the biggest humps to get over. Not something you can just blurt out - people have to discover at their own pace - so Q must just lay the path for you to walk yourself.

There probably is a saner system, you might think. All very potent ideas.

Vapourface 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not much - it's the counter-up on Linux/UNIX computer systems that gives you an absolute time stamp. The only other thing to note is in 32bit systems it overflows 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038 causing a possible error like the millennium bug.

Vapourface 7 points ago +7 / -0


watch it roll around in the next hour or so.... and maybe something will surprise us?

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks to precedent Trump it's not unthinkable anymore.

When they go for him on the vaccines, then everyone will understand the play (father of the vaccine - court finds "not true") he was prepared to make. The final trap?

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's extremely alarming - especially when you have stocks that the elites are invested in going vertical at the hint of more "pandemics". All the incentives are there for them to play the same game (of pump and dump - not just stocks, but people)

Vapourface 2 points ago +2 / -0

You just let loose a LLM pseudo-AI that calmly tells you what you want to know.

It starts with, "Sit down, put your seatbelt on, have a drink of water handy, and tell me your safe word first"

The choice to know... will be yours.

Vapourface 3 points ago +3 / -0

"let's all remember to love each other as our first priority" is a good 'frame' to say what needs saying. Repetitively saying something soothing like that as a precursor to every communication, can help. I mean this in a brute force way - repetition of a statement of your desire for how interactions should be - as a repeated statement, just flatly and expressed in a way that doesn't accuse before you say anything, will change their behaviour, but only with repetition and acting it yourself. It is the calm repetition of the same thing that matters, you have to take control. Assert. Assert something good, a bit better, for everyone. Just trust that consistency and repetition works. You have to calm everyone down. It all sounds very high stress. I sympathise.

Now that you feel the way you do, you can try even radical new behaviour, without risk. I mean if you are considering killing yourself, consider instead killing yourself with embarrassment by doing something out of your comfort zone. It's like a "free go" at life with the husk you inhabit. Try and rise above it and assert something that is dream-like rather than this nightmare.

You are at a point of maximum freedom. Use it now when you have no limits considering the alternative. Maybe that's what a breakdown is? I say do not let anyone call it that.. You are not about to have a breakdown but a breakthrough.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

"financier" is so tiresome, blackmail seemed to be his full time job, that and getting left-hand-shandies from jailbait.

Vapourface 4 points ago +4 / -0

They probably have a SCIF there which is the most impregnable, if you want a more mundane reason.

Vapourface 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now understand they have individuals mapped, and real-time sentiment analysis. Google maps is like a perfect garage with tools and materials, whereas, they've built Ferraris, and drones.

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