VicariousJambi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to be a qtard myself but absolute retarded shit like accepting faggots, not being able to question jews, not being able to ask questions about racial crime rates, not being able to question the guy that pushed the clot shot along…. are a few reasons why I stopped.

VicariousJambi 5 points ago +5 / -0

I cannot see any reason why the Black Hats would want to expose the corruption in their propaganda machine.

Black Hats push AI, alien and metaverse propaganda

Black Hats trash world

Black Hats expose their propaganda to make public angry about it

Black hats dont actually make conditions bad enough for people to revolt

Black Hats finally use project bluebeam

"Aliens" are here to help

"Aliens" are a collective race of previously organic AI

They say that the solution to our problems is becoming one with technology

aliens make people take the chip

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm aware that you don't have to tell the class, I did leave that decision up to you. But you're the one who broached the subject, created the post in the first place. I think its well within reason to say "maybe you should share some specifics to get better assistance" And, yeah I doubt you're intentionally trying to poison yourself, no one in their right mind would do so. But people poison themselves unintentionally all the time. Hell, even I do. For example, people who drink tap water aren't attempting to drink a neurotoxin, yet they still are.

Have a good one!

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

Isn't it a little judgmental to ask God to change someone into something more aligned to what you want? Someone whom God created?

And You could always tell the class what you need, too. Maybe someone around here could suggest alternatives, and if you've looked into alternatives, ones you haven't heard about.

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

I know exactly where I am, no I have no idea who you are. Doesn't really matter to me who you are. Yes I read your post, did you read my comment?

Highly doubt that anyone actually needs big pharmas poisons. Theres probably a natural alternative or lifestyle change you could do instead.

You are part of anyone.

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're trusting them when they tell you that you need their medication.

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

Feel free to keep thinking that, it’s your choice to trust those people.

VicariousJambi 0 points ago +1 / -1

I need a medication only available by prescription.

Highly doubt that anyone actually needs big pharmas poisons. Theres probably a natural alternative or lifestyle change you could do instead.

VicariousJambi 2 points ago +2 / -0

You also pay for all taxes that all corporations have. Elon musk paid whatever outrageous amount he did in taxes? No he didn't, you did. Well, specifically, his customers did. All he did was price his cars a higher amount than they would have been without taxes and pushed that onto you.

by BQnita
VicariousJambi 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh yes, times are changing. In their arrogance they thought they could become God by controlling our very minds, bodies and spirits with the internet, but the internet was their greatest mistake.

We are returning humanity to its previous wonder, glory and splendor. And beyond.

Just don't take the brain chip, don't fall for any "aoh my god aliens ackshwally created you" bs.

Theres a lot of truth in the new age stuff, specifically the stuff thats just repackaged ancient philosophy, but a lot of its simply there to trick you into a one world government.

ahh but now I'm rambling, sorry for that.

I need to figure out a good salutation, too.

by BQnita
VicariousJambi 6 points ago +6 / -0

I apologize for this harshness, but if you think the truth hasn't been hidden then you haven't gone down many rabbit holes yet.

VicariousJambi 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you wanna go the horse paste route I here's a chart on how to dose.


here's a pdf from the frontline docs about other treatments too, like quesrcitin


Either way I suggest getting some zinc supplements and taking those with the ivermectin since it needs zinc to work and... why not have a little extra?

by JC77
VicariousJambi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do not mistake stupidity for malice. This is malice.

VicariousJambi 4 points ago +5 / -1
  1. To take heat away from all the other bullshit they're doing to us and turning the midterms into a 1 issue vote. Once they cheat everyone they want to in office they can just say that "oh see everyone loves murdering children" and fully legalize it.

  2. "be afraid of covid, be very afraid of covid, it still exists we promise!!"

  3. Well this theory 100% depends on the idea that Trump is on our side. If he was just a pressure release valve to keep the public pacified and non-violent, if trump was a trick to get people into thinking they could still vote their way out of the problems or that someone was going to come save them while the cabal slowly tighten the noose the cabal wouldn't do anything to trump.

you did ask for a reply from the doomer side, so thats what I provided.

VicariousJambi 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm with you, "every single time" is a meme for a reason. Anyone who doesn't think jews are aptly described in the bible (revelation 2:9 & 3:9 [all jews are lying about being the original jews btw]) hasn't been noticing them for long enough or met enough of them irl.

VicariousJambi 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is also a difference between caring enough about yourself to give yourself a good image and having an image to maintain.

Just because I don't like to look like a slob when I got out doesn't mean I have an image to maintain.

VicariousJambi 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try again

no thanks, they rape kids. I don't really care about anything else about them.

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