Just put *bot.
Isn’t it funny all of Hollywood is shut down simultaneously.
Guys just found out what Joe Biden whispers in kids ears. Woman left phone on video not photo. Recorded it as close as humanly possible. 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
I think I know POSSIBLY what may happen. Remember, this time it literally IS a movie…
The first mention of this horror show, shows their first automatic response. They deny it of course, rather than doing their jobs and investigating ANY of it. Spends all time debunking what they can’t. No time “fact checking” or double checking. Ask them if they want to “double check” their answers right away. 😎 What will they then do or say?
Wow without any research and such a specialist on the subject I’d like to know where HE got HIS info from. Must have gotten plenty seeing how passionate he is about the remote possibility of children in harm. Focus on Republicans? Focus on Democrats and see what they all have to say. FACTS vs Chronic liars. There is no other explanation. Don’t need it. They’re words are just as they are. In stone. Done and done. Guilty. No matter their words. Surly they’ll lie also to save their own faces. Too late. Prisoners get the same treatment, vice versa. Done and done.
And millions waiting for them, in all directions. No where to run except into the People. Aka storm.
All the msn / press / anyone who’s denied instead of investigating ANYTHING, further or running stories about this, are all guilty. To think, that children never to see light of day, are having their thunderous chance STOLEN by these people. QUICK to deny and mock, rather than inquire and stop. THEY ARE DOING WHAT TO HELP HORRIDLY ABUSED CHILDREN? Nothing. THEY ARE DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO CONTRIBUTE, SO THEY CAN CONTINUE THIS HORROR. Anyone negative about this is complicit. ANYONE. And ALL. This is the dividing line, between Holy and Evil. They’re showing themselves all at once. Storm the field.
“The coming attraction, feature presentation” - they can’t stop come and stayed.
No matter who says what or who doesn’t, the awakening happened as soon as they stole possession of the people. We’re naturally in tune to pick up the lies in the confusion. Anyone that is happy with anything political is favoring child molesters. Point Blank.
Well anyone attacking ( which is absolutely unacceptable) ANYONE protecting children from vile behavior is obviously also apart of it. They attack?? No, no, remember what happens in prisons to these people. PRISONERS DO NOT TOLERATE ANY OF THIS. They will do what needs to be done. Now, what’s that say? Didn’t they release prisoners left and right recently? Well, here’s their chance to show the world they too are very helpful, more so than anyone in this case. What a disastrous place to be, on the receiving end of a multitude of death row facing pissed off prisoners free to run towards them and charge, with ZERO guards or rules. I for one applaud this. It’s like —> Satan’s own kryptonite. <—-