How are they filming their TV shows and Movies? I'm not seeing any masks or social distancing!
Why has Trump been such an advocate for the vaccine?
Um, technically Kim Jong-un is an illegitimate dictator himself.
I've been wondering how these Hollywood hypocrites are filming their TV shows and Movies. Like WandaVision for example: Much of that was filmed last year. Where's the masks and social distancing? I've seen plenty of scenes in projects that were filmed last year or even this year where unrelated people are close to each other, touching, even being intimate. See it all the time at their stupid awards shows and shit like the Grammys. I don't watch that shit but I've seen pictures. Fucking hypocrites. Rules for thee but not for me.
Can't shop at Costco without one. But I basically need to shop there to buy bulk food for my business.
Sauce for this theory?
This board is full of just as many conspiracy theories as You are not immune.
Discussion isn't banned, nor will it ever be.
Um, you banned discussion about flat earth and chem trails mate.
It's not an election year.
Underrated comment
I'll talk about the aids. I don't mind. Begone with your disgusting aids. Devil worshippers!
I'm gay and I'm even grossed out by this.
Why deepfake Trump?
Roaring? All I hear is the baaing of sheep in masks. I hope the roaring starts soon.
Inquiring minds really want to know ☝️
Take her out of public school. The government should not be raising our children.
This MUST happen
Not the first time I've heard this theory.
Watch IceAgeFarmer on BitChute
My question is: how does choir work, how about band, theater, orchestra?
Costco changed their policy two months ago and now requires everyone to wear a mask or face shield even if you have a medical exemption or disability. And unfortunately I have to shop there for my business. Strongly been considering Sam's Club but I don't know what it's like there.
Costco is my biggest enemy right now. I feel like if I do this at Costco it's gonna be a different story. And I tend to lose my cool if I don't just keep my mouth shut. I would probably blow up at the whole store and drop some f*bombs, make a huge scene, and leave.
Sounds like a fucking nightmare. I'm glad I didn't deal with this when I went to school. Hang in there. You are loved.
Don't expect anyone to be held accountable.