When I was a teen, I would get those cheap, 3 dollar bottles of body mist and make a CLOUD of spray before waltzing in and inhaling as much as possible. I believe too much of that can cause long term thyroid problems.
Yes. I did quite a few things to change the damage. After over ten years of being barren, my body was able to birth a perfect tiny human almost 16 months ago. The whole journey just solidified my faith in Christ and it all points to Him.
Eggs, butter and animal fats are crucial for feminine overall health.
I purged years ago when I was trying to figure out why my body was so messed up. Enlarged thyroid and an extremely crazy cycle pattern. (Normal females have a 28-32 day menstrual cycle, I could go 80-125 days). Doctors were clueless (”Durrr, try this pill.”) so I started eliminating things that could impact my body. Artificial fragrance was the first thing I got rid of.
Technically, according to our Constitution, Muslims are not allowed to practice Islam here. The main thing is women and children are inherently slaves, we don’t condone or tolerate slavery in the US (not counting illegal sex trafficking) and we should really start challenging the cities that let them live and practice their belief system.
People want the easy way, if they can, they will choose it every time no matter the consequences.
I agree. While I have had demonic attacks through my dreamscapes, I’ve only encountered “alien” type entities once or twice, both times them offering/wanting me to leave. I command all entities in my dreams to leave in Jesus name and I’ve been protected each time. I walk humbly with my Lord daily, I wonder if there’s a connection through the Spirit that prevents certain actions from their side.
Muhammad was illiterate, couldn’t read or write. He had some “scholars” of his read out loud passages from the different religions of the time. He basically picked what he wanted from each religion and then just made up the rest. Truly a cult.
Oh no! Why would our besties do something so rude?
Elon is doing the exact opposite of what the evil out there desires. This scripture came to mind, I hope it brings you peace.
“But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” Others, testing Him, sought from Him a sign from heaven. But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Luke 11:15-20
One of my older relatives asked if we were going to feed our child rice cereal and we politely said the child was eating semi solids at that point and didn’t need it. We too chose to exclusively nurse until the child showed interest in the foods we were eating. We have always just given them a small portion of our food, skipping purées and “baby food” almost altogether. There is a positive in sharing parenting through social media in this season of life.
I only wanted to clarify because some people ( NOT you 🙏) take the verse out of context meaning the tool of money itself is evil.
What is a babies first food? Basically fat and sugar. One reason why a lot of females are in poor health is because they’ve replaced normal sugars (cane, fruits, honey) with fake or altered sweeteners. I do believe some people are more sensitive to certain foods, but there is plenty of proof out there that humans need sugar to survive. We don’t need to suck it down through 3 cans of soda, but fruit and some cane sugar in your coffee or tea isn’t going to make you addicted. It’s the HFCS that’s triggering the brain to “need more”.
What’s crazy is that males can indeed function off low to no sugars, but it’s different for the female body since we have to store things differently for reproduction/ pregnancy / postpartum.
The majority of people are illiterate. They know the most basic words and don’t understand anything else. MOST people can’t even use there/their/they’re correctly :|
The love of money is the root of “all kinds” of evil.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. I Timothy 6:10
It’s not the sugar, it’s the high fructose corn syrup. Sugar is needed for humans to function, HFCS is not.
I knew early on in my pregnancy that I wasn’t going to utilize the epidural routine during delivery (I was at a birthing center so I couldn’t anyway). I’ve heard too many horrors from those who have lasting effects. I was more intimidated by that than the actual discomfort of labor. The meds can also cross over to baby, exposing them to the medication.
This passes through my head weekly. I was just entering the age where I cared about politics in 2016 and have watched all this unfold with a “clean slate”. She not winning in 2016 triggered something in my consciousness to realize someone had the upper hand and she doesn’t actually know who is it. So many things are crumbling all at once and nothing can stop what is happening.
They use cells from aborted infants to create some of the vaccine lines. What’s horrible is if you have another persons DNA injected into your bloodstream it can in turn trigger cancer cells to start producing. I theorize that childhood cancers come from the very vaccines the parents are asking for.
It’s called Wicked, and I literally just threw away a copy six months ago that an old housemate had left. It had the image of the white witch whispering to the other and the edges of the pages were green.
I’ve read about people who are going through chemotherapy putting peroxide on their skin as it introduces more oxygen to their bloodstream.
Being a Missouri driver, almost every single person who is driving recklessly on the road is GLUED to their phone. They are looking down at their lap or holding up to their face. I’m glad there will be consequences for those who are needlessly distracted while traveling in a vehicle.