Yohan_Galt 73 points ago +73 / -0

I remember I was in a hospital with my daughter for a routine checkup, she has CF. We were waiting in one of the exam rooms and I had my mask half on, because I knew this Covid shit was complete bullshit. In walks the pharmacist, fully masked and God knows what else and she sits down next to me. She then asks me to place my mask fully on my face because even though she has taken the Covid vaccines (not traditional vaccines), her young kids have not.

I placed the mask over my face (hospital policy) and said 'I will never give my kids that poison'. She quickly went through what she needed to do and left.

I work in Immunology, pharmaceuticals, and knew from the start that all of this was bullshit, more over criminal. I was amazed how many medical professionals blindly followed the 'science' which flew out the door when these mRNA injections came out. I hope they all lose their licenses/credentials/reputation when the truth finally comes out.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Simply, there is good and bad within the military, far more good than bad. The military was more than likely the first to be purged of traitors. Milley served a purpose, to what end we may never know.

Yohan_Galt 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is why we are here. There is a higher function of power that has been hidden from us for a long time. That power is being wrestled away to expose the truth.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand what you are saying, but to say the 'oath' thing shouldn't be a selling point is absurd. I took that oath, it is a selling point, because there are far more of us than them. Those that turned their backs on that oath are traitors, and will be held accountable.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rectal Reboot!

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

True, keep in mind these are declassified documents. There are plenty of copies. How do you introduce information legally? I can't think of a better way than the FBI walking out your door with everything.

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

We don't know with certainty I agree, but there has to be some control because Americans are waking up by the hour.

Yohan_Galt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great timing! I need to re-order more colon cleanse!

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was my first thought, there are probably more security cameras on that property than the damn Pentagon.

Yohan_Galt 6 points ago +6 / -0

This could go in many directions, none of them which will hurt Trump permanently including his possible arrest. Most intelligence docs Trump would have in his possession have been declassified. Trump could also be sitting on damaging evidence of his enemies... our enemies.

Trump has been 10 moves ahead of these criminals since he came into existence. It's almost as if he has their playbook ;-)

Yohan_Galt 9 points ago +9 / -0

I hear his colon cleanse works wonders!

by Cuzzo
Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a similar MESA in NC called Pilot Mountain. It is very close to Durham, NC. Durham.

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Also great questions. Type in 'full control' when searching Q posts, says it all.

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their propaganda is always necessary and continually ongoing, that's how they maintain their control. The difference now is they cannot control the narrative.

Yohan_Galt 32 points ago +32 / -0

Looks like good things are right around the CORNer

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

So basically you can loiter anywhere and use the excuse of prostitution to avoid arrest.

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