Ah yes, reminds me of this woman's solution.
FEMA can do whatever they want, in the event of a "national emergency" allowing them to take over the government. E.O. 12919 allows FEMA to handle such emergencies, such as those outlined in 11001 and 11000. In fact, they have hundreds of thousands of disposable coffins that can fit multiple people inside right now, ready to be used. Some are in Georgia.
Worried they'll try to start forcing people to take it and/or interacting with society will become impossible. After all they've done and the plans the federal government has had for decades, it's not much of a stretch for them to do so. Would love to be wrong, though.
Searched it up quick and found one of the videos that seems to use CGI. There were more as well, but I don't have them on me at the moment.
I'm thinking so as well. I believe he is probably a defecting Freemason that decided to clean house, but the blackmail theory could be possible. All those strange CGI videos and pictures of Trump after the 6th started popping up. How do we know his statements are truly his?
This is the problem. We have no concrete information that supports either side (plan vs. no plan). Q's cryptic posts allow for multiple interpretations that make it almost impossible to know exactly what they are conveying. Operation Trust 2.0 or epic military op -- we don't know. Same could be said of the "scared" cabal; are they scared, or are they going into hiding as their plan is carried out perfectly?
I completely agree. It's not even a matter of being out of patience or whatever, but something's gotta give. Military would be able to root out the actual cancers causing all this with little bloodshed, while militias promise neither but still get the job done to an extent. Obviously the white hats/military are a better option, but where are they, exactly?
Meanwhile, no audits have been completed and there seem to be no white hats around to ensure subpoenas are enforced. We will need monumental change this month to occur because we are approaching FEMA camps very rapidly.
The military is well aware of what is going on and is either complicit or somehow working to save us. However, I find it harder to believe as time passes that the military completely infiltrated by the secret societies would suddenly turn around and fix this. They seem more busy purging real Americans and injecting the remaining with strange substances at the moment.
I remember Trump did some reorganization with FEMA around six months ago. It's known for being one of the most secretive and sinister organizations out there, especially considering Cooper's writings on it. I truly hope that he did a good job cleaning house.
This is why it's so important that the American members of military intelligence use their information to root out all the hidden cancers causing this global takeover. Even public "people" like Soros and Rothschild answer to higher powers.
Many throughout history have attempted to thwart the cabal by protesting and enlightening others only for those really in control to do what you said, slink away and come back later. How many have even heard of people like Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall, who are largely responsible for the events happening today?
Rather than treating symptoms, we must focus on the cure instead.
Being real, I think you would undoubtedly be right if nothing imminent is done this month; the army getting neutered is just one of many inexcusable things occurring at this point. We'll be finding out very soon whether this is truly a more sophisticated version of Operation Trust or not.
In other words, extreme change in the current situation needs to happen before Labor Day the 6th (or sooner according to some MSM sources). They will use every avenue possible to make sure we'll all be injected with this shot.
It's undeniable that there are a lot of "coincidences" and deltas this month. Also odd that Hussein is holding a party when his and many others' recent appearances at the inauguration were actually CGI or actors. Not much action from them afterwards. Where have these people been?
Nine months in, and no one behind the scenes can even force low-level treasonous actors to hand over data that only proves what everyone knows? Unfortunately action is all that matters at this point; lukewarm statements, strongly-worded tweets, and comms are meaningless when we're a stone's toss away from being corralled in FEMA camps.
The NWO would have elements from all of those, under a one-world totalitarian socialist government. However, I think it would take plenty of elements from 1984. Sovereignty would be abolished, along with all rights such as free speech and private property. There would be a world court that determines cases in which rulings cannot be challenged. The population would be continually culled until only the apathetic remain.
In such an event, the Illumined government would have invaded the final frontier, the human mind, meaning everyone would become part of the collective down to their very soul. They would completely obey authority without any question. Therefore, there would be no threat (conflicts, differing philosophies, instability, etc.) to one-world government. It could go on forever.
I could go on and on, but more can be read about this from the teachings of the secret societies (Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall are some of many in the know that wrote about such things). One could even find it in laws and agendas publicly published by "authoritative bodies" like the UN (Agenda 21 and the UN Charter, which supersedes our own Constitution).