Anything to stop transhumanism is a plus!
indeed dike no truer words typed lol
That's wasn't a sermon via the Spirit of Christ that's for sure. It was pure unadulterated political propaganda!
What a farce.
I dont understand how she got to keep her job as long as she did. She's one of the few that actually dig for the truth.
Exactly. Tariff the hell out of them. And then some.
I knew an ideologue would downvote this comment. It is so predictable.
If you hate Clinton cool fine with me, but everything I said was fact.
If another nation is ripping us off with arduous trade policies I say tariff the heck out of them. China is #1 on my list, and Europe also.
We need real free trade. For instance a nation has a product we need that we don't have much of and they need something we have it should be an even trade that benefits both nations and the workers here and there. This is quite simple and actually keeps the super rich and the international banking cartel at bay. Actually we can trade directly nation to nation without these middle men skimming and cheating their way to ill gotten riches.
#MAGA #AmericaFirst 1000% Patriots!
We need to pray Homan finds as many missing kids as possible.
Before he died, President Truman said regretted ever setting up the CIA. They essentially lied to him about the purpose of it. It was supposed to be an intelligence clearinghouse for the President but it morphed quickly into overthrowing governments and even used those same tactics to take out President Kennedy.
I started voting in 1992 the year I turned 18. I voted for Clinton, but was very tempted to vote Perot because I signed a petition in May of that year to put him on the ballot as another alternative to Bush. I wanted Bush gone either way.
I can tell the younger folks on this board that the Democrat party of today is nothing like the Clinton 'putting people first third way' party of the 90s. Not even close. Clinton actually in cooperation with Congress Dem or Rep balanced the budget with a surplus by the end of the decade, signed welfare reform, got energy prices down, and mostly kept us out of war except Kosovo. Clinton actually paid some to the overall US Debt, and secured Social Security for 30 years. Also Clinton deported millions and secured the border.
This current Democrat Party sucks. Woke, inviting illegals, funneling money to Ukraine and Israel in the billions, and now men can become women magically which is pure insanity.
They deserve to go away into the dustbin of history.
Can you break this down into a sentence or two? Are you for unfettered capitalism, which is basically fascism, or for true free market enterprise that makes sure that everyone has a level playing field and prevents a few from monopolizing everything?
Amen 1000x Exactly. If you want to do something really terrible launder your money through the Vatican Bank. Terrible like payments for child trafficking. Or illegal money for arms shipments. The list goes on and on.
Werfel? that's an interesting last name. Sounds kinda Nazi to me. But I'm open to correction.
I didn't say I wanted more regulation. I said reasonable regulations. As you know or might not most regulations are written by big business to keep out competitors. Now if that is true,and I believe it is, is that 'free market enterprise' or a rigged system sorta like fascism?
Huh? I'm not quite sure what you mean? But if I think what you saying is it is actually the opposite. Everything is subordinate to We The People who are supposed to run and own the Republic not the other way around.
No we haven't had 100 years of that. If you read my comment/post you'd see I mentioned the Chicago School and Milton Friedman. What we are living under what started in the 1970s and was given full force by Ronald Reagan. Trickle-down and financialization is what happened and all our jobs were shipped elsewhere so they could pay someone 50 cents a day.
You need to rethink your ideology and as I mentioned don't be brainwashed by Friedman and others. They spew a good line, but it is all lies.
TY. I'm certainly not a communist because I believe in private property. I'm just sick and tired of America being sold out to this international clique of super rich bastards who think they run and own everything.
Google needs to be broken up. Youtube needs to be a separate company not under Alphabet or Google. Meaning its own company with no higher ownership. I think most companies should be their own company and this conglomeration via vulture capitalism needs to stop. The main bunch is Blackrock and other entities like them need to busted up too. Where is President Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt when we need them?
I love Youtube. It is a wonderful platform that works. It does work and works well. Same with Rumble. That's another wonderful platform that works well.
There is a big difference between Capitalism and Free Market Enterprise.
Here what our first Republican President and American Hero Abraham Lincoln said about this issue:
'Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.'
To me that means that the workers, meaning WE THE PEOPLE, who get up everyday and go make an honest living who do all the labor. Does anyone really believe some investor or CEO on Wall Street labors? Do you believe they got there honestly? Did Bill Gates get rich honestly?
Capitalism means capital which is the property, machinery, the cars/trucks, the technology that makes the economy work. Who makes all these things? The capitalists or the those who labor? A hammer doesn't just appear out of nowhere. The machinery that helps make the hammer just doesn't appear out of nowhere. Someone had to labor to put up the factory, make and install the machinery, and and give us the end product the hammer.
Don't listen to the Chicago School of Economics Milton Friedman and others who preach the 'virtues of capitalism'. What they don't tell you is if it weren't for labor no one would get a thing and the rich would never become rich. Insanely rich just like the headline in this story mentions. The profit motive (Milton Friedman's god) is all that matters no matter the consequences and damn labor and the rest of public.
From 1st Timothy 6:10 of the Holy Bible:
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"
I still can't wrap my head around how those who claim to follow Jesus worship money.
PS. Call me a communist all you want. But making sure Capitalist are kept under control via government laws and reasonable regulations guarantees that there is a true free market enterprise system.
The cops will do anything even if it is illegal. We live in a police state. Now if the rep actually did a crime, get a warrant and arrest him at home. That simple.
What did this rep do? I don't know, but most likely nada.
Per the Satanic Cabal Kash is 10000% Patriot. Per violence against Pelosi's criminal husband I wish the Democrat Party was as concerned that Trump was almost killed this past Summer.
The are part of demonic religion so your statement is not far from the truth. Israel shouldn't even have nukes. Nut'n'Yahoo is crazy enough to use them too for no good reason at all. Only the Holy Spirit is preventing him from doing something worse than he's already done which is a long list of political murders, war crimes, involved in 911, now Gaza.
The WEF/WHO Vatican EU UN Gates et al can go F themselves.
You can do anything if you don't get caught.
They are right. Having Putin killed is demented. Not only that very shortsighted, apparently oblivious to Russia's recent history since WWII, and don't care exactly who or what Putin really is.
They might hate this, eye's wide open' here, that Boris Yeltsin picked this 'lowly' young KGB agent of the former Soviet Union to lead. Why?