i've known her for a very very long time, just taking notes that the drops say to do it nameless and faceless and every big channel is ignoring that (Joe Rogan follows Victoria) Take this as you wish but watch them closely. Q warned us.
Outside comms telling us to follow someone who isn't anonymous. Odd times
Prove it. You seem to think the us military wouldn't modify the weather as a force multiplier. Maybe Reddit or Gaia is a better fit for you. This site just isn't it
P.s. global warming is a hoax. Prove me wrong
You already are a lefty. At least as dumb as one. Here let me do the lifting for you. Daddy's got your back. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA333462
It does indeed seem all of the division does revolve around this one celebrity who openly dislikes anonymous accounts because he can't sue them for defamation and 2, claims to have read the drops but is running a cult...
"original anons" aren't showing their face and ignoring the Q drops or being invited anywhere, JS. "Nameless, faceless, fameless" means something else to some people.
I don't need to do shit. You came here with a fake backhanded question, got your answer and want to play it off and try to gaslight and psyop me and failed. Go back to your corner idiot
You laugh, but you can't keep up. Why would I show my face HAHAHHAHA. If you can't beat Q, why complain? You already have it figured out. Go record some YouTube videos and save the world. Why are you wasting time on a conspiracy theory site? Go save the fkn world already. We are all waiting
Look around ya big dummy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You're on a Q website trying to convince us Q is fake with paragraphs, angry you don't understand current geopolitics. I've spelled it all out, out of the kindness of my heart. Best of luck, you WILL need it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cute downvote, you are ignorant, proud, rude, and even in the face of truth, don't want to admit you were wrong. Do you work for the GOP? 🤣
Define cult, none of us have a leader, explicitly told to think for ourselves. One heck of a cult, but keep throwing around CNN cultist buzzwords. Never heard of "Zeit" btw. I'd rather be around and know stuff than be around and be ignorant, hostile, and closed minded. You do you buddy. I've already won
Ignorance is bliss. Some of us knew what they had planned for 10 years before Q ever came along. Consider it a blessing you can't fully comprehend what's happening... Some of us haven't slept very well in a few years
Dates, real life events, anons who show their face, do it for fame, pay, or have a blue check and never get banned are NOT us. We have been awake for over 15 years here. The core team that lies in the shadows and refuses to do this for fame or money is being exploited. Read every drop with no outside influences. Think for yourself. Q themselves say the earth isn't flat and JFKJR isn't alive. Take that how you want.
It's because so many are leeching and weren't around for the actual posts. I was one of the anons on the board during Pizzagate digs where we were digging and Q was actively replying. We are talking about telling 7 billion people to think for themselves while we try to tackle an enemy of unthinkable evil and scale. It's part of the game. We've been HEAVILY INFILTRATED. Every major page including telegram is likely controlled. We're in the middle of the operation. Nothing is finished yet
Same playbook as Infowars. Same circle too
Nah maybe Liz but they've named John even tho he is dead. Lol
Are you implying that IG isnt them? Maybe DJTJR shouldn't follow imposter accounts then.
Is @truthsocialclub not them? They have 50k followers. Followed by DJTJR.
Love the downvote, "Truth" er fake anons. https://instagram.com/truthsocialclub?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I'm retarded by thinking Truth on IG shouldn't lie 🤣🤡🌍
Good one, but it was shared by truth. Try harder 🤣🤣🤣
There are no two parties, all wings of the same bird. An enemy of Soros is my friend
Whatever helps you sleep at night. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣