Yes perfectly said. I think I do remember that interview. I did say he deserved to rest but I don't think he really is!
Yes well said!!
And to the OP, I only came here to say this: why does Trump have to be 'doing something' right now?
To me it looks like he's taking a well-deserved rest after spending 4+ years (+ because you bet he was working on this way longer than 4 years) setting up the dominoes without a break. The man never slept FOR US. Now he gets to sit back and watch the them all TRIP over the dominoes!! And we're blessed to be able to watch the whole show!
So just chill out and enjoy!
Good catch!
Totally. And I found the ultimate ones, my favorite-I'll-never-buy-any-other-kind handmade all-leather ones made to my feet's dimensions by a guy in Cali who's been making them since he got back from Vietnam. Called Kiwi Shoes!
And no more blogs about 5G or 6G since then...
Thank you, that explains way more than I knew!!
(Ha there's that 10:4 again!)
You don't need to go across the country. Just head over the Cascades to the desert side of the state. Any tiny town over here would welcome you, including mine. Yeah there are a few idiot stragglers left, but the numbers are dwindling fast. Keep your head up, and know that you're never alone!
And like sands through the hourglass... are the Days of Our Lives.
I'm tired of this part (and these characters) of the soap opera.
Well said. The 40,000 foot view!
He's also technically an "African-American" which turns their whole narrative upside down 😆
The comments on that are great. Not a soul believes what he is saying!
Your objectivity is great but ... it still sounds weird to say my kitchen inms a new world order.
Best explanation, yes.
Just like Cloud Atlas. Freaky movie.
Well, that's a great hypothetical. I guess we'll see what happens when that happens.
Honestly I'm just watching to see what happens now. Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys, I can't tell you.
It just surprised me the way he brushed it away as if it didn't matter, when it matters alot to a whole lot of people. I was imagining all those people watching it scratching their heads and wondering who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?
And now I just watched the clip below that shows Fox edited it out, so.... I guess let's roll the 🎲
They did!! It was at the end when Bret asked him to start speaking in english!
I was watching it and was shocked - yet not surprised - how he just dismissed them as "people who are fighting for their country".
Especially the Lizard Lick part.
In both of the videos posted in this thread, it sounds like a voiceover!
I guess I'm jaded by all the pics I've seen of models and actresses who were in fact men.
Ugh why do I keep clicking play on these awful videos of her singing? Thats 2 in one day now. That voice 🤮