Everyone thought the swap was Camelã, they play a long game though. Two installed people, the obvious dummy gets “taken out”. Playbook strata.
We need an anonymous group channel that can post the videos and info coming from there. Something that has no originating source but only shows truth.
Boosted to Hell. I don’t hope for that. May the lord have mercy on her and judgement on her true intentions.
Agree. It is still us that needs to be open about what we want our lives and Country to be.
My father, who is voting for Trump, still says he needs to act more “presidential”. Talking to him at lengths about this I think I see what’s happening.
Trump has his true base, now he is just being the opposite of what the media thought they could still use. They can’t attack him anymore on policy, abrasive comments during debates, or even his advisors. People like us have influence and hate them for the other reasons. We have the facts. It was literally the point of getting people, that were pissed off, to pay enough attention to archive and help slowly give the info out.
Trump can’t be the only voice, it needs to be the people talking. We the people.
Careful of the Legendary Black Beast of Arrrghhh!
I’m going to keep waiting to get the vax until it will make my body perfectly digest all my food.
He wasn’t born here, but this video is fake
Also a follow up question. “Would a trans woman be another significant marker? Wouldn’t that make trans woman different than “regular” women?”
This is a good one. K.Brown made a huge mistake answering that way!
Can’t claim something that you can’t define. Mr. Guniess of the world records book would be appalled.
Your wife’s girlfriend was at the AI PARTy?
I’ll keep looking! However this was my immediate find. Same with humans drawing, AI struggles with hands. It’s actually kind of funny. Also with written background lettering. It’s almost always gibberish.
Dems just accept it seems.
Made a new version. You made me realize it needed a bit more "context". Post it in a second.
Why crumblys photo? He’s not a school shooter. He was supposed to be a political assassin. It doesn’t make sense.
I’ve been saying this on the polling. Someone I know signs me up to dem polling messages. It goes like this.
“Reports are coming in: Pres. Biden is considering dropping out. IF that happens, who do you want to run?”
“I want trump to run unopposed.”
“2ND REQUEST: If Biden steps aside, who do you want to run? This is tough. We must stand together!”
“For the second time, I would like the Democrats to admit they have made a huge mistake by lying to the people of America about Biden and his policies, and just concede the 2024 election to Trump. Maybe Trump won't have them executed for treason then.”
Because some idiot wrote it and tried to forge his already fake different signature.
Of course they gave her a pearl necklace!
A photo realistic finger painting!
We need a physical currency. Otherwise the government is going to tax every transaction on both sides of the deal and monitor everything. The digital currency can be encrypted and still have the transactions be taxed easily. Point Of Service tax. Basically a sales tax but also a purchase tax on top of it. So double sales tax. Physical money would keep that away.