I thought the same thing but at the end you hear ppl trying to ask question so I really wonder if it is fake or not. I feel like they would have to pre-record this since he is senile.
He ends by turning his back to people asking questions. In a sense it is like what he is doing now, turning his back to the american people. His speech was nothing but fake. He couldn't even say May first he said May One... Who talks like that? He is just reading and doesn't comprehend anything he says He is just a puppet and someone is controlling him
Joe Biden probably doesn't even know there is a trial going on
go away shill
Trump appointed Judge extended suspension for Joe's illegal deportation freeze (includes all states not just Texas) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-judge-extends-suspension-of-biden-deportation-moratorium-plan
Standfords Alumni - supreme court veterans is joining Bidens civil rights team (Pamala Karlan- hateful & vandictive, associated with facebook also who made fun of Baron Trump and will be looking into voting & civil rights).
https://www.law.com/nationallawjournal/2021/02/07/stanfords-pamela-karlan-supreme-court-veteran-joins-biden-doj-civil-rights-team/?slreturn=20210110075207 -
U.S. Justice Department asks most Trump-appointed prosecutors to resign https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-doj-biden/u-s-doj-to-ask-56-trump-appointed-attorneys-to-resign-cnn-idUSKBN2A90IU
Biden plan would only reopen half the schools ‘one day a week’ by end of April https://nypost.com/2021/02/09/biden-plan-would-only-reopen-half-the-schools-one-day-a-week/
ABC reporting on Biden being corrupt - Story title,"As Biden’s son-in-law invests in COVID-19 response, questions of family and ethics could resurface" https://abcnews.go.com/US/bidens-son-law-invests-covid-19-response-questions/story?id=75743380
Isn't it weird Tom Hanks is celebrating this when he recently became a citizen of Greece?
fuck newsmax and how they treated mike lindell
Lmao this is over the top. FEMAs head quarters is near WV
ugh yea bc they arent reporting on things that would upset people.
I hate liberal media
McInerney is the most unreliable source. He said that trump printed special ballots so that they could track what was fake and what wasn't lmao nope.
I am near DC and it isn't dark or raining. This isn't from today. Probably just another larper.
I am near DC it isn't dark and it isn't storming this is probably from another day. Just another larper
He lost me when he started talking about reptillian people lmao
Someone said this was pre recorded and they were in spain it came out 10 hours before the inauguration was suppose to be live.
Is this the same account that kept posting just a couple more hours just a couple more minutes every hour saying it was going to happen any second and it never did
Trust in the plan bro
Yes the patriot party will exist but will it have enough votes to conquer the democrats? 75% of conservatives will prob join the party 25% will stay republican and then democrats can rig the election every 4 years like they have been doing. Even if he creates a party the system was rigged to begin with.
when is it going to be revealed then? lmao
this was photoshoped
I agree how do you take a boomer seriously who uses a goofy dog picture to talk serious.
Lol Where is his credibility he is making shit up
My husband is convinced trump is the deep state. He ran to set us up. He ran to kill the conservative party. Now the party is divided it will be impossible for anyone outside of the democrat to ever win especially if they make DC Puerto rico a state and not look into voting integrity.
Maybe that is the case. If trump does nothing I will have to say it will be the biggest disappointment of my lifetime
I am I dont get how a man who has so much pedophilia on a hard drive can become president. Doesn't he need a security clearance? I am so digsuted.
My coworker started crying during a meeting when cummilla was being inaugurated. They both are horrible people. I dont get these liberal fandoms.
If military took control Jan 20 why are they allowing Biden to enact all these immigration policies allowing illegal aliens whom are criminals across the border? Wouldn't the military be control of that if they were in control?
I am just confused and don't understand. I am sick of Biden and just want Trump back