today is tomorrow my fren wars over
How Do you miss something like "Sample Design Not Factual" in bright red letters and ...
... yet notice something like "3 diff cars" in blurry pictures of all black cars on black pavement.
Sorry fren just kinda funny lol
Two more weeks seems more one more week lately. It's coming.
You just installed Pegasus is what you did...
Time for a new phone.
I say no one will know what you are revealing if you don't edit that shit.
Percentage!? What the fuck does the percentage matter!? Even at the TINY percentage WHY THE FUCK DOES ONE PERSON own what is a MUCH BIGGER tiny percentage THAN EVERYONE ELSE?
No I'm not making a dumbcunt equity argument.
I'm saying HIS INTENTIONS with the land, depending on what they are, don't require a large percentage. But they apparently require a lot presumably to create an influence in some market.
He's short Tesla $500 million right? Are you going to throw out "oh hey guys that's actually a tiny percentage of the market can't remember where I read that" /...
For all you know his "tiny percentage" of land grows 90% of some one thing that can affect a BUTTLOAD of people.
Or some other scenario like that.
If he's using the land to develop mRNA food-delivery systems then frankly I don't give a fuck if he only owns 1 goddamn acre. He owns too much.
Sorry I'm not trying to attack you or anything you were just stating facts.
But that fact by itself is dumb and misleading and pretty handshake.
My friend got PISSED at the WOLRD the other day when I offered to let him use my pickup truck and told him to drive 5-10mph under the speed limit in the rain because he's never driven a RWD before. I didn't want him to fishtail and die.
He wasn't mad at me for warning him. He was mad the universe setup yet another obstacle in his way.
Basically threw his hands in the air and said "I guess I'm not borrowing your truck."
WHAT!? I was like WHY!? You were just all excited about it!? You drove it before in the summer!? YOU BOUGHT ME THE FUCKING TRUCK I WANT YOU TO BORROW IT!
IGNORANCE is what makes RWD unsafe! It's not inherently unsafe! Just go a little slower in the rain than you normally do that's all you need to do EASY PEASY!
He said he didn't feel safe driving it any more.
I kept trying to coax him into it. Couldn't do it. This motherfucker BOUGHT ME this truck. And now he won't borrow it because I told him it was RWD - something he didn't know about trucks.
In my experience normies are like this about everything.
If ANYTHING doesn't go as they expected they LOOSE THEIR SHIT because they cling their thin veil of comfort like they're going to fucking die if it so much as flops in the wind.
Since I'm mega-ranting----
Just imagine how they'll be when they start developing VAIDS ... there's a few I know who've started developing the typical symptoms, suspect it's from the vax even!, and REFUSE to even look into possible treatments not because they don't want to try something but because "they just CAn'T AHHAHAH it's just ttooo mUCH" Jesus. Christ. Have mercy.
I tried buying him some supplments for it. It took MONTHS for him to even try one of them because he was so scared of having a reaction.
Yet if a doctor hands him some bullshit that definitely won't work and WILL make it worse. He'll pop it right on schedule. And then get pissed at the doctor even though HE CONFIDED IN ME HE KNEW THE DOCTOR DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING BEFORE HE EVEN FUCKING MADE THE APPOINTMENT.
I bought one of these friends food for a month specifically tailored to help their symptoms.
He was calling me every day telling me I'm GOING TO DIE PLEAsE HELP mE mY HEARt is Tooo FAST.
Every fucking time I checked his fridge he hadn't eaten ANY of it. Not because he was cheating. But because "he didn't feel like eating".
I kept telling him "you MUST eat what I put in your fridge, I can't come MAKE you eat it".
Dude was eating <500 calories a day and feeling worse and worse.
No matter what I brought, his favorite foods, no matter how much I explained he's feeling worse because HE's NOT FUCKING EATING. Didn't matter.
A month later he just told me "I can't I'm just going to go back to what I was doing I tried this and let's face it this diet isn't good for me all my symptoms are worse"
He would agree that it was actually because he wasn't fucking eating if you argued with him for 2 hours. But he'd just go right back to "this type of diet isn't good for you" immediately the next day and you'd have to have the entire conversation again for him to agree once again.
I don't know why I'm friends with these people. They're good to me.
But fuck they make me crazy.