These people deified a thug who once beat and held a loaded gun to a pregnant woman's stomach, igested enough fentanyl to kill an elephant, than fought with cops for 40 mins while resisting arrest. The same people that chill your speech regarding Floyd would have gladly put you in camp for not taking an experimental Pfizer shot. You sure you want to clutch your pearls over St. Floyd? π
I watch the occasional baseball game. I used to watch every one, but the gay pride agenda had to invade that, too. Almost like a light switch, I stopped watching any new TV shows or movies after the election was stolen. I don't know why; I already knew about the pedophilia in Hollywood.
I would have gone batshit crazy had it not been for this board. I can't talk to friends/family. Deep, deep sleepers and binge watchers of tv. Part of it is my fault, as I shouldn't have led with "Hanks/Oprah are pedophiles" when I first tried. π
If you're a q follower, or just a red blooded American, you should not be buying as much as a pack of gum from Walmart. I don't care if you have to drive an hour further, or go without; find another store. They are woke, anti-American, and vaxxtorted their employees into the death π. In exchange for shortening their lifespan, the employees got a $50 prepaid Visa. Treat them no differently than Target, Bud Light, Joe Biden. #scum
This is a daily occurrence with celebrities. There's too many to keep track. Meanwhile, the normies continue to paddle on the River of Denial. I can't believe the brainwashing and level of cognitive dissonance. Had I taken the π and this was happening, I'd be demanding blood work and d-dimer tests, while simultaneously looking to drag my "doctor" with a rope behind my vehicle. Amazing how they ignore it all and make excuses for their abusers. Truly blind and lost. I know it isn't all of them, but head to twitter and you can find hundreds of thousands of these posting graphs and charts, cucking for big pharma, while those of us who didn't take it are completely fine and survived two "winters of death"
It's mostly the scum in corporate America that my anger is directed towards. Most of my family and friends were really cool about it. They got it, but didn't care whether I did or didn't. Those that extorted me over my livelihood, and seemed to take pleasure in doing so? Those I may never forgive. This was in big tech, so the π outed me as a trump supporter.
This the jeri-curled cuckold who voted against fining Adam Schiff? Yeah, it sure is