What if cleanup only takes a moment. And who says we need a car or form of transportation at all, we might not need any help to travel. Does anyone think God wants us to live in a world that we must pay for what we need. or we can't have it. Need does not always mean want. A good Father sometimes has to say NO.
That is not for sure, but I sure do hope that you are right.
Maybe the mods are banning you because the rest of us don't want to hear what you are spreading. STOP playing the victim, we do not all have to change to make you happy.
And beware of the false profits and test all profits no matter where they are. They are only real if they agree with what God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ himself said. Even the tiniest mistake, proves them false. It is getting easier to spot them.
You are correct in what I read, anyone trying to stop us should be gotten out of the way. If they want to join, they are welcome, but we don't have to accept a Judas into our midst. And I have no idea why you received so many down votes when you told the TRUTH. 😁 gee you must be over the target. God bless you!
Of course not, we don't need to worry about it. because God isn't going to just slide this time and he will have his vengeance for every single thing santa has put us through even the smallest things that he has done. All who worship him will no longer exist for us to deal with. We might not ever see it all, because that would put a horrible scar on our soul that he doesn't want us to carry. Some of us here have been the children we are trying to save right now. I can wait if we can save just one more child.
I love how this thread was stolen away from the DOOM, with this thread everything I am reading is great. We took it away fromsanta. Win, I claim them all.
Just don't let santa talk you into taking yur own life because then the pain will only get worse. Pray, all the time, ask God to ease or help you carry the load, he already said he would. My load got so heavy after my family left that I gave away my brother's house, happily. I had too many houses to handle. I was left with the stuff of over 5 people to deal with. And I have found it is hardest for people who love me accept the help I give them except on Christmas or Birthdays. One of my nieces refused to cash a check I sent until I told her "Pretend it is Christmas" . I don't usually give on Christmas for that reason. Just more conditioning we need to get over. My friends and I lately are learning and when we are giving our gifts now. If you get them what they need, why do you have to wait to give it to them, that's just mean. Before my family left, I got a raise to $1400 a month and I was happy, their money and its responsibilities became a crushing burden. I have changed the way I run my rentals. When I need to find someone to rent, I ask the tenants that have to live with them if they have any friends or family that need a place. Now if a one they suggest moves in starts to treat me bad, they defend me. I am getting ready to rent a house and my inspection after being so sick. I changed the way my helpers get the house ready. I tell to make it a place that you would want your 3-year-old to live in. My rents are the almost the lowest in town, and my houses are not. I made more money by not evicting my friends than those that did evict. Right now, it costs a lot more to have a house empty than one not paying rent. I now have to pay someone to live there, $50 a night. My tenants do all the little stuff and call if they need help. I no longer have to pay to have their cooler maintained ever. They patch them themselves; the old ones are better than the brand-new ones out of the box. I keep lots of parts and they can come and ask me before going to the store. I don't raise the rent unless I have to, because of the Gov't. I show them notices I get that affect them. so, they know the raise in rent is coming and why. I get my lumber cheap because I ask them first and many times, they know of someone who would sell to me fair price. The price they ask me is almost always too low and I pay more than they ask. The guy that does my tires was thrilled to receive a nice tip. I asked friends about someone to fx my air conditioner on my car. I got a professional at my home for 3 days, he completely rebuilt my heating and cooling system. When he gave me the bill my mouth hit the floor, he charged me less than $2000 for everything. Most of that was for parts. I made him go back and write me a new one that was at least double.
TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH. I have added you to my prayer list and will share with my friends for God to give you the strength you need and lighten your load in the way you need. God bless and listen for the answer
It has to get worse before it gets better to collect as many as possible, santa is working overtime and losing more each day. If santa has so much power, why isn't everyone killing all their pet's worldwide for the green new deal. The order was given, but everyone I talk to laughs at him. He just wants to destroy anything that gives us comfort. But Trump did the same world tour that santa did. Those countries that had turned over to santa, took Trumps offer and then turned the same over to Trump. santa no longer has total control over them and you can look at their faces and they were happy to do it, all except the pope.
You need to find that yourself, its there if you want. If you live in a big city you will have a real hard time. Take some time and travel with an open and loving heart for the people you meet. It shows in your eyes what you think of them. With your eyes full of love for everyone you meet. and LOVE does not equal SEX
That is a part of what they are trying keep from us.
Can anyone that reads this help me pray, we don't need to be together to do so, we already are. We can make it happen and Mungfachee, will be healed if we believe.
Crying is good for us I sometimes put on funny old movies or something to break the dam so I can cry. You release endorphins when you cry.
I lost my 14 year old niece to a murmur. It devastated everyone for years, until we realized she was really happy, dancing around the bathroom with her cousin. She just dropped dead. No pain or suffering anymore, she was a gift that her brothers and sisters treat like hell. Her youngest brother even told her he wished she would die and aways had. I took a long time to get the demons to leave him alone. They had to send him home from school because his seeing the demons was disrupting class.
Her mother has since found God and even she is thankful her daughter was saved from more pain from her own family.
Death is just losing your old, damaged body, you still exist. And God loves you!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, including bad spirits, The first prayer in your case might be to help you get rid of any fear, evil loves your fear. That is why we see so much fear porning on the news. Fear, might be what is keeping you from receiving your healing,
Praying medic can help you get what has been given to you. He can better explain why it is you blocking the gift.
Anyways I have to move on now and teak a break, but I even wrote you down on my list of prayers so I can't forget. You are not alone, even if it sometimes feels that way. God allowed my family to come back to comfort me and they are here with my Angel, watching over me.
Remember God did not leave when Jesus did, and Jesus Will be back, he might already be here. He did warn of false profits, and part of my study is looking to see if he said he would be sending profits to help. So far nothing, I am testing revaluations and so far, I am coming to believe that it is just more Fake News.
Some of revelation contradicts what Jesus told us through his apostles. Much love to you!
thank you for reading with an open mind, it means so much to me
Just remember that you will be judged in the way that you judge. The video was a viral one if I ever see it afain I will send it but you can research for yourself, like you should have done. Someone else here might remember.
Are you going to look for evidence, before you convict. Or just add their to torture
In your view you are above them. Look at yourself, have you ever in your life done anything or do you consider yourself perfect.
You cannot talk me into becoming a self-serving bitch to all who are around me.
I believe in Love.
Right before our eyes this is changing
Not for every thing, we still have to get adjusted to enforcing our own freedom. We the People did not remain vigilant, and we allowed them the right to treat us badly. They did it so slowly that we went ahead and let them do it. My brother learned the real laws and he liked to go around and L.A. and get tickets. It got to where the Judge would see him walk in and clear the court room. Imagine being the judge when a sloppy guy with hair in a pony tail, overalls with paint all over them, one suspender not in use so his pants were crooked. He would go to the front pull out about a thousand tickets and demand a jury trial for each one. Cases dismissed. It is our right after all. He studied the Constitution and for definitions he only used Blacks Law, because the Authors did.
The judges should be in support of you representing yourself. You should not need someone to represent you, proceedings are supposed to be able to be understood by the common man. The deep state brought down required IQ level for Police for a reason. Most police do not know the law and just do what they think they are told; I have attorneys because I have to go to court for many things. I did have to go to criminal court once and the Judge was thrilled to see me represent myself and had no problem with me using my brother at council.as is my right. You have a right to counsel of choice.
They goin down, thank You penisse for bringing us this news.
They are so arrogant; they still believe they don't have to answer to their real employer. Thank God not all of them are bad, there is no way I will bash the FBI agent's when they the only ones brave enough to help stop my sex slavery when I was 15, I lost my proof of virginity at 7 and lost my virginity when I was 10.
I made it through until they came to no other help. Everyone that tried to help me was taught a harsh lesson and hit dead ends, The police told my mom after he just moved in with my mom against her will that it was her fault he was there because SHE was divorced. He was an evil CIA agent!!!
I can talk freely now because, I don't have the memories down perfect. What I just said is not a real danger to them anymore. And don't say you are sorry for me, because there is nothing for anyone to feel sorry for. I am so full of Joy right now I could bust. Yes you may feel sorry for that child that i used to be, but she is not here anymore, and my Angel was there the whole time doing anything he was allowed to help me. I only now know bit about him. They are not supposed to show their face to you until they come to take you home. I hope you don't mind me stopping by to chat.
I live alone in the same house as my close family, they have all left their bodies behind, but their spirits have been allowed come back just to be there for me if I need them.
Thank you finally, it is somewhere I can download it, and by the way we were told to hold the line as long as we could on their platforms, he did not tell us do give ground without a fight. I just now had my account stolen from me at facebook and I can't get it back anymore unless I give them info they have been trying to get for years. I have never answered any of the inquiries of "is this you? right or wrong.
They are not announcing statistics to the enemy😊
I have been waiting for this since I was 10, I am now 65. One of my stepdads tried to brainwash my sister, but I still remembered my relationship with God and even when I had not been reborn yet he, protected us. And there is no way anyone can tell me he is not real. The night before JFK was killed, he flew to Texas, the next day he came back and was happier than he had been in a long time. He asked my mom that night while he was cleaning his gun--did you hear the great news. She absolutely hated him, but no one would help her get him out of the house, The police explanation was that she was divorced, and she asked for it.
Besides if they want to put themselves as a military, then they are committing treason against their elected Gov't , they are legal and moral targets now. We the People Worldwide
You should do what your father told you to do. You might just receive a spanking.