Does Kennedy have to be confirmed by congress or is it an appointment President Trump can make without their approval. A post yesterday reminded us how few 17,000 doctors really are in the grand scheme of things but by throwing out that number MSM is going for sensationalism. IMO they have done a good job of exposing themselves as these are more than likely a group of the fuckers who got kick backs from the jab.
What they are doing to these people is unbelievable and so very evil.
I'm ready for one of his best mean tweets on this one as he certainly deserves it.
How the hell do you cut an additional 49 million on top of the 17 already cut. Seems to me she is trying to shut it down completely.
The constitution only has three requirements to be president. Is that all it takes.
Sure as hell does. And I'm ok with homes being rebuilt but it needs to happen for all the victims including NC and Hawaii.
And the sabotage is intentional. WEF has plans for this area and they are proceeding regardless. We need to broadcast constantly the cities the WEF wants and then watch them closely. I am watching Austin, TX as it is one of the chosen ones.
Agree. God is good.
We are patiently waiting.
So they got what they wanted all call him a felon.
I truly feel bad for James Woods and I'm pleased he is taking an activist stance and trying to expose the corruption. And while I don't wish bad for the others, the truth is they voted for it and/or never stood up against the corruption.
Then I hear they will all be reimbursed for their losses while 3500 people in NC are being kicked to the curb in the middle of winter and only got $750 if that. It's hard to believe this is America at times.
That's exactly right.
The Bible makes this pretty clear. Too bad more people don't turn to it for understanding such things like the role of women and the role of men.
I wish he would too.
Truth is truth.
Same thing. Please someone explain this.
It's shocking to me that these people who consider themselves above the rest of us believe that water is a right and because they own the springs, they can withhold it and make us pay for it. I remember when Nestles started buying up springs with the full intent of controlling it.
Straight up evil.
The sucking up is so obvious, it's pathetic.
Agree, I'm sick of hearing about all the evil, satanic "A-listers" crying over losing homes when people in NC are living in tents in freezing ass weather. At least James Woods is keeping us informed and calling for action.
I realize it but don't know how to get out of it. We had a repairman come to our house to fix our stove and we had a great conversation with him and he told us he stopped paying income tax many years ago and hasn't heard from the IRS once about it. We didn't get to how he did it though.
Do you fucking hear what you are saying asshole. There isn't a single patriot in this country who doesn't want every fucking one of them gone no matter how much it cost or how hard its going to be. Yes, it's a monumental undertaking but it MUST be done. And then we must lock the door until we can get things back under control. Period, end of sentence.
I guess we just need to stop this conversation as you are clearly not understanding what is happening. I'm out.
They may have paid some homeless to do some but IMO there are videos that make it clear it was DEWs, especially the one where three fires ignite at the exact same time.