Thats exactly my point. I have the symbol for sulfer on my left hand. Its also the symbol the church of satan uses. If i made a video expressing my story i bet youd be the type to shut the video off just because of my tattoo. I watched the video. Her message is for more important then whats on her body. Im not offended. I just think its stupid not watching something based on a tatoo she might not even agree with anymore
From my personal experince before covid a kid that was home schooled did not have great social skills. Right now im seeing this in real time with my sisters kid. Hes rarely around kids so when he does get around them he doesnt know how to act. Homeschool should be a choice for those who want to do it but i will always advocate for in person learning
Thats exactly why i broke it up the way i did
Episode 2 serves as a preveiw
Episide 1 and 2 are short enough to grab their attetion
I also posted the full uncut video and the only things i cut out were the moments when he wasn't speaking and the pictures were in a slideshow. I kept as much info as i could within the episodes
It had blood. It just changed over time. Halo reach is actually one of the newer games
Well its actually the newer halos that removed the blood. Trust me i hate that they changed that
I dont agree or disagree. I just dont think its that important.
The only games you cant play on pc are ps4 exclusives. Xbox is porting a lot of stuff over to pc sp xbox doesnt really have exclusives thats why its just best to get a pc because cod. Apex. Basdically all the big games are crossplay already.
Pc is also good because you have way more games to choose from. The games cost less. You get more deals. You can customize the pc the way you like. So many benefits. I used to be just an xbox head but after a lot of the choices they made to the xbox i just left for pc
It actually was a very adult game. It doesnt have to have porn in it for it to be an adult game. The story was complicated. Most kids couldn't even explain the story to you at the time. I couldn't either. Try comparing mario go kart to halo. One is marketed towards a mature audience and the other to kids.
I guess ill wait for the day porn makes it into a video game. Im not talking about some censored sex scene either. Im talking full on visuals of everything along with violence and fucked up themes. So if you want to to make that arguemnt then i guess ALL games are kids games
Well i grew up with the first xbox and had every single xbox since then. The console was marketed towards adults and the flagship game for that was Halo. Which was a M rated game.
Are there games for kids on there? Ofcourse. Why would Microsoft loose out on money? But to say its first and foremost objective is to market towards kids is false
Its actually not a kids gaming console. Its suppose to be for adults hence all the mature games but those games are always notoriously played by kids
You would never see this type of ad on nintendo switch. A console actually marketed towards kids
Here is the hour long video in question. After seeing this. I think its real. It just may not work on some
To do the test correctly you cant have a shirt on. It needs to be directly on the skin and the magent needs to be directly on the injection site
Alright let me shed some on light on this because people seem to focus to hard on big names.
Porn hub is not the only porn website.
Pornhub is not the only website that has child porn running rampant
The darknet/web is a thing
Porn hub might be the face of porn but this is a iceberg poking out of water situation where you can only see the tip poking out but not the massive part of the iceberg below the water
This video has been hitting me hard lately for multiple reasosns.
- Symbols are everywhere. I cant unsee them. Even tho i knew most. The ones i didnt know ties it all together even more
2.appreantly there is missing info from this video and if we knew said info it would change our veiw on it. Currently researching that.
It only reafirms to me that we dont know shit about anything in this world. A lot of what we know is a lie. We have no idea how deep the brainwashing went.
My uncle is a mason. He told me exactly what was in this video. He didnt say the info. He just went " i had to go through rituals and if i speak about them i could get killed" he didnt go any farther than that.
For anyone that thinks the magent thing is fake
Please tell me this is not real. PLEASE