dogwalker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, friend. The Church is perfect, the people can be terribly corrupt. I understand you have been deeply hurt and scandalized and for that I am so very sorry. Satan is trying his very hardest to keep you away from your inheritance and I hate him for it.

Maybe someday look for an FSSP parish near you. In the meantime, I'll be praying for you, that God restore everything the devil stole from you and your family.

by BQnita
dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anything like Voat ever come to be? I want my pizzagate peoples back.

dogwalker 5 points ago +5 / -0

First of all people during two great wars and a Great Depression still had kids.


dogwalker 5 points ago +6 / -1

Have the kids even if it means applying for food stamps. Do not let the current situation determine the size of your family. Children are a sign of hope. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus to provide and move ahead with your family. You won't regret it at all. We have had three children in the last four years despite things only getting worse and worse in the world. Our family is fine. We are not rich but we are warm and fed and love one another and Father, Son & Holy Ghost. We have hope for a future. Keep your eyes on the Lord. It will not always be like this.

Are you Catholic? If not, please look into it. Will you and your wife pray the Rosary?


You are going to love the fruit of this prayer.

Tell her: “'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '” — Jeremiah 29:11

The early Christian martyrs were not fools, friend.

dogwalker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jesus called the Jews the synagogue of Satan. Only one group of people goes to synagogue and it isn't the Catholics.

Prove the Jesuits control the Freemasons. I'll wait.

dogwalker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still happened less than it does in public schools and in the private sector and other "religions".

Freemason-controlled news doesn't want to highlight that though, not as spicy as putting the spotlight on their favorite scapegoat, the Catholic church.


dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a huge reason people I personally know think he's a tool.

dogwalker 2 points ago +2 / -0

The FSSP parish I go to was open, no masks, and the priest told me to resist the vaccine as long as possible, do not get it at all if possible. I know we were in the minority but I just wanted to drop my experience against the idea that priests did nothing to stop this or speak up.

dogwalker 2 points ago +2 / -0

My Catholic priest told me to resist the vaccine as long as we could, never get it if possible. Thanks Father!

dogwalker 6 points ago +6 / -0

Antony “Tony” Blinken was born on April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York, to Jewish parents Judith and Donald Blinken. He attended the prestigious Dalton School in New York City until 1971, when he moved to Paris, France, with his divorced mother and her husband, Holocaust survivor and lawyer, Samuel Pisar.

dogwalker 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not really. The media is run by Freemasons. They are the #1 enemy of the Church. Its an ongoing joke amongst Catholics about how poorly the media reports on what the Pope says. The media spins everything, just like they did with Trump.


Freemasons are trying to destroy the Church.

dogwalker 1 point ago +2 / -1


Freemasonry wants to destroy the RCC

RCC is the one true faith. Consider that you've been lied to about the Church and who owns the media? The RCC's #1 enemy.

dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thought of you when I was watching this. This is less about conspiracy against the church and more about people's misconceptions about the church. It's always the same old lies repeated over and over. These interviews are so enjoyable and relatable and even if you never become Catholic, they are worth listening to. If anything you will grow deeper in your own faith and belief, know what I mean? It won't hurt you to hear another point of view.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6GOxt0uUzw - Pints with Aquinas - From PROTESTANT PASTOR to Catholic w/ Keith Nester

dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for going against God's will.

The Church has been kicked out of heaven for going against God's will? No. The Church's teachings are 100% correct. The Church is perfect, the people are not.

As Catholics, we should rejoice that we are members of the only earthly institution that has been given a divine guarantee of success. In Matthew’s gospel, chapter 16, Jesus instituted the Church on the Rock of St. Peter, and then the Lord said about the Church, “The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”

More on that here:


dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic Church has changed it's stance on quite a few things.

Small traditions not overarching teachings. Euthanasia is wrong, always will be but yeah the way mass is said might change a bit. So? The TRUTH about the nature of reality is all part of the deposit of faith. The Catholic church's moral teachings are 100% in alignment with reality, aka truth, whereas Protestantism is divided on these issues.

They were telling folks to get vaxxed.

Not from the chair where official church teaching comes from. People in the church can say whatever they want, doesn't make it official church dogma that must be followed.

How about the Saturn cult, the hivites, Canaanites, moloch, baal, etc. What is the truth on all of those things?

What about them? That is so broad.

You can look up anything the Catholic church teaches. There's the magisterium, the catechism, etc.

For the questions you have, I'd suggest you start with https://www.catholic.com/ because you'll be able to research faster there than I can give you answers because I am a busy mom.

I sense angst in your writing and I would like you to know I am not trying to waste your time or lead you down a road you will regret. I am your sister in Christ Jesus and I think you should keep that in mind when replying. I'm not a bot, I am a human with dignity just like you.

As for not being able to find things, remember who owns the media and controls a lot of the internet...it ain't the Catholics. Freemasonry is hell-bent on lying about and destroying Catholicism so tread lightly out there. You have to ask yourself whose perspective you are getting when reading history and news about the Church...the Freemason lens or the Catholic lens?


Albert Pike and his ilk have been on a war path against the Church for some time. I think if you really take the time to study what I've said, you will find Catholicism is the one true faith and that you have been seriously lied to about Catholicism.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/alG12AQbQVLO/ This is a fun one, there's hours and hours more but I'm not sure which direction to send you in.

Literally the Catholic church tries to explain EVERYTHING about the gospel, nature of reality, etc. They do not hide truth. The Church wants to save as many souls as possible. Please ask questions but be ready to hear the answer and ponder it in good faith.

If you want to go with one topic and flesh it out, we can do that over time. Step by step. Whats the most important matter to you? Or just research on your own from Catholic sources. Or better yet, go visit a priest and ask him everything you want to know. Let him explain. They don't bite even though the media will have you believe they're all perverts. Um no. They, for the most part, are incredible men giving their lives to administer the sacraments and teach the ignorant. My parish never closed during lockdowns, my priest said DO NOT get the vaccine if we can help it and we did not have to wear masks. Be careful believing the Freemason media when it comes to whats going on in Catholicism. They are children of their father, the devil, who lies.

dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic Church was either always evil or has fallen to the forces of evil. That is my point.

Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail and seeing as how the deposit of faith is still in tact, the Church has not fallen. You can look at the Catholic church and say it has fallen? How do you figure? It's still up and running.

dogwalker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hitler was funded by the church in order to build up the german army to invade Britain

Prove it

The Pope wasn't having it so this is going to be rich. Let's see your evidence.

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