dumb_okie 13 points ago +13 / -0

Using Credit and debt cards cost is 2-4% of the total transaction (fee) for the provider. Which means the buisness is giving up that percentage of the sale to accept your card. These days they are less willing to do that so the customer is now paying for the convenance of using cashless payout rather than the buisness.

dumb_okie 5 points ago +5 / -0

The American made helicopters are left overs from before the fall of the Shaw in the 70’s. Parts to maintain them are embargoed by the free world, however they do get the material from foreign buisness friendly to Iran that have no embargo “on the down low”. Greta, poor un researched reporting!

dumb_okie 12 points ago +12 / -0

Its awesome! Now lets do Water, Food and Pharma bio tech!

dumb_okie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, but this is not one of them. Its old 60’s / 70’s Russian surplus.

dumb_okie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mother Nature will take care of us one way or the other. She will surely survive all of us.

dumb_okie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe some crackles on your fm radio, a little bit of station fade on your broadcast tv.
Disrupted HF on your Ham radio. Some serious stuff…. The Carrington event in the 1800’s was estimated around an R50 which knocked out telegraph in places. we had an R20 in 60’s and another in 80’s which was not even annoying to me. This one is less. We all survived…

dumb_okie 11 points ago +12 / -1

Nothingburger If there is an event, it is manmade.

dumb_okie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember 72 and 89. OTA TV and radio had snowy screens and bad reception. crackly phone calls for a couple of days. Nothing like it since, but it will be some day.

dumb_okie 4 points ago +4 / -0

We need to get Red States AG’s to bring the law-fair for mis-appropriation of tax monies on things like this. Citizens cant get standing, States may be able to if enough of us hit up our state government's.

Maybe we could amp out on the capitol grounds… kek

dumb_okie 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am surprised more of us do not see this as much as we dislike what Mike has done

dumb_okie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for sharing! I was reading this exact thing earlier today due to a Democracy Post here this morning and considered posting.

Democracy to me is one of the biggest Gas Lights in America! Its so commonly used, even in these parts of the net.

dumb_okie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Defcon site is a guess at best, defcon level is top seceret or higher.

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