edbinray 4 points ago +4 / -0

RIP to the GOAT Mitch Hedberg!

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is so great. My brother was asking me about this movement Friday. I said Trump had a team behind him. It's why he's been right so many times. I told him think of Trump as General Patton. Leading from the front while other guys help command him with Intel. Now I get to show him this rally and the speech GEOTUS just had played. This will wake my brother up even more when I am right so many times. He'll start spreading my words too.

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are we sure that wasn't The Joker handing out those bats? If it was him we know he just wants to watch the whole world burn.

edbinray 3 points ago +3 / -0

How is this twitter time stamp in the future?

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cackalack here too.. question for ya'll. Can our Mark Robinson ever be prez? Preciate the time I'll hang up and listen.

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is what I think is the 3rd and final level of red pilling. Child abuse. The wall st red pill is still going down some throats as we speak. This is a great post! Is there a thread I can find some of these links you shared on the Awakening? If not, can you provide a few? I want to try this approach with some of my family members.

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. This could be HUGE if it's her. Maybe this was a targeted effort for more exposure to the deep state...Not to mention I read some posts on Twitter that said Ben Bernanke has ties to Citadel. Cannot confirm that though.

edbinray 8 points ago +8 / -0

I need the help of the autist army! A company called Citadel Securities seems to be in the middle of this Wall St storm. They process orders for TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwabb and others. A middle man if you will. They are trying to protect Wall st elites from getting hammered right now by blocking trades of said stocks. Is this John Brennan's daughter? I searched the web and see he has a daughter named Kelly but there are no family photos. ANONS....investigate!!!! https://www.citadelsecurities.com/leadership/kelly-brennan/

edbinray 6 points ago +6 / -0

Great explanation anons. I was able to figure this out and chose to stay out of this chaos that started last week. Now for the update on where this is. All major platforms have blocked users from buying these stocks thus only allowing you to sell. TD Ameritrade, Robinhood, Merrill Lynch (owned by Bank of America) etc.. So now the majority can only sell. Some are holding and watching the value of what they had tumble as a big f*ck you to the man. Others are dumping and trying to not get burned. So essentially the big guys were losing so they changed the rules so they can win. They still might lose but not as bad. Reddit users had a goal to drive this thing to $1000 a share. They can't now because only sells are being allowed on platforms. THIS WILL RED PILL MILLIONS MORE PEOPLE! THEY CAN'T STOP WHAT IS COMING!

edbinray 4 points ago +4 / -0

^This is where I am at. Why were subs surfacing right off the shore of Iran a few weeks ago? B52 bombers flying near Iran? The military looks to be really posturing at an odd time. We know Xiden did not order this. Trump did. Military is in full control. Think logically, the military was the only way.

edbinray 0 points ago +2 / -2

Focus on the ear lobes!! I did this collage on my phone driving down the road. These images came straight from Google Image search and I did alter at all. Go look for your self. Is this even medically possible? Can ear lobes change as you get older???

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

Delta Dan's comms need to be stickied too. I am nothing but a handshake and do not have the experience to run this up the flagpole.

edbinray 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't take credit for this...saw an autist post to twitter. Go to the :26 sec mark of Delta Dan's video. The word "only" is in perfect frame on the road. Then go to Q post #26. The military was the "only" way! Other than that his video showed us nothing but a casual patriot ride probably from an old rally.

by Jotoku
edbinray 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw Patrick Byrne responding alot on twitter lastnight. He was responding to comments and seemed really shook about the meeting he was in with Trump. Patrick was very upset about the snakes in Trump's inner circle. I am not. I think Trump is still exposing all rats wherever they are. Patrick said the meeting went 4.5 hours long and a comment he responded to asked "did you have Chinese takeout"? Patrick said no and that they had "Swedish Meatballs". This has to signal the threat is in Davos, right? If so, I think Trump is at that point where he is in the most danger. The Deep State is a way worse enemy than China in my eyes....the Deep State's sneak attack could come from anywhere. Any other thoughts here? Am I missing anything?

edbinray 4 points ago +4 / -0

12:51 is the post time. I am a new disciple and need a little help deciphering. Is it l25l? Meaning all eyes on the Dec 25th?