deleted -23 points ago +4 / -27
fornoreasonatall -8 points ago +3 / -11

They’re not scared of us. They’re running the country and no one here can bring up refreshing the tree of liberty without being accused of being a glowie. On top of that, I’ve been shown to be a fool for ever supporting Trump or Q. Trump should have crossed the Rubicon and he didn’t, but worse, he let the Uniparty get away with their own crossing via their obvious fraud that installed a dementia puppet and a whore. The Alphabet agencies and tech companies are still attacking us and getting away with it. They even managed to silence Trump while he was still POTUS, yet I’m supposed to believe he somehow still holds the power?

Q appears to have been akin to Operation Trust, meant to make people like us passively trust “the plan” instead of actively defend our precious liberty like we should. Now they’re going to try to strip us of the Second Amendment, but it doesn’t really matter because it’s not like we’ll use it anyway. We’ve proven that.

Keep reading entrails and following insignificant time deltas though. It’s doing a lot of good.

If Trump wants to make another run at President in 2024, then it will only cement him as a pied piper meant to distract the portion of the population still dumb enough to follow him or trust in the electoral process. I hope I’m wrong in that, but thus far there has been no concrete evidence showing otherwise.

At this point, I am dejected. I stepped away from my political pessimism after seeing Ron Paul cheated by the RNC and MSM, which is also why I never trusted Fox, to support Trump and I’ve known about the Satanists who run the world for years, utterly loathing these people who rule over us and infect our culture with their degeneracy to support their god, Lucifer. Not only do they appear to have gotten away with it, but they’ve effectively turned the greatest country on earth into a banana republic, their puppet. Trump and Q gave me the hope to feel like we were actually taking our country back and the courage to speak about these topics with my normie friends. Now, instead of having prepared them for the great awakening, I just look like an idiot with a damaged reputation.

Meanwhile, typical republicans and conservatives have just gone back to playing the losing side, just being leftists in slow motion and never actually conserving anything, waiting on the next scam election. The gene-altering jab continues to be pushed by both sides and I’m still considered insane if I don’t want to wear a muzzle to defend against a relatively harmless Chinese bioweapon they’re not only not being punished for, but also being rewarded with American tax dollars for!

I wish you people gave me confidence, but the quality of posts has plummeted precipitously. Most seem to just be grasping at straws and boiling this down to faith. Well, guess what. Trump nor Q are God. I still believe that good wins in the end, but that may be the end of the epoch, meaning we can continue down this path and it will get much worse.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
deleted 4 points ago +4 / -0
fornoreasonatall 1 point ago +1 / -0

This has been occurring since China was a backwards, third world shithole being dominated by Imperial Japan. We can't blame the CCP for what we've allowed to metastasize within our midst. The Frankfurt School is much older than the CCP and McCarthy was right all along.

fornoreasonatall 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why blame the CCP when it's obvious how many Americans promote this degeneracy under their own volition?

fornoreasonatall 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s great, but they’re also not likely to be a superpower any time soon.

fornoreasonatall 6 points ago +6 / -0

If this stands, I cannot honestly say the United States has any moral reason to overcome the CCP (who just so happens have Joe in their back pocket anyway). At least they're not exporting globohomo, trannies, white hate and all the other degeneracies that the West, specifically the US, is.

fornoreasonatall 2 points ago +2 / -0

Useless pandering is the only thing they are attempting. The GOP is not on our side. Most of them sold us and Trump down the river just like the Democrats. Anyone who has allegiance to the Republicans as a whole is a fool.

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