fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least 200 “John Does” not named. Are these the ones they’re supposed to reveal?

fponick 5 points ago +5 / -0

Does anybody REAS around here??

This it the TITLE of the story:

No Evidence U.S. Air Force Pilots Resigned Rather Than Submit to the Jab

And the first two words are …

fponick 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don’t understand. Here is what TrishaUK said about the photo. It’s buried in all the craziness above.

“What the heck? I am not a shill, I told you why I used the photo gee.... off to bed, this is upsetting. Lay your heart out to your family and get BasedInFact trolling me. I posted and literally ate, came back to see if my friends had contacted me and 4 x websites you posted with that woman, giving me no chance to explain, which I was going to when I saw you comment. Please, stop stomping on people immediately and see the context of whats in the post. I did not think I had to explain some random old lady pic just did not want covid or death to be the pic!”

There are a couple of seriously demented people who having been commenting on this post all night. A few people who recognized her have been kind, but with a couple of them the whole situation is creepy. Please read my response, which is also above.

fponick -1 points ago +1 / -2

TrishaUK is recently widowed. Last night she came here to what she calls her “Q Family” to check in, report her situation, and reconnect.

A recap of two members’ responses to her:

17 comments from Yep_Yep_Yep and 27 from BasedInFact for a total of 44 comments.

Of these, there were 13 reposts of the post’s photo from Yep_Yep_Yep and 11 from BasedInFact for a total of 24 REPOSTS OF A SINGLE PHOTO.

All of the text comments were jeering, bullying put downs of TrishaUK that questioned her sincerity and the truth of her situation.

Granted, nowhere does it state on GAW that users are to be polite or even civil.

The Moderators, however, remind us of the following:



“Remember, your conduct here represents the Q movement!”

Looking at members’ histories, I saw these items:

TrishaUK joined 255 days ago. She has a post score of 11316 and a comment score of 2921. If she were a liar, a shill, a larper, or a troll, she would have been deported long ago.

Yep_Yep_Yep joined 320 days ago. Five days ago, in response to a post titled

WHO HERE FEELS ALONE? by AndrewJaqqson, Yep_Yep_Yep stated,

“Ive seen this pandemic turn people into monsters.”

BasedInFact joined 276 days ago. Nine days ago, BasedInFact put up a post featuring a photo of a Black Swan. That post said

“Reminder: Just because you may never have seen something yourself does not mean it doesn't exist; just because something has not happened before does not mean it won't happen.”

It was Saturday night. Were you two drunk?

What the point of this public abuse?

Even the most vengeful Q post I ever read was not this vile.

Your behavior was inexcusable by any standard.

fponick 1 point ago +2 / -1

How about assuming good will on the part of fellow soldiers? That would be helpful.

fponick 3 points ago +4 / -1

In response to your questions:

  1. Yes.
  2. Not a stretch.
  3. Yes.

All kinds of links in the other comments will provide more details. PS. You are NOT Insignificant!

😏 I almost forgot to say the reason you don’t understand is because Nothing makes sense. Science is broken right now. Having been hijacked by politics, it is loaded with lies. At this point we each need to use our own common sense. I no longer trust, but verify; I verify BEFORE I trust.

fponick 3 points ago +4 / -1

I made no post at all. That was Purkiss80, with whom I have previously engaged on topics we both disagreed on. Somehow we managed to express our opposing views without insulting each other.

As for me, I was trying to be helpful by responding to your last comment. How could I know that you already know a lot about Ivermectin/Covid research? Might be useful to check who did what before going off on somebody.

fponick 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ivermectin is out of patent, so it’s cheap. Most of the other stuff is waaay more expensive. No wonder they’re after it. Lower profits!

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here ya go: https://archive.ph/2eBDJ

Just grab the url, go to archive.ph, and paste it in.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You said that, not I. Plenty has already happened already, and there’ll be much more. There is no certain date, although I do happen to know that criminals usually repeat their crimes.

I’m not surprised you sneer at me. That’s been happening to people a lot around here. Other pedes have commented on the general crap-on-others tone around here lately.

Pissing on your allies’ patriotism and putting down their opinions. How useful is THAT??

Even thieving Dems treat each other better.

fponick 2 points ago +3 / -1

Rising tension. In and out like tides. Lots of talk, posturing. Maybe a little action. Up. Down. All deliberate. Orchestrated threats and feints.

But hardly anything REAL gonna happen til they steal the 2022 election. Which they will. And then all hell will break lose. Like we’ve never seen.

We have just over a year. Plan carefully. Cover every contingency you can imagine. Prepare yourself, your kids—anyone you love—both psychologically and substantially. Food. Needles and thread. First-aid kit. The works.

And when it begins …

The fearful will die of fright and disordered thinking. The rest will endure and eventually prosper. Grace, forethought, and fortitude will bring us through.

Think it’s a movie? Not yet. Rehearsals have barely just begun. With a cast of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, it’ll feel exactly like real life.


fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’re preparing us for news blackouts. It’s too soon to do it right away, but it’s never too soon to market fear!

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

No from me.

Jovan Pulitzer specifically wades into the BS in order to toss out red pills, and the frens and pedes here provide me with a 24/7 supply of MOAR!

Stay out of Twitter if you must, but know that I’m bringing stuff in there from here every single day!

🏹 🐦 🏴‍☠️

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Primitive graphic skills also required …. 🐴 + 🤪 = 🖼

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dunno. Just don’t go any meetings or protests or events calling you out to DO Something. Your best bet is the Universal Alias! Sincere best wishes, Dindu Nuffin

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drain the WORLDWIDE Swamp!

fponick 13 points ago +13 / -0

THEIR union is standing up for them. Is YOURS??

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