It won’t make a difference and nobody cares. This person is now simply out of a job. Besides, there are more important things to focus on like fantasy football and Chipotle bowls.
Most of the people I know including family and frenz are still walking around in a fog. Ignorance is bliss.
His buddy mistook them as Limarita shooters and drank them.
Move to Gilligan’s Island
Data is a character on a TV show.
Zuckerberg will enjoy the notoriety. All publicity is good. He’d rather have a reputation as a badass punk than a creep who resembles “Data” from Star Trek.
If heads haven’t already exploded, they won’t. Plenty of evidence of fraud. Nothing has been done and nothing will be done. You’re watching a scripted distracting shitshow.
Most pharmaceuticals are derived from or synthesized from plants and things readily available in nature. Big Pharma started when the East India Company used to send agents into the colonies inSfrica, South America, etc to steal herbal remedies which had been around for thousands of years. These became “drugs”. Everything always involves “profit”.
Yeah and all it takes to end that shit is a nice hefty EMP blast. Pooof.
Walking around? For what? Looking for a Starbux? Must be a nice gig.
Nope. Ain’t happening.
Sounds like a stretch.
I thought codemonkey was a planefag. Since when did he become an expert on the election fraud based on watching aircraft take off and land? LMAO
They’ll also get lotsa free buckets of KFC
Wtf is a jumping worm?
I think those creeps dressed up in Pooh and Pluto costumes abduct kids when nobody is looking and throw them down tunnel hatches. It’s all about those character autograph books
I once dated a chick named Polly Gonn. I wonder if she’s connected to all this
I don’t see anyone on there knees
Yes but what exactly?
They forgot one: Indigestion is facilitated via Taco Bell.