I'm pretty sure the goal post is tomorrow at Noon. This feels like you are moving them back 2 weeks.
You said this takes time, they have had years of planning and Q specifically called out TODAY. If nothing happens by 11:59 EST tomorrow that's it.
I have been on IW pretty regularly and it feels very forced how often he talks about Q. Nobody is talking about armed protests, but he is making it seem like this is a hot topic.
I believe Alex is pushing this hard as disinfo to the enemy who looks to him to see our plans.
this is 100% to stop antifa/BLM riots after it all goes down. The swamp is caught and has nothing left to lose, so you know they will do 1 final attack at FULL FORCE.
Sun Tsu, "Soldiers in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in the heart of a hostile country, they will show a stubborn front."
from the same post, "Do you think the current 'shill' attack is organic?"