gorfehtepep2 2 points ago +2 / -0

dont forget about speed. has keanue reeves.(matrix?) red pill? lol

gorfehtepep2 7 points ago +7 / -0

think he was on Channel 1 news before that. saw it in school

gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look up ASCII chart 64 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The committee decided it was important to support uppercase 64-character alphabets, and chose to pattern ASCII so it could be reduced easily to a usable 64-character set of graphic codes,[3]:228, 237 §14 as was done in the DEC SIXBIT code (1963).

Lowercase letters were therefore not interleaved with Probably the most influential single device on the interpretation of these characters was the Teletype Model 33 ASR, which was a printing terminal with an available paper tape reader/punch option.

the Teletype Model 33 machine assignments for codes 17 (Control-Q, DC1, also known as XON),

Sorry for format copy and paste issues

gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

81 + 17 is 98

Remember backwards stuff

gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Been messing With ASCII as well. Umm some things to keep in mind: make a hash with the letters as keys and numbers as values. Q is 81 I think and q is 113. Q is the 17th letter so add/ multiply those numbers together. Found some interesting drops that way.

gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

also in programming there is a thing called element reference using brackets

if you have an array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and you want to reference the first item you would do array[0] to get 1

i'm wondering if [direct] in brackets is some sort of reference to something else?

gorfehtepep2 2 points ago +2 / -0

not sure if this means anything, but the ordinal number of q as a string in programming, is 113.

113 * 17 = 1921.

I know it is one off of the 1920. maybe something minus one?

by skanon
gorfehtepep2 -1 points ago +0 / -1

yeah seems suspect

by skanon
gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

wait is all of this true?

gorfehtepep2 -1 points ago +0 / -1

FilmRise has it on YouTube for free. Watch again and find out. Lol https://youtu.be/1zT1sDv5Yvo

by Oath
gorfehtepep2 -1 points ago +0 / -1

Lol nice loved Quailman

I was thinking about Q from Star Trek Next Generation lol. kinda fits doesn’t it?

gorfehtepep2 0 points ago +0 / -0

well i didn't really use the keys, but they are still pointing to the values. you get my point i think

gorfehtepep2 0 points ago +0 / -0

in programming, there is the concept of a hash...also known as a dictionary. the hash uses keys to "point" to a value. you can access the value by referencing the key.

also map is an iterative method in programming. iterative means basically to iterate over/ or loop over. the map method returns a new array..also known as a list.

you can use the MAP method to iterate over a database that uses a hash and reference the specific values based upon the KEY.

for example:

file_hash = { "file1" => 17, "file2" => 71, "file3" => "financial records" }

=> {"file1"=>17, "file2"=>71, "file3"=>"financial records"}

accessing the values of the hash using the keys, reversing the values, iterating via the MAP method and saving them to a new variable:

values_reversed = file_hash.map { |key, value| value.to_s.reverse}

=> ["71", "17", "sdrocer laicnanif"]

Might not be relevant, but just some food for thought in case it is not a physical map and key

gorfehtepep2 2 points ago +2 / -0

the letter 'q' has an ordinal value of 113 in programming. does 113 mean anything? also 'Q' has an ordinal value of 81. is that number significant?

gorfehtepep2 2 points ago +2 / -0

interesting. thought the removal of one side of a triangle was rather noteworthy. found this on what happens when you remove one side of a firetriangle: https://www.answers.com/Q/Which_side_of_the_fire_triangle_is_removed_by_a_firebreak

"A fire triangle consist of Fuel (Bushes), Heat (Fire) and Oxygen and the three combine creates a chemical chain reaction.In this case the fuel is removed so if there is nothing to burn you have no fire."

notice that all the answers have a 'Q' in the domain name.

gorfehtepep2 0 points ago +0 / -0

Not sure if this means anything but 10000110 or 1000 0110 could be binary code.


gorfehtepep2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rush got removed from Twitter. Bannon got removed from YouTube.

gorfehtepep2 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, I think it's like $15 or something. Definitely worth it. Plus during a sale will be cheaper haha

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