gumundre 15 points ago +15 / -0

Docters are panicking. Their house of cards are about to collapse. Many will be lucky to find jobs washing dishes in the prison cafateria.

gumundre 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good luck and GOD Bless you and your family. I have a similar issue with my youngest daughter, her husband and my 4 grand children. She is a brainwashed nurse and impossible to redpill. It`s sad that she refuses to even listen to any contrary opinion. She is convinced that she has witnessed the corona hoax first hand. These dirty doctors will have lots of explainin to do in the near future. Until that happens there will be no covid talk amongst us.

gumundre 4 points ago +4 / -0

OMG...Zukerberg needs to pay...he needs to be treated as the rabid animal he is. Pure Evil. Organ harvesting on children? Torn apart while crying in terror while being recorded, not notifying law enforcement and not removing the video? Promoting it and allowing these sick fucks to comment, laugh and applaud each other and even ask for more equally evil and demonic videos. This is one of many things this whistleblower reveals. These animals must pay. The Gallows arent enough, they need to burn in hell! The fake` whistleblower is an obvious diversion. This whistleblowing former facebook Moderator is the real story. This video needs to go Viral. Thankfully none of the horid descriptive videos are shown.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nugent is a BAAAAAAAD ass.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

It may be all about white blood cell count. Needs to be investigated. White cells regenerate evevry 8 weeks. That is why vax pushers scheduled 2nd jab 8 weeks after the 1st jab. Whatched dr. explain that the 1st jab kills 50%of the white cells. 2nd jab has 50% of saline replaced with toxins which means 1/2 of the remaining white cells are now 25%. The booster is loaded with 81 foreign bacteria the body is unfamiliar with. The immune system fails...maybe be completey gone by 90 days...just guessing, but whatever the reason for the wait it isn`t for the benefit of the victim...

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he hadnt pushed wed be Australia by now. Why didnt MSN, CDC, WHO, FDA and PHARMACIES BAN THE VAX like they did HCQ right after Trump pushed it? Wake TFU. He went out of his way to Show everybody that there are Treatments available...He upset their timing, it worked. So instead of 3 or 4 years of evictions, suicides, murders ,abuse, starvation and total dictorial rule he took control away from them. Look at mistakes theyve made by panicing, not covering their tracks. How much more submisive and over all weaker would 2 or 3 years more of wearing face diapers and eating out of trash cans shitting in the street... He also told us many times that whether you decide to vax or not is completely up to you.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for asking and answering. I thought maybe the word biased got LGBTQ`D.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this the 4:50 video posted on bitchute by QNewsCorner, titled "HOW TO CATCH A PREDATOR"??? I watched it, but could`nt piece it together...no sound, no narative and no description of where it was or what it was. After seeing the screen capture posted here I will go back and watch again on a larger screen. Thanks for the share.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could`nt open any of the files...hoping someone gives synopsis...thanks

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Salute you brother. If some in here arnt kin folk, back away....If youve never been annointed, Met Jesus , kneeled right down bowed and wept...or felt like " I know God is out there but never found the map, welcome to the map store.

gumundre 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im thinking theyve been dumping their poison into our food and water supply and filling the air using chemtrails to merinade us. I am unvaxxed but after seeing videos of magnets sticking to vaxed people I decided to see what would happen if I tried doing it. I was very surprised to discover a refrigerator magnet stuck to my forehead. I think the vax is a way for them to speed up the process...but I think we`ve all been blind idiots to their evil plans.

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow $60 for 30 day supply is SALTY. I used amazon...60 day supply QUERCETIN/ZINC...22mg Zinc/800mg -Q...$20 @Samsclub 50 day 5000iu(125mcg).......vit C 18 month supply 1000mg $14... You do the math...The 2nd item (5000iu) is Vitamin D...$17...all together o nearly 2 month supply but vit c only 1 purchase nec.... so appx $50 1st 2 mo. then $35 next2...

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whats up with the word based`? Has it replaced the word biased? If so, when and why?

gumundre 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife and I are dealing with the same situation only worse. Yesterday our youngest received her 2nd shot. She stopped talking to me almost 3 weeks ago. She is a nurse and is totally brainwahed. Her husband and oldest son (19) also got both shots. Her 2 youngest received 1 shot several weeks ago and are wanting to get the 2nd asap, daugter 15, son 13. Their oldest daughter is 21 and is 6 months pregnant, living with her fiance. I am not able to talk freely with her do to the wishes of my daughter, her mother but have discussed the subject with soon to be husband. He says they won`t get the shot. I am concerned about possible shedding as my pregnant grand daughter often spends time her mom, dad and siblings. They are all extremely happy and anxiously awaiting their first grand baby and niece. I mentioned my concerns but I have been pretty much dismissed as far as expressing opinions. All we can do is pray. My daughter worked on a 'covid' floor all through the 1st wave. She worked extra shifts and never got sick even though she was around lots of supposed covid patients. She was tested often as well. Then she decided to get vaxed, even though common sense says she likely had natural immunity. She had a reaction, bad headaches, severe joint pain. She visited her doctor who convinced her that she got the shot in the nick of time because she was feeling the covid effects??? I asked her if it seemed odd that she felt great before the shot but immediatey sick afterwards and then I suggested she was having an adverse reaction but she dismissed that thought because dr said it was covid that her body was feeling. We will pray for everybody else going through this shit.

gumundre 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could this series of pics all be screen captures of that satanic sacrifice of that little girl? OMG if true...these sick monsters need to PAY in such a painful deliberate unimaginable way...Please GOD, make it soon...

gumundre 3 points ago +3 / -0

#16-Is this a frame taken from that sick video of HRC & Huma eating that terrified young girl? I remember clicking on a link not knowing what to expect. There was nothing in the title to indicate the depravity it revealed. A scratchy like quality shot in black and white. HRC & Huma was the only description in the link so I had no clue of the sick digusting depravity it contained...it had a grainy quality and the 2 womens eyes were bright white as if filmed in night vision. Squinting while trying to make out what was being shown before hearing a childs terried tortured like screm...I immediately exited the video, jumped up and ran to can to puke praying that it wasn`t what it appeared to be...The image in slide #16 sure looks like the 2 women in that video...

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