The thing about the Canadian truckers is that they couldn't really continue due to PM Trudope cutting off their funds, and the traitors in the US haven't fully embraced the environmental policies like those in the Netherlands, or even Sri Lanka. The US is also way too big to block roads effectively.
My suggestion is mainly to ramp-up what we've been doing already, and since, like on J6, we've seen what will happen if we peacefully protest in public, ramping-up our current strategy seems like the better option. If you've got other ideas on how we can peacefully protest, I'd like to hear them!
We show we are on Trump's side and quintuple our redpilling/info sharing efforts! Post as many memes as you can the second he's arrested! Change your profile pics to his! This latest battle in the meme war will be our D-Day!
I know we tried going to the US capital, though if we'd gone to our state capitals, town halls, even post offices, (though, maybe not in the major cities if the people there are gone anyway) we could've shown just how many voted for Trump, and Antifa couldn't get to every single demonstration. I was just thinking about a different timeline were we did this instead, so no drugs involved, just sleepy brain talk.
There was a video I saw not too long ago about a woman who didn't want to see anymore, so, with the help of her therapist or psychologist or whoever mind you, she blinded herself and now lives as a blind person. It's sad that some people want to mutilate themselves in these ways, but also that now those who should be helping them with those thoughts encourage them instead.
This is why we protest digitally! No meeting up in groups! No going to Mar-a-Lago, or the DA office in NY!