Oh yeah, thanks. And there are tons of channels on YT for backyard chickens. I'm going to grow black oil sunflower seeds this summer to supplement chicken and bird feed. I don't think I have enough space for corn, unless I tear up more of my lawn, which I probably will eventually.
Okay, I bought a book on Preserving and Canning for Beginners, and I'm familiar with the Ball Blue book, and I also consult the National Center for Home Food Preservation online. Thanks for the feedback! I've been thinking about sour kraut, too, but I might be over extended this year, lol. Good luck with your fermented cabbage! (I made and canned do chua Vietnamese pickle to make banh mi Vietnamese subs; it's so easy! Carrot and daikon radish, I recommend it.)
It's like instantly labeling a person as different, a sub-group. Not unifying in any way. Designed to perpetuate the us vs. them squabbling. [They] preach equality, but then pressure everyone to label each other under distinctly separate categories, implying that they are somehow to be treated differently. I once hesitantly referred to my long-distance friend (the one who introduced me to this site!) as Japanese-Canadian (his parents met in Toronto, after emigrating there). He said, Man, I'm CANADIAN, born and raised here. (He admires Trump, and was the one to open my eyes to the Q patriot movement.) "African-American" indeed. If their ancestors came from Africa hundreds of years ago, fine...but...my ancestors came from Great Britain over a hundred years ago, imagine if I went around telling people I'm British-American? lol. That wouldn't go over well.
I hear you. The spoken word can affect very powerful things, and I too have been more open about talking about God. It's a physical relief to do so. And while people who speak truth may incite uncomfortable reactions from people, the thought remains out there, and people think about it, and it becomes a point of discussion. Like Mayweather...his comment has drawn attention, not all good, I'm sure, but it raises discussion, like here, and that's important. A person's first reaction may temper over time, and eventually they may actually be enlightened.
In addition to gardening, I'm going to build a small chicken coop this summer (between tilling and planting the large garden, it will take me a while to make the coop as I'm not an experienced carpenter, but I have the tools and a good book and spare wood, so I'm gonna go for it) so I can order chicks next spring. I wanted to get chicks this spring, but I have to be realistic about how long it will take me to build the coop.
Do I really need a pressure canner to preserve low acidic foods, like cooked legumes and potatoes, for example? I've gotten quite good at canning my tomatoes, apple sauce, and pickles, but I'd like to preserve more foods, like beans, etc. Also, thanks for the opportunity to talk gardening! My seeds are sprouting now...
I don't know SLC very well, but I imagine all cities are infested somewhat. I live in the rural west, not too far from there, but it's a different world in the small towns around here. Mind you, I'm a recluse who hides from the public anyway.
Toronto is the woke asshole of Canada, full of libtards who are glued to Instagram and FB. They don't care about anything other than the hottest new brunch restaurant. The decent folks are fleeing Toronto in droves. The CCP has a strong presence there.
Your question gave me food for thought. The Occupy movement seems to me now, in retrospect, to have been the first big movement of anons who had been red-pilled by 9/11 to the crimes of the deep state.
It was a mixed bag, though. I seem to remember there were as many street kids and homeless squatters as there were liberal college students. I wonder, also, if it might have been a recruiting event for later Antifa and BLM members.
Progressive liberals used to be down on Big Finance. The same types used to protest the G7 summits. Now they've been infiltrated, subverted, and brainwashed into being nonsensical pawns of the fascist state, too distracted with the contrived race war and gender ideology and green new deals to care about Wall Street anymore. I remember Icke was there, going on about how useless it was to protest, because [they] are far more evil than we know. He used it as an awakening cue, though, and, despite his lizard talk, he's done some excellent dives into cabal connections and history, but I digress.
So, no...it wasn't just a bunch of liberals, it was all kinds of people who were fed up with the central banking system, and the people who ran it. That was my takeaway, but I'm sure other people have different conclusions.
Also, why did the CDC edit their phosgene profile two weeks before the derailment? They did the same thing with midazolam, the drug used to kill elderly patients in quarantine during the first wave of 'covid' deaths. With midazolam, the CDC increased the prescribed dosage to a lethal one on their website, which medical practitioners referred to during that time. During this time of silent war, I don't believe there are coincidences.
Use their own weapons against them. I like that idea. On the subject of the Internet, I often wonder if it was a miraculous gift to us by some angelic power that knew we would need a resource like that to amass against our oppressors. Maybe it is they who tried to use our weapon against us in this instance, but failed miserably? But I don't know much about who created the Internet and why. I assume you do. The opposite could equally be true. All I know is, my personal awakening began when I got my first laptop sometime after 9/11 and the info just poured in.
This, exactly. I believe [they've] been trying to poison us slowly for decades through our seemingly innocuous everyday items. Perfumes in our 'sanitary' products (remember the talcum powder revelation?), soaps and detergents (fabric softener is deadly), 'preservatives' in our food, carcinogens in our clothes, furniture, even our water bottles! Medicines that make us sicker, endless vaccines causing autism and developmental issues, legalization of gov't-produced drugs...List goes on. All of these things cause chronic health problems, cancers/diseases, and infertility. We know Big Pharma is capable of this now, sick people are cash cows, and pop. decline as an added bonus. Maybe the recent chemical spills were a white hat operation? Another red-pill forced on the normies.
Yes, my coop plans include hardware cloth, and I intend to put together a chick nursery. We live in a small town, and regulations require that they be contained, although I kept free-range hens in Mexico when I lived there a few years ago. I intend to build a nice big pen for them in the backyard, which is nowhere near 10 acres, just a large rural backyard. It's best for them, really, because we have a lot of hawks out here in the Wasatch Mountains. I intend to make the pen somewhat mobile that I can move it around the yard as needed. Thanks for the tips and support!